
  Chapter 2725 Reasons

"It seems that you are thinking of me." Chi Xuan said. Xiao Guoguo's face was calm, but Mr. Wuyou was a little angry.

He decided the matter and ordered him, but he really didn't want to be ridiculed by others. They are who, why listen to them arrogantly here.

But even so, after all, Master Wuyou has a high self-esteem, he would not act like this, instead he seemed to have fallen behind.

"I don't remember many people, your aptitude is good, it's one." Mr. Wuyou said, still condescending.

"It's really not a good thing to be remembered like this by you." Chi Xuan said.

"cannot tell good from bad." Mr. Wuyou was still angry after all. Chi Xuan's sentence made him feel that they should be killed, and he would do it himself.

But he always doesn't like doing it himself, otherwise he won't be so strenuous. If any world finds that aptitude is good, just do it himself.

But it's not like that. He doesn't like to do it himself, so he has found so many people. Otherwise, why bother.

"I can't afford your kind of care. I also know that this cultivation world is weak are prey to the strong. Everything is the cultivation base. I have the final say, but I still can't help wanting Ask, why do you do this?" Chi Xuan asked.

Worry-sama looked at Chi Xuan, he could feel that this ant wanted to resist now, he felt that he was strong enough, that he could resist himself and his destiny.

It's so funny, he thinks he can, can he really do it?

"What qualifications do you have to ask me?" The worry-free lord asked.

"In order for me to find a reason not to kill you. You do this, surely there is no reason, after all, we are ants, would you not see it in your eyes?"

Chi Xuan asked that, the worry-free lord was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded: "Yes, I never saw you in my eyes. Although you think your aptitude is good, but in my opinion , Only this.

And, since you are ordinary people, then you should have the consciousness of being ordinary people. Cultivation is to go against the road, but you don’t know the satisfaction, and you want to find the rule world. .

The rule world is not something you can covet, nor is it where you should go. Isn’t it good to spend your life in this world?

But it’s yours I don’t know the satisfaction, you want to disturb the rule world, this is unforgivable."

Chi Xuan understood this. Their sin is that they want too much, and they can’t wish for wishful thinking. , Can't improve oneself, can't go to the highest position.

Because that position is not for them outsiders, that position is for someone who belongs to the rule world he thinks.

So their existence is wrong, so they are a threat that should be eliminated.

"I see, our existence makes you feel an eyesore. This is the only reason, because you think we shouldn't exist, so you are ready to kill."

When Chi Xuan said that, Xiao Guoguo felt very uncomfortable when the other party was coldly smiled.

Who is born strong in this world? How can he decide who is born and who deserves to die! This is not fair!

"It's good if you can understand." Mr. Wuyou said.

He felt that the tone of Chi Xuan's speech was a bit familiar, and he always had that kind of ridicule, which felt very bad.

"We can understand and understand, but unfortunately we can't accept it. You think of us as ants, but the sentence also said that ants are greedy, so we can't obediently surrender.

So, please understand that we must resist and fight you to the end. If you are unwilling, if we have this ability, we will even kill you!"

Chi Xuan After that, Xiao Guoguo looked at him, and sure enough, this is the Chi Xuan he likes.

He was magnanimous, he was never afraid, this is what Chi Xuan should be. Of course, they are not afraid of this worry-free adult. This guy wants to control their lives. This kind of thing has happened once, and it must never happen again.

"Do you want to resist?" After Wuyou finished saying that, laughed heartily got up.

He is crazy, he dared to talk to himself like this! They felt that if they defeated a Wang Chen and a trifling Wang Chen, they were qualified to negotiate terms with themselves!

"Yes." Chi Xuan replied, Xiao Guoguo grabbed his hand, this is the most silent support.

Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo were a little surprised by the real performance of Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo. He didn't understand where the confidence came from, so he dared to compete with himself like this. Do they really think they will win?

"So, don't blame me for not showing mercy." Mr. Wuyou said so, and a layer of spiritual power barrier appeared beside Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

This barrier appeared very quickly, before Wuyou had started it. Worry-free is pretty sure, they are already prepared.

Already prepared? At this moment, Master Wuyou looked at all around, and then saw Wang Chen with a scar on his body.

Is that true? That's why they prepared in advance. Because they know that they are behind the scenes, and they are already prepared to deal with themselves, right?

The worry-free adults feel as if they know their little secrets, yes, that's right. After so many years, how could there not be a few conscious. Of course, he has seen the trouble, but no one has succeeded in these years.

So, this one is just a spice in life. Does this guy think he can succeed?

"Wang Chen, I didn't expect you to have such courage." Mr. Wuyou said so, Wang Chen was taken aback, and then he spouted a mouthful of blood.

"My lord, I don't, I really don't!" Wang Chen said, immediately defending himself.

But the worry-free adult only moved his finger slightly, and then he heard a scream from Wang Chen.

"Ah! Ah!" Wang Chen screamed again and again, which showed how painful he was.

"What's the matter with the demonic energy of your body! What's the matter with your mark! Can't it cause you harm?"

It seems that Mr. Wuyou didn't 't expect, the formidable power of this imprint is so much smaller, although Wang Chen looks bad, but he carefully looked at it, he was not injured because of the imprint's punishment.

"My lord!" Wang Chen only shouted, but he didn't say any more, but looked at him with aggrieved and angry eyes.

"Don't look at me like this, I don't believe it at all. Look at your mark, if you are really loyal to me, how can you limit the formidable power of this mark so much?

If I haven’t found out yet, is it time for you to return to the rule world by yourself after a while?

Oh, yes, I forgot, you are People in the rule world should go back, now is a good opportunity, or I will take you back. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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