
  Chapter 2726 Meeting

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were both stunned by the words of worry-free. They didn’t 't expect This worry-free adult has such a keen sense of smell, he found the problem all at once.

What they didn't expect even more is that he actually found someone who betrayed him.

They didn't do it on purpose, it's just that they didn't expect in all previous calculations. Wuyou is so smart. Just a small omission made him want to understand so much.

This worry-free adult is really powerful, but this is not the most powerful, the most important thing is to hit people. One sentence can directly punish the heart, this Wang Chen is a person in the rule world, what does this mean?

They were guessing, and they heard the worry-free adult continue to say: "Although you are in the rule world, the rule world must have the ability to survive.

You have fallen that year. If it weren’t for me to give you a chance, do you really think you can stand in front of everyone with such a beautiful scenery?"

Wang Chen listened to this Question, I wanted to say no, I wanted to defend myself. But looking at Wuyou's eyes, he knew that he couldn't lie, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the ability.

Because his mind is not under his control now, and he doesn't want to endure it anymore.

Although he doesn’t know whether Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were deliberate or unintentional, one thing is very clear, that is, Mr. Wuyou has already suspected him, so whether he did it or not , The other party will kill him.

This is Mr. Worry-free. He never cares about what you do. He only wants the result he wants. As for other people, it is irrelevant.

So Wang Chen smiled, said with a smile: "Yes, I am a person in the rule world, what am I afraid of!"

After Wang Chen said that, nothing Master You sneered and said: "You are a member of the rule world, so you should go back to the rule world to have a look!"

Yes, you are a member of the rule world, so you can go back!

This is enough to irritate people, and people still look contemptuous, and don't even do it. They just despise you and feel that you don't have the need for him to do it. This is deliberately irritating.

Wang Chen's face changed after hearing this. Yes, he can't go back. If he can go back, how could he be like today.

It's like Wuyou said. Although he is a person in the rule world, he also grew up in the rule world, but his own aptitude is really average.

From an early age in the rule world, competition has to be faced, because only those who have won in the competition can continue to live. If they lose, they will lose their lives.

His aptitude is average, but his personality is tenacious, so with his own efforts, he climbs up little by little. He climbed to the position of others, and it was obtained by paying more than others.

So he felt that he had a clear conscience, but didn't expect became a thorn in the eyes of the upper class. Just when he felt that he could reach the end with hard work, an accident happened. Someone plot against him and let him lose his life.

This kind of plot against he has seen in his life, I don't know how many, the only thing that cannot be tolerated is that the person who shot is too powerful, because he is too powerful, so he has not escaped this time.

Although not reconciled, but the opponent's strength is strong, he has nothing to do. Just when he was discouraged, thinking that he could recall this life, and then frankly died, Lord Wuyou appeared.

Therefore, he is actually his own life saving benefactor.

But this relationship is a little bit different. The life saving benefactor of other people usually requires benefits to be used to repay the kindness, but this one requires a lifetime of loyalty.

He has no choice, otherwise his Divine Soul cannot be preserved, let alone a new body.

So he agreed, almost selling himself to the other party, only to get such a chance to start all over again.

But Wuyou seems to be for him to complete the task, and the body he found for him turned out to be very powerful. The aptitude is good, and the cultivation base is not low, but I don’t know why it fell.

His main body is damaged, so naturally it can't be used, but the one in front of him is okay, so he entered this main body.

The only thing he keeps now is the name that belongs to him.

After that, he was arranged to come to this world, and then step by step to this position.

His task is very simple, that is, to deal with people who shouldn't exist. He knows the meaning of people who shouldn't exist, and he has never felt sorry for Chi Xuan them.

Chi Xuan is poor, Demon Venerable is innocent, he is actually just a pawn in the hands of others, how can he be qualified to be pitiful and sympathetic to others?

But this time, he still held back his subordinates. After all, they didn't completely ruin them, and Divine Soul was left behind.

If he is more vicious, he can completely wipe out Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

Comparing him with this adult, he is so kind, this adult doesn't think so much, and gives them a chance to come back!

The only thing he didn't expect was that the lives of these two guys were so good, and Chi Xuan had been so good since his new cultivation, and he went to this step today.

Moreover, because of his intervention, Chi Xuan's fate has changed, and Xiao Guoguo's body has also completely changed. Now she and Chi Xuan are a powerful force, and she is not necessarily Is the opponent.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he has come to ask his state of mind.

Seeing that as long as it is a breakthrough, he will be able to enter the rule world again, or go back with such a strong cultivation base, how can he not be tempted!

But he also understands that Wuyou will not help him, it will only hinder him. After all, the threat of this world is gone, and there are other worlds.

That's why he made up his mind so that it is useless to rely on others, he can only rely on himself.

He does not regret his betrayal at this time, even if it is discovered, he does not regret it!

"Hehe, you saved me back then and were kind to me. I will remember this all the time. But I don't want to be anyone's pawn anymore."

Wang After Chen finished saying that, the worry-free adult smiled faintly, as if he wasn't angry.

"You are not the first person to betray me, and probably will not be the last, but you may not know, but none of those who betray me has succeeded."

These words are simply too shocking. Xiao Guoguo feels that this is Wang Chen's temperament strength. If this is a change of person, it is estimated that he will not be able to stand such a blow, and his mentality would have collapsed long ago.

"It doesn't matter, there will always be the first one to succeed." Wang Chen said, as if he was confident in himself.

"You really value yourself." Wuyou is no longer anxious now. They have seen all their backhands, and there is nothing to worry about.

Originally, he didn't worry about it. He just thought it was interesting. Seeing them so actively thinking of ways and jumping up and down, but in fact, what can they do.

The result is just futile, they won't get anything. Waiting until the end is the most interesting part. It feels good when watching them regret and begging for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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