
  Chapter 2702 is honored.

Another Dao Tribulation thunder fell, and Demon Venerable reached out and used black Demonic energy put a black barrier on top of this Earth Demon clansman.

The thunder and lightning seemed to be angry, and it felt as if it had been provoked.

And the Earth Demon family of Transcending Tribulation took a deep breath, silent pride in his heart, Demon Lord helped him Transcending Tribulation, this matter was really enough for him to brag for a lifetime.

Who, who else can have this opportunity, this honor, let the Demon Lord help Transcending Tribulation! Although there is a reason for doing this, he is also the lucky one. If it weren't for his normally diligent cultivation, he just happened to encounter Transcending Tribulation. Now, where is this opportunity?

That is to say, what kind of sorry does he have for the opportunities he earns for himself.

Thinking this way, this Earth Demon clansman glanced at Demon Venerable secretly and smiled stupidly. This smile almost made Demon Venerable curse.

This guy stared at himself and smiled, feeling very strange, and he felt uncomfortable for a while.

This look, ordinary people really can't bear, this kind of crazy worship look, he really hasn't seen it in his previous life, shouldn't he actually go to Earth Demon in his previous life? So can he also come out with a reputation?

Thinking about it this way, I regret it. Did he choose the wrong one in his last life?

Of course, this emotion didn't last long. He still has serious things to do now and can't delay on these things. He felt that Wang Chen should be coming over now.

At the beginning, he didn't know Wang Chen very well, but he always felt very weird. Compared with the others in the Seven Palaces, this Wang Chen felt familiar to him.

It seems that he has seen a lot through Wang Chen, and saw some of his own shadows. At that time, he felt that this person was not easy to deal with, and was later arrested by him.

This is a history of shame, it is better not to think about it, the province will affect the mood.

Demon Venerable began to look forward to Wang Chen's expression after arriving here, and the revenge for so many years can be avenged. Thinking about it this way, Demon Venerable feels a lot more comfortable.

At this moment, Wang Chen was indeed halfway. He had to come here because of doubt in his heart. He plot against is very good, even if it comes, even if it is a trap, can they still trap him?

Apart from anything else, he still has this confidence. Those Earth Demon clan, although they are very difficult to deal with, they still don't have this prestige in front of themselves.

Wang Chen thinks so. Even if the Demon Lord comes, he is not ashamed. He hasn't seen the Demon Lord before. They also fought against him back then. That guy couldn't beat himself.

So with his men, Wang Chen walked with ease, and of course, the speed was not slow. Since he was going to cheat people and plot against, he couldn't go too late anyway.

If the other party's Transcending Tribulation is finished, it will be boring.

So when Wang Chen arrived, the tribulation thunder was still going on, but his subordinates were far away.

Of course, you can’t blame your subordinates for this. It’s really that Thunder Tribulation is a bit too powerful. He felt terrified when he looked at it from a distance, what level of tribulation thunder is this.

He is also experienced and knowledgeable. I haven't seen any level of tribulation thunder for so many years. But the tribulation thunder at this time, to be honest, is a bit scary.

What Thunder Tribulation is this? In the late Saint Realm, Void Realm Early-Stage, still said...no, impossible, unless it is really the Demon Lord Transcending Tribulation.

But he remembers clearly that the guy’s cultivation base was much worse than his own. How could it be possible that he had Transcending Tribulation before he had reached the point of view?

No, impossible, there must be some misunderstanding!

Wang Chen thought so and kept saying this in his heart, but he didn't take a step forward. It's as if you have felt the danger, and then want to avoid the danger.

Perhaps this is human intuition, when he feels it, he has years of retreat.

The tribulation thunder is genuine, but I always feel that there may be some problems.

In fact, it’s best to take advantage of it now. Although he will be implicated, the tribulation thunder may double down on him, but taking advantage of this opportunity, he killed the other party all at once, this can be considered earned.

Even though he was injured, he killed the Demon Lord at once. This was not only to gain an advantage in the confrontation with Zhao Ting and the others, so that they had no helpers, but also to plan for the future.

Even if this world becomes his, he is not satisfied with it. His goal is far away. Apart from this world, there is still a lot of time. The most familiar one now is the Demon Lord. The one where it is.

It’s a pity that within the realm, the Demon Lord has always been dominant. He developed his power very slowly and consumed a lot of energy. If he took advantage of this opportunity, he would destroy the opponent one at a time. , Then it will inevitably save a lot of effort in the future.

Thinking of his ambition, Wang Chen quietly approached after observing for a few hours.

And the grey-clothed people behind him followed him. Because they don’t have their own thinking, they are also the most loyal. They don’t know what’s in front of them, they just know that they just need to protect their master. Will suffice.

The further you go, the denser the tribulation thunders. These tribulations thunders are like a net that covers them all, and the gray-clothed people have also suffered the most direct damage.

At this moment, the Earth Demon clan has discovered them. After all, although Wang Chen wants to hide his whereabouts, the Earth Demon clan has surrounded the Demon Venerable group and protected not one drop of water can leak out. Mosquitoes don’t even want to fly over.

So Wang Chen was discovered sooner or later, and he never hoped that he would not be discovered by the Earth Demon clan. There was only one thing he had to do, and that was a breakthrough.

The gray-clothed man can stay to deal with the Earth Demon clan, and they don’t need to wipe out the Earth Demon clan completely, as long as they delay enough time for themselves, so that he has a chance to be close to the tribulation thunder loyalty.

The people there are his ultimate goal.

By the time the Earth Demon people parted up to rescue, it was too late. He believed that with his own strength, he would be able to achieve one strike certain kill!

So Wang Chen waited for the time. He had calculated it, the time when the thunder and lightning fell, and this time, he must win as well.

Earth Demon people have spotted the grey-clothed man, but they didn't move either. They looked very nervous because they felt threatened.

This makes Wang Chen even more certain. The person who is in Transcending Tribulation at this moment is the Demon Lord. Otherwise, they won't be so fearful. You see the enemy, but you don't dare to take action. It must be because there are more important things to protect.

The Earth Demon clan is bound by hands and feet, and the gray-clothed people are even more unscrupulous. They quickly arrived in front of the Earth Demon clan. At this moment, there is only one purpose, to attack!

Who would have thought that the two parties who had been procrastinating for so much, and had to be constantly probing, had undergone such a big change because of one variable, and the battle was about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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