
  Chapter 2687 Discuss

"You guys are who! What do you want!" Then Sect Master Shouting like this, he looked at the sect he had built with one hand, and it was destroyed in this way, and the pain of all kinds of separation in his heart could not be understood by others.

But no matter what he asks, these gray-clothed people don't speak, they seem to be performing a task, just to destroy this place.

And in this process, whoever dares to stop, then they will kill whoever.

For example, the Sect Master in front of him, the reason why he hasn't been killed yet is because he has value.

The man in gray grabbed the Sect Master up, and then fed a group of gray medicine pill. But Dashu knew that it was not medicine pill, but a group of Power of Primordial Chaos. After this man swallowed Power of Primordial Chaos, the whole person changed.

This man is the creator of this sect, and is naturally the core of these many dísciples. They all stare at themselves as Sect Masters, and are picked up by the opponent like an ordinary person, and they have no power to resist.

What a horrible thing, their Sect Master, the person with the highest cultivation base, was unable to resist the opponent even if it was just a little bit, and was fed a medicine pill that I don’t know what it is. This kind of impact is right. For them, it is too big.

And their Sect Master, just after eating that thing, his whole person was wrong, his body began to twist, like a puppet in other people’s hands, rolling on the ground, limbs A weird angle appeared.

And there are gray lines on the surface of his skin. The disciplines can naturally see that it is the meridian that is raised and turned gray.

The scalp of all the people watching this scene was numb, and the entire great hall absolute silence, they were shocked by this scene and dare not say anything. Someone yelled in the heart, but they didn't know what happened. They just couldn't open their mouths. It seemed to be because of fear, or it seemed to be suppressed by some force. They couldn't talk or move. They could only look at this scene.

Their Sect Master quickly ended the struggle, but instead of falling, he slowly stood up. His expression has changed, and if they were to tell them the most intuitive feeling, it would be cold and ruthless.

Now the Sect Master looks at their eyes as if looking at a stranger, and the eyes of the man in grey are full of respect and obedience!

No, this is not their Sect Master, and their Sect Master will not become like this.

And they didn't seem to be communicating by voice. The man in gray glanced at Sect Master, and then pointed at the people in the great hall.

Everyone felt bad, but they couldn't run away because the Sect Master had come quickly, and a spiritual power attack caused the weak cultivation base in the great hall to fall.

This move seems to be for the purpose of judging who is valuable, and only the valuable can continue to survive.

Although they don't know, this kind of alive is really alive.

Dashu saw this scene, and he sighed, not knowing what this world will become in the future, but from now on, Wang Chen doesn't want this world to be peaceful and peaceful.

A small sect, only select dozens of people as subordinates, and kill those who dare to obstruct them. Of course, they don’t care if they run away, as if they don’t care much.

But Dashu knows that for those who fled, one branch has returned to this sect, and the other part...without the constraints of the sect, it is easy to do evil.

Moreover, their attacking sects are all of the highest level of the plane. Such sect experts have been captured, and the dísciples are scattered, so they can easily become the target of other sect attacks.

Therefore, after the gray clothed person has left, there will be turmoil on this plane, whether it is the cultivation world or the ordinary person's world. That is the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Wang Chen's mind is really vicious. He doesn't even need to act on his own, only letting the gray-clothed men come forward, and he can disrupt a plane with no difficulty.

And this kind of turmoil, no one can stop it in a short time. Not to mention the people of the standard plane, it is Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. They want to put everything in order. Not an easy task.

With small gains, destruction is always easy. This can be seen from this Wang Chen's viciousness.

Dashu hadn't thought about what Wang Chen would do to the Dashu clan before, but judging from what he is doing now, he is likely to do such a thing.

Such a person will not allow a powerful force to exist unless it is used by him.

But the big tree has also seen it. The real use for him is to become a puppet without thinking. If this kind of existence continues, the big tree family is not willing.

Da Shuben did not make up his mind, but after this time, Dashu sent a message to Xiao Guoguo.

After Xiao Guoguo knew what Wang Chen was doing, he guessed his goal. Of course, this is also because Chi Xuan and Zhao Ting are very familiar with this Wang Chen, and they all know what his purpose is. .

"He is just for them to deal with these things. As long as we are tired of appeasing all planes, then we will certainly have no time and energy to find him." Zhao Ting said, Xiao Guoguo thinks this is very Makes sense.

So Wang Chen didn't take away a large number of people to become his subordinates. He just sabotaged, and then let these planes kill each other. He understood the nature of human beings, so he disrupted the order so that everyone could see the benefits, and he continued to fight for it.

"Then what shall we do now? Can't you just let it go?" Lin Lang asked.

This question silenced everyone. Yeah, I can’t just leave it alone. If you leave it alone, I don't know how many people will be implicated in it, and the deaths and injuries are far greater than that of Wang Chen's direct action.

It doesn't matter if they can't bear it. But if you really care about it, it's a mess, not a family, a small sect, a plane thing. Now it's a matter of dozens of planes, it simply takes a lot of energy and thoughts.

Then they are still going to find Wang Chen. If they waste time and can't cultivation, the gap between them and Wang Chen will naturally increase.

Everyone is silent, they have no good way. At this time, Xie Lingjun received the news from Dashu, and everyone felt helpless after seeing the actions of the man in gray.

"This is deliberate, this is deliberate! How can we leave it alone." Lin Lang felt angry and knew there was nothing he could do.

If they send someone out to take care of these things now, let's not say whether they can take care of them, and say that they have dispersed their strength, will they give Wang Chen a chance?

So even Lin Lang, who has a very upright temper, did not directly clamor that he must go, but was asking everyone for their opinions. If everyone objected, he would not go his own way.

(End of this chapter)

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