
  Chapter 2737 Demonization

Xiyuezhong ’s level is very high, but Xiao Guoguo is actually a little worried of.

After all, the other party's ring looks very illusory. No one knows which one is more powerful than Xi Yuezhong.

But they couldn't watch the ring take their lives, so Xiao Guoguo threw Xi Yuezhong out to protect everyone.

Facts have proved their luck, Xi Yuezhong is indeed great, and the ring is helpless. Of course, she also saw the worry-free face on the other side, it was really fluxed and exasperated.

Wuyou definitely didn't expect, his attack this time was blocked again.

Xiao Guoguo thought so, feeling a little more stable in her heart, but at the same time she was still very worried about Mo Yu and them, but she couldn't feel them now, as if Mo Yu had taken them away from the plane.

Xiao Guoguo knows that all this is for them. For this reason, she can't continue to waste time, she must find the other party's loopholes quickly.

"You magic weapon... where did it come from!" Wuyou asked in a deep voice, looking at Xi Yuezhong, she always felt as if she had known each other before.

"Naturally made it by herself." Xiao Guoguo replied, she would not tell the other party the origin of Xi Yuezhong.

"With your cultivation base, how can you refine such a magic weapon! Your treasure must have been stolen, or... someone helped you refine it." Wuyou thought this way, in his heart Slightly tight.

He always felt that Xi Yuezhong was very familiar, but he wanted to do not raise for a while. This made him feel uneasy.

And Xiao Guoguo was also silent, the Life and Death Sword in her hand slowly flew up, and Chi Xuan took out the magic weapon with a clear voice.

Within Xiyuezhong, they can block the attack from outside, and at the same time, they can attack!

Although there is no spiritual power, their energy is still there, so now is the time to fight back.

"You are really not simple, after all, I am still too looked down on you." At this moment, Wuyou said that, this is the truth, and he is really sighed in his heart.

He shouldn't be so underestimated, otherwise he won't be forced to such a situation. Seeing the black demonic energy surrounding him, and feeling the magic power in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he felt that his spiritual power was gradually weakening.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn’t say anything. The magic weapon in their hands was shining with rays of light, and the sword light pierced out quickly, and at the edge of the sword light, there was a voiceless sound. The sound of the piano is wrapped.

Everyone never thought that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan could cooperate in this way!

One is sword qi and the other is sound kill. They can be perfectly integrated, which makes the opposite side worry-free.

these two people ...... What kind of peculiar combination is this, how did these two people do it? Who the hell is this woman, he simply has no memory of her in his mind.

Yes, there is simply no memory of Xiao Guoguo in Wuyou's mind, because at the time he graded this planet, Xiao Guoguo hadn't appeared yet.

How did he know at that time that Demon Venerable would have such a powerful daughter. So, he was really misguided. How could he not think that one day a Xiao Guoguo will complete Chi Xuan and also make Demon Venerable's battle strength a qualitative leap.

You can’t move without worry, you can only use spiritual power to block the sword light and piano sound. But the problem is that part of his spiritual power has now been absorbed, and he cannot mobilize the demonic energy. The remaining spiritual power is indeed a bit difficult to block the continuous attack.

At this moment, in the constant attack of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, a black silhouette suddenly appeared in front of Wuyou.

"You, why are you here!" Wuyou couldn't believe it. Looking at his feet, the Demon Venerable actually emerged from the root of the tree under his feet.

How is this possible! How did this man hide by his side, but he didn't notice at all, not a single trace of it.

But Demon Venerable didn't say a word at all, but was immediately wrapped around his neck by the black demonic energy.

Wuyou felt that the black demonic energy wanted to swallow him. He naturally couldn't let the demonic energy be so rampant. He hurriedly converged his mind and expelled the demonic energy.

It's just that the demonic energy is too powerful. Demon Venerable took this opportunity to grab his hand, and he was unable to resist. No worries doubt, if Demon Venerable inserted a dagger into his heart at this time, he would be powerless to resist.

"What you owe will always be paid back." Demon Venerable said so, black's demonic energy began to wander along his meridian, unexpectedly destroying all his meridian.

"So courageous." Wuyou is very angry, he has already felt that this black demonic energy is going to follow his meridian and destroy all his meridian.

Wuyou naturally can't let such things happen, but now he is forcing demonic energy out, and he can't do it all at once.

His meridian is infested by the black demonic energy. At this time, the spiritual power can’t run freely. The opponent’s sword qi and piano sound are too fast. They need to be protected again and again, and one time can’t be protected. Then...

He was actually forced to such a situation, how did he step by step to such a situation?

Almost instantly, Wuyou made up his mind. He let the black demonic energy enter the dantian in an instant, but at the same time, the energy mixed with spiritual power and demonic energy formed a protection, and then blocked the sword qi.

Demon Venerable suddenly raised his head looking worry-free, and then quickly backed away, he looked worry-free, really didn't expect, this is really ruthless.

"He turned himself into a demonic cultivator." Xiao Guoguo couldn't believe that this worry-free would be really cruel to him.

Becoming a demonic cultivator is a very shameful thing in the cultivation world, and after becoming a demonic cultivator, there will be many drawbacks, for example, spiritual power can't be absorbed.

They can also absorb the force of nature and Power of Earth without absorbing spiritual power, but the demonic cultivator... Judging from the current situation, they can absorb at most one Power of Primordial Chaos.

Apart from this, he has nothing to absorb, and does the rule world have demonic energy and Power of Primordial Chaos?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Guoguo wanted to laugh. No matter what, they succeeded this time without any worries. It feels really good. For so many years, Wuyou has done a lot of harm to them, and this time has finally paid for itself.

They turned him into a demonic cultivator.

How arrogant this person is, he is probably one of the best in the rule world. He went out and came back and became a demonic cultivator.

This is too surprising!

It is estimated that those who are not pleasing to his eyes in the rule world have to thank them. This is simply for the people. Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but laughed when he thought about this, and then looked at side Chi Xuan, he did the same. They were very happy when they saw his smile brightly.

Of course, they are happy, but Demon Venerable is very cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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