
See   you again in Chapter 2703

"Don’t panic everyone!" An Elder shouted, Earth Demon The people of the tribe looked firm and brave.

Yes, don't panic at this time, because behind them is their most important Demon Lord. In any case, today, these people who want to hurt the Demon Lord must be completely wiped out.

"Don't let the enemy pass by, no one will do!" Another Elder shouted, looking at Wang Chen who was about to pass, and hurriedly stopped him.

But why would Wang Chen bother with him? He just had one idea, now he is going to kill the Demon Lord.

Stimulated by this thought, he didn't even give this Elder a look, but slapped it directly, and shot the Elder flying out.

Although the shoot flew far, but it did not hurt the root, because his purpose at the moment is not to hurt people, but not to be entangled.

"no! Demon Lord!" A cry of grief and indignation made Wang Chen even more certain. The person who is in Transcending Tribulation here is the Demon Lord.

The feelings of the other party were too sincere, and Wang Chen was more confident in his judgment. He saw the barrier in front of him. Without thinking about it, he slapped the barrier with a slap.

But what he didn't expect was that the barrier just swayed, but it was not broken. Wang Chen didn't believe it and attacked again.

At this moment, the Demon Venerable finally stood up. He looked at the side Earth Demon clansman and said: "The following things are up to you. You can do it yourself."

Demon Venerable said that clansman was nodded with excitement. This was originally his own understanding. If the Demon Lord is not here, then he can only carry it by himself. Before Demon Lord helped him so much, he naturally only has gratitude and no complaints. of.

"By the way, you go elsewhere for Transcending Tribulation, it's safer." Demon Venerable said so, with a light palm of the hand, the Earth Demon family of Transcending Tribulation was sent to several dozen li. outside.

Wang Chen was hitting the barrier desperately, but he didn't notice that Jie Yun had already run away.

He was shocked in his heart. Who made the barrier? How could it be so powerful? After he attacked it three or four times, there was only a gap in the barrier, and it was not broken yet!

But Wang Chen was not discouraged. He was worried. For this, he took seven or eight shots again. Sure enough, the barrier had the meaning of being broken.

The Demon Venerable inside looked at all this with a very calm expression. He thought he knew Wang Chen well, and now it seems that this guy is a bit stupid than he thought.

Didn't he notice that the tribulation thunder has gone? Didn't you really notice that this atmosphere is a bit wrong?

At the moment when the barrier broke, Wang Chen looked up and saw a silhouette standing in the middle.

But it's not right... This height is wrong, this is clearly a human being.

Look at all around again, there is no one, and the tribulation thunder seems to have disappeared!

No, it's not disappeared, but farther away! Could it be that the Demon Lord ran away, this man was trying to delay his pace?

Wang Chen looked into the distance, and there was still a tribulation thunder falling there, but it seemed that the tribulation thunder was not as powerful as before. It should be said that there is a difference of tens of thousands of miles, these two tribulation thunder simply are not on the same level.

He has an illusion that this is not the same person in Transcending Tribulation.

But how should all this be explained? Why is there a Human Race here? Why did the tribulation thunder suddenly go beyond several dozen li and become so weak?

"Wang Chen, really long time no see." Demon Venerable spoke first, and at the same time he took off the mask on his face.

When Wang Chen saw Demon Venerable, he felt that he had a cold sweat running out of his back. He never thought that he would see Demon Venerable here.

"You! Why are you here!" Wang Chen asked.

He knew that Demon Venerable had run away, but he didn't know that Demon Venerable would appear with the Earth Demon clan. No, these Earth Demon clansman are with Zhao Ting, that is to say, Zhao Ting is with Demon Venerable!

This idea made him feel very absurd, just like the last time he suspected that Zhao Ting was in collusion with the Earth Demon clan as absurd, this time is more difficult to accept than last time.

He even felt that he could understand Zhao Ting and the Earth Demon clan together, but with Demon Venerable, the hatred between them was very deep.

"Why cannot I be here?" Demon Venerable asked with a smile, and Wang Chen grabbed his thoughts back and looked at Demon Venerable again.

On this look, he discovered that Demon Venerable is no longer the person he knew, and his imposing manner was different, and when he looked closely, he couldn't see through the opponent's cultivation base.

This is impossible. If he were a human cultivator in the past, he might not understand the demonic cultivator's cultivation base. But now, he is a demonic cultivator. How can he not understand the same kind?

Therefore, the other party’s cultivation base is clearly above oneself!

"How could you be! Why on earth are you with Zhao Ting and why you became..."

Wang Chen has come to understand now, he must have been caught. Zhao Ting and Demon Venerable teamed up to pit him! Why can't they be together? Zhao Ting and that woman are between the two of them!

Thinking about it this way, it seems that many things can be explained, including the cooperation between Zhao Ting and Demon Venerable.

"Zhao Ting and they saved me. You trapped me for so many years. Didn't expect someone to be rescued one day?" Demon Venerable asked with a sneer.

"I did not expect that if I had known that there was such a day, I would not have you locked up in those days, but would have killed you!

Blame me You shouldn’t be greedy. I always wonder if you have something that you haven’t told me yet, is there any hole card? That’s why you are left with your life!"

When Wang Chen said that Regrettably, he felt that he had underestimated this guy. If he wasn't so greedy back then, there would be no trap today.

"It's useless to regret, I also regret that you didn't reveal your true face earlier that year. So, neither of us two birds of a feather should despise who, who is better than who?"

Demon Venerable These words are the truth. Both of them are demonic cultivators, each of them deliberately wants to improve themselves and want to occupy this world, no one needs to despise anyone.

If you are serious about speaking of which, if it is not the same thing that two people have different positions, then they should be the people who know each other best in this world, and the people who are the most understanding of each other.

"Is this your remaining trap?" Although Wang Chen understood in his heart, he couldn't help but asked.

"I know, you already have an idea about the Demon Lord. Now that you have become a demonic cultivator, how can you only be satisfied with this world?

So I Help an Earth Demon clansman Transcending Tribulation. Sure enough, Thunder Tribulation became terrible because of punishing my help, and as I expected, you finally couldn’t sit still.

Actually, you shouldn’t come out. Yes, you have a good cultivation. Sooner or later, you will be able to ask the state of mind, and when you come out of the questioning space, none of us will be your opponent."

Demon Venerable is a heartbreaker. Now he is not the king. The question Chen wanted to do was whether he could or not.

(End of this chapter)

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