
  Chapter 2661 Subordinates

Wang Chen has a lot of plot against, and his strategy is closely linked It's a link, but now the problem is that he is injured and all plans have to be suspended for a while.

Yes, he didn't expect that he would be hurt. Who would have thought that for so many years, he hurt and plot against others. When will others touch him!

Other people don’t talk about it, but Zhao Ting and Lin Lang, they also don’t have this ability. The person who hurt him last time was Sun Qianqian. He still remembered that because he had affection for that woman. .

Therefore, Chi Xuan hurt him this time, which made Wang Chen feel very angry. His plan was also disturbed, which made him even more helpless.

Don't think about anything, the most important thing is to heal the injury first.

So, it took two months for Wang Chen to recover from his internal injury. After recovering from the injury, he stood up.

He is not going to go out, but is here to prepare an army for himself.

Here, it is actually Land of Primal Chaos, and it is also discovered by the dark daoist. In fact, Wang Chen still feels a little depressed when he speaks of which. Such a place was not discovered by himself. Every time he thinks about it, he feels heartbroken.

He is more powerful than Demon Venerable and a powerful demonic cultivator. How could he not be the first to discover here? Therefore, he killed the Dark Demon Daoist, but didn't waste his aptitude, and cultivated the Dark Demon's true enthusiasm in a large amount of chaos and magic.

"Wake up, my servant!" Wang Chen said, and he saw the dark demon daoist who had been silent stand up. He slowly opened his eyes, only to see after opening his eyes, his eyes were only black.

Such a black demon daoist has long lost his thoughts. He looked at Wang Chen at this moment, and then knelt on the ground.

Such a black demon daoist, such an obedient, makes Wang Chen very happy, he needs such a subordinate! That's why he abandoned Old Xue ruthlessly!

That’s right, it’s not that guy who betrayed him, because it doesn’t matter, because he had already thought about what kind of subordinate he wanted.

A subordinate who has his own ideas, even a contract cannot completely control it. Now look at my subordinate, he is completely obedient to himself, and he is completely not afraid of death.

So, when he discovered the rebellion, Xue Lao wanted to deal with it. Such an interesting person, of course, he had to give it to Chi Xuan and the others to see, and it happened that Chi Xuan was also in the middle of it. .

But didn't expect... Thinking of this, Wang Chen didn't want to think about it anymore.

Anyway, it can be regarded as a good result now. He now has a subordinate under his command. He can forget the old Xue.

Forget the unpleasant things, there is nothing wrong with him, anyway, sooner or later I will kill him by myself.

"Be guarded for me. When I am building my army, no one is allowed to approach me. Anyone who wants to approach me will be destroyed!"

Wang Chen told the black demon daoist what he said. The black demon daoist was nodded, and he firmly remembered Wang Chen's instructions. As long as he wanted to get close, he would kill them all.

And what is Wang Chen doing now? He is building himself an army that truly belongs to him.

These people are shaped by Primal Chaos Qi and demonic energy. Yes, these are not real people, but they are shaped by his demonic energy and Primal Chaos Qi.

Of course, he originally wanted to add a bit of Divine Consciousness, but after thinking about it, it was not worthwhile. When he fought Chi Xuan this time, he realized a truth.

What is the reason? Just don't be angry anytime...Bah, not this one. It should be said that when it comes, it is absolute and cannot harm one's own interests.

For example, this Divine Consciousness, he didn't pay much attention to it before, anyway, the cultivator battles are all based on the cultivation base, whoever fights with Divine Consciousness, so he never pays attention to spiritual refinement.

However, reality slapped him fiercely.

Before this, he didn't train spirit refinement knowledge, but this time he was bullied by Chi Xuan.

His cultivation base, that is, the two Chi Xuan are not his opponents, but with a hint of Divine Consciousness, Chi Xuan is similar to himself. Why is this!

So, he has to protect his own abilities so that nothing can be separated.

And this time through Xue Lao, he saw a lot of things. For example, he saw Xiao Guoguo and they didn't seem to have a who, if he read it right, there would be more than 5,000 people there.

And these five thousand people were brought here by Zhao Ting. Look at them, they are the discipline clothes of the Seven Palaces.

So he knows what the opponent's battle strength is. But he was not sure whether they had hidden helpers. So he decided that it would take at least three times the opponent's strength.

Previously, they caught a lot of people and made them demonic cultivators, but then they didn’t control them and suffered most of the deaths and injuries. This time they went back to gather them, and then just use the army they built. Up.

Two hours passed, Wang Chen was very happy to see the black silhouette that appeared in front of him. He saw that the other party knelt down respectfully, and he knew that this was the first loyal demon army he had created. .

He decided to name himself Legion Magic Legion. The name is good, he thinks it is still domineering.

Of course, Wang Chen’s idea is good, but it is not so easy to build a demon Legion of 15,000 people. He does not rest a day and concentrates on shaping the demon Legion, even for a day. It is to shape ten, so counting down, it will take him about four years to do it.

Therefore, he can only temporarily suppress the anger in his heart. This is a relatively lengthy process, but he has lived for so many years, so he still has some patience.

Here Wang Chen is trying to build a Legion for himself, and on the other side, Xue Lao finally wakes up, he looks at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and slowly stands up, facing The two gave a big gift.

"Many thanks, the two of you, repaying their grievances with virtue, saved my life!" Xue Lao said, grateful, but he never made any promises. After all, he was controlled by Wang Chen. After so many years, he didn't want to be controlled by anyone anymore.

"You don't have to thank us, this is just a fair deal." Xiao Guoguo said, and Chi Xuan looked at him calmly.

But looking at Chi Xuan like this, I don't know why, Xue Lao will remember how that Chi Xuan was angry with Wang Chen in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

He thinks that you can't judge a person by appearance makes sense. This one really cannot afford to offend.

"Then I also want to thank both of you for their magnanimity." Xue Lao said, thinking about how to leave here.

Now that there is no bondage on his body, he does not want to participate in the battle between the two sides. Therefore, he has to find a way to leave now, not to be controlled by Wang Chen in the end, but to be given by Xiao Guoguo. Take control.

(End of this chapter)

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