
  Chapter 2686 Trouble

They are now fighting for life and death, and as a result, at the critical moment, they are going to When the outcome was decided, they found the chaotic energy again.

He was very suspicious that Wang Chen had broken up.

Xiao Guoguo has always thought that he was open to hang up, and now he understands what a real hang up is. This must be taken care of by someone special, this is definitely a top-up player!

"Are you sure, this is Power of Primordial Chaos?" Zhao Ting asked. This frowns shows that he also thinks this matter is very difficult to solve.

"I'm not sure, it's the first time I have seen this energy. Of course, if you don't believe it, you can absorb it and try it yourself.

But I have one thing I want to make it clear to you that this energy was reorganized after Wang Chen absorbed it. If you absorb it, I can’t guarantee what will happen.”

Demon Venerable’s words are very conscience, because this king No one knows what Chen will do.

"So dangerous, did you absorb it just now? Are you okay?" Xiao Guoguo immediately asked Demon Venerable, and Demon Venerable faintly smiled and said: "What am I afraid of? He is at most in this energy. Mixed with magical powers, he is afraid that people will absorb this Power of Primordial Chaos.

But he has forgotten carefully, I can absorb it, I am a demonic cultivator, so he has this point. Little tricks are in front of me, it's useless."

After Demon Venerable said, he was very proud of laughed, and Zhao Ting was speechless.

Who inspired me just now to take a look and see if it is Power of Primordial Chaos? It turned out that he knew there was magic in it. Isn't this cheating him?

Therefore, he was very speechless, and naturally he did not dare to say about absorbing Power of Primordial Chaos. And since Demon Venerable said so, it should be almost the same. After all, he has never seen Power of Primordial Chaos, nor has he absorbed it, so naturally he is not qualified to doubt Demon Venerable's judgment.

"Do you have any ideas?" Zhao Ting asked everyone, hoping they could have any suggestions.

"If Wang Chen really found the location of Power of Primordial Chaos, it is indeed very dangerous for us. Now we don’t know the details of Wang Chen. If he has such powerful energy Absorb, then our chances of winning will be lowered." Sun Qianqian said, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan understood what she meant. She meant that Wang Chen must be found as soon as possible, and he must be prevented from continuing to absorb Power of Primordial Chaos.

"Wang Chen came out this time, I am afraid he also wants to inquire about our strength, then he will not let us find him so easily."

Zhao Tingye After expressing their opinions, they all knew that Wang Chen was not only cunning but also suspicious. Of course, this person was also careful, but this was not important. The important thing was such a character. It is simply not an easy task to find his place.

"We must find him out, otherwise in a few hundred years, we will not be his opponents." Lin Lang scratched his head and said, he looked at everyone, he was not very smart, this time , You have to count on them.

"How can I find Wang Chen?" Sun Qianqian pondered this question.

But in the end, everyone did not have a conclusion, and then they found that not only did they not find Wang Chen, but Wang Chen also refused to let them live in peace.

They can understand Wang Chen's arrest of the Earth Demon clan, because the Earth Demon clan is magical, and this is a powerful assistant to Wang Chen. But they found that since then, the cultivation world has become more uneven.

They discovered that several planes of the cultivation world have encountered attacks.

Why do they know about these planes? That's because the big tree clan, although the big tree clan didn't make it clear that they wanted to help them, since then, the big tree clan has become their eyes, and what happened to these planes was passed back by the big tree clan.

That was after they discovered the half a month where the Earth Demon clan had been taken away, Xie Lingjun came back, and he also brought back news from the Big Tree clan.

"Eight planes were attacked, of which six Sects suffered heavy casualties, and the two Sects of the remaining two planes had their dísciple captured."

Xie Lingjun has taken care of his personal affairs, and naturally he has immediately returned to Xiao Guoguo and the others. He wants to help, and this will not change.

"This is the news from the big tree family?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and saw Xie Lingjun take out a jade slip from his storage bag. The center of the jade slip is a fruit core. .

Xiao Guoguo thinks that this is really the style of the big tree family.

"The big tree senior has been alive for a long time. You can help me ask if it knows where Power of Primordial Chaos is. Or, it helps us to check it. I really need to know, Power of The whereabouts of Primordial Chaos."

Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything about those planes, but first asked Power of Primordial Chaos.

This also surprised Xie Lingjun, but Xiao Guoguo asked, and he also helped. Of course, he doesn't know what this Power of Primordial Chaos means, he only knows that this matter is very important.

He passed the news. The big tree that was enjoying the scenery and absorbing spiritual power heard the news. It was silent for a long time.

That is the power that only exists in the legend, why do they know it, and want to find it after knowing it, what are they going to do?

The news of Dashu came. It did not ask Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan why they wanted to find Power of Primordial Chaos, but instead agreed to help them find it.

Xiao Guoguo laughed, and then asked Xie Lingjun to tell Dashu what happened and why they were so anxious to find clues to this Power of Primordial Chaos.

"That Wang Chen, he actually mastered Power of Primordial Chaos, why has he become more and more powerful?"

The tree muttered to himself, people often say The water overflows by itself, and the moon loses. Why isn't this Wang Chen like that? With his current cultivation base, he has become a demonic cultivator at this level. It's time for him to take a turning point.

Why did I still find Power of Primordial Chaos? This is not quite right.

But the tree knows that no matter what, it will stand on Xiao Guoguo's side, because if what they say is true, if it is Wang Chen really to prevent them from entering the realm of questioning and rules . Then no matter how powerful he is, he can only be an enemy.

Dashu is like their intelligence agent, constantly sending news to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. Although it has not found a clue to the Power of Primordial Chaos for the time being, it found the man in gray.

The first time I found the man in gray, it was when he followed the clues to find Wang Chen's men. Many things in the front planes all have their silhouettes, so Dashu paid special attention to it.

Sure enough, this time found their clues. The tree looked at the gray-clothed man, watching them control a plane with a dozen of them, and seeing them approaching the immortal state, I was more certain in my heart. This is what Xiao Guoguo said.

This Power of Primordial Chaos was indeed found by Wang Chen. This guy also used such energy to create a group for himself.

Then why not his subordinates continue to provocation, and continue to destroy these planes.

If it is to expand the number of people, it is still said in the past, but these people are not doing this. The people in grey didn't even mean to turn these people into demonic cultivators, they were just destroying and destroying these sects.

(End of this chapter)

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