
  Chapter 2738 Abandoning

Actually all this is within the plot against, of course, it is all within him Within the plot against.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan did not know that they had gone through hundreds of trials that year, but in fact there were many results, and the result this time was one of them.

Now that Wuyou has become a demonic cultivator, he has already figured out how to do the next step. In fact, Demon Venerable has always adjusted its plan according to changes in the situation, and now it can be said to be in a very ideal state.

He didn't expect, he really became a demonic cultivator, and he really got to this step!

This time he must cherish the opportunity so that he can get the result he wants.

Demon Venerable looked at all around, then threw the magic orb out, and then quietly watched the worry-free process of change.

Changing from a cultivator to a demonic cultivator is not so easy. The process is very long and naturally painful.

But in this process, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan's attacks were only paused for a short time, and then continued, there was no relaxation at all.

This persistent attack interrupted the demonization process of Worry-free. Worry-free was anxious but could not help it. Is it so difficult for him to become a demonic cultivator now? This group of people is really hateful!

Because of the interference of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, he had to shorten the process of demonization, which would inevitably have some drawbacks, but he had to do this by mixing magic and spiritual power for protection. It hurts his body.

These people have too many tricks, one after another, they are attacking in groups like the ants, and he is affected by their tricks one after another.

So, he can only think of a way, this way is to complete the demonization of meridian first regardless of the Divine Consciousness fusion. Of course, this process is not short, but it is much shorter than complete integration.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan seem to feel this change, and they work harder when attacking. They don't know what Demon Venerable is doing, why not attack now, but they don't interfere.

Because they know that what Demon Venerable does has its own truth, and every step he takes is plot against good.

And they only need to trust, fully trust Demon Venerable.

"Let's help!" Zhao Ting stood up, part of his injury recovered, and now he has spiritual power, just to help.

And there are Sun Qianqian and Lin Lang beside Zhao Ting. They both saw the situation of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and they came to help one after another. Now it is the time when Wuyou is desperate and must grasp this. Chance.

A few people attacked together. Although Wuyou has a high self-esteem, he has to admit that he can't handle it. He can only continuously extract spiritual power and demonic energy, and then let his dantian be demonic energy. Full of.

At this time, it is inevitable that there will be omissions, and all of a sudden, a force will hit the body. That energy smashed him upside down and flew out, he was very angry, very annoyed, and even more decisive.

No, it won’t work if this goes on!

Wuyou didn't want to do this, but now he has to. He grabbed the ring back, and then dropped a drop of his own efforts, directly on the ring.

At this moment, everyone saw the rays of light in the ring. Although Xi Yuezhong was not damaged by the ring, the ring was fine. However, after the rays of light at this moment, the ring was completely shattered, as if it had received a powerful backlash.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they heard a crazy laughed heartily, which sounded like a magic sound, which could reverberate continuously in people's minds, as if they were going to get into their heads.

That was a man, just tall and tall, compared to being handsome...No, I can't say handsome, but handsome and carefree. This guy doesn't look good.

The painting style is really rough, so when the man came out and stood in front of worry-free, he formed a clear contrast.

Although Xiao Guoguo and the others really don't want to see Wuyou, they can't put this man and Wuyou on the same level. The contrast is really too big and it hurts the eyes.

"Worry-free, you finally dared to release me! What's the matter, I figured it out, I want to let Lao Tzu go?"

The man was very mad, not at all Put this worry-free in your eyes, a completely supercilious look.

Actually the same, because they are right across from him, but this guy just doesn't exist without them, not even a single expression.

"Shi Gang, you remember that I once said that you owe me a life." Wuyou said so, the man was nodded, and he remembered clearly.

"Yes, I owe you a life. I have stayed by your side without leaving for so many years. Have you thought about it now? How can I pay you back this life!"


That Shi Gang asked this, and at the same time stared at Wuyou very seriously, as if asking if you really thought about it!

"Kill them, you will be free!" Worry-free pointing at Xiao Guoguo and them, with a very calm look.

"They? Killed them? Their cultivation base is not high." When Shi Gang said that, he suddenly raised his head, and then he took a serious look at Wuyou, and then he was surprised. .

"You, how did you become a demonic cultivator...No, you are not completely a demonic cultivator, you will soon become a demonic cultivator!"

After that , The shocked expression disappeared, but a look of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Although Wuyou has a good mentality, she can't bear such irony. He was already transforming the demonic cultivator now, and he didn't even think of facing the irony of a Shi Gang.

"Kill them, or you will stay by my side forever."

Xiao Guoguo saw this, Shi Gang's body trembled. After a while, he said in fear: "Don't say that, I'm not going to be with you all the time.

You said that people will misunderstand the relationship between us. Don't talk like that. I don’t know, I’m too bad."

After Shi Gang said that, Xiao Guoguo seemed to understand the relationship between them. This one named Shi Gang must have been given by Wuyou because of something. It's restricted, otherwise it won't be like this.

Obviously, it is not good to be worried, and it is obviously annoying, but he has to stay by his side, but he has to help accomplish one thing. This is really weird.

But to be honest, even if someone misunderstands something, the two of them will have no worries. This is a real word of conscience.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Wuyou yelled three words, then slowly closed his eyes.

He has released his trump card. There is a complicated relationship between him and Shi Gang.

At the beginning, he also regarded Shi Gang as an ultimate weapon that would only be released when it was most dangerous. But now, for the sake of a few of them, he had to release the stone.

Now that Shi Gang is about to fulfill his promise, he will never have to stay by his side anymore from the moment he finishes it.

(End of this chapter)

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