
  Chapter 2660 Divine Consciousness

"Chi Xuan, although you have escaped for so many years, but this time, You can’t escape, not only you, but the woman, I will also find it, and then this time, I will send you off..."

Before Wang Chen finished speaking, he was killed by Chi Xuan's Divine Soul grabbed his neck, Wang Chen couldn't believe it, this guy actually had a sneak attack!

"Don't you know? The villain... died of talking too much!" Chi Xuan said so, his palm lifted up gently, and he patted Wang Chen dantian.

Although they are just two strands of Divine Soul, but this does not prevent them from fighting to death and life, it is hard to separate. At this moment, Xue Laodong, who had been pretending to be a quail, did not exist.

He turned out to help Chi Xuan together, and this is also his home field. After all, whether Chi Xuan or Wang Chen, only a ray of Divine Soul came in, but Xue Lao is different. He is My entire Divine Soul.

Previously restricted by Wang Chen, he was at the core of Xue Lao’s Divine Soul. If Xue Lao is disobedient, then this Divine Soul will use self-destruct to make Xue Lao pay a huge price .

And now, Chi Xuan is here, he restricted Wang Chen, Xue Lao naturally transferred his core Divine Soul first, then built a layer of protection, and finally came to help.

"Hehe, you are positive, do you think they will let you go? They won't!" Wang Chen said, and Xue Lao hehe said with a smile: "It's not annoying Your sir, you care."

Old Xue has decided. Following Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, he has at least one way to survive with them. He is afraid that after following Wang Chen, he will kill the donkey in the end.

And, here is his Sea of ​​Consciousness, if they have been fighting here, then he will be the one who is unlucky in the end! For the sake of his Sea of ​​Consciousness not to be destroyed, for his own future, Xue Lao didn't want to help.

Originally Chi Xuan and Wang Chen were evenly matched, but now with the help of Mr. Xue, Wang Chen is obviously not enough.

Of course, Wang Chen also felt strange that Chi Xuan’s attack on him had no tactics. Either pinching his neck with his hand, or hitting his dantian with his fist, he actually had to use spiritual power to attack. Mean nothing.

Although they are Divine Soul, it is not impossible to use more profound tricks. Divine Soul can also transform magic weapons. But he didn't. He just punched one after another. Wang Chen even suspected that Chi Xuan wanted to move his mouth because he didn't do it because of his indecent movements.

But Chi Xuan didn't do this, it doesn't mean that others won't, Wang Chen found out, he really underestimated Xue Lao, this guy is actually devouring his Divine Soul.

"You dare!" Wang Chen shouted, and quickly attacked Old Xue's original core Divine Soul, but he discovered that the other party had actually transferred the core Divine Soul!

"Look, I know you better, so I shifted the core! You have bullied me for so many years, I only swallow you a little Divine Soul, and you don't suffer!"

Old Xue was really devouring him. Chi Xuan felt a little unacceptable, so he stood on the side and helped control Wang Chen only when Old Xue was defeated.

He is not the one who devours Divine Soul, he can stand here and take a look.

Wang Chen was so angry, he thought that he might lose to Chi Xuan, but he didn't expect that his Divine Soul was finally lost to Xue Lao.

How can he bear such humiliation! So the doctor yelled and said loudly: "Chi Xuan, we will meet again after all, you are ready!"

After that, Chi Xuan quickly backed away. As expected, the next moment, Wang Chen Divine Soul destroyed itself.

Such a way of destroying Divine Soul has an impact on the body, Chi Xuan smiled, what he wanted was such a result.

Xue Laomeng vomited blood out, Xiao Guoguo and the others looked for a moment, then saw Chi Xuan slowly open his eyes.

Chi Xuan is safe and sound, but Xue Lao is vomiting blood into a coma, this matter... how should they understand?

"Wang Chen’s Divine Consciousness is self-destructive. He has been injured a little bit. The problem is not big. At most, he lost his cultivation base and was in a coma for a few months."

Chi Xuan said so At that time, Zhao Ting felt a very direct taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"It's beautifully done." Lingyue's direct compliment made her feel that the breath in her heart came out a lot.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Sure enough, she is still too kind, but I have to say that she is doing well!

"Everyone, don't do things that destroy unity like this. It's better not to say it directly." Zhao Ting warned everyone, and then found a place for Xue Lao to settle down. Just leave him in a coma for a while.

"How about, did you see Wang Chen?" Sun Qianqian asked, Chi Xuan nodded. Everyone looked at him, but they really wanted to know what Chi Xuan and Wang Chen were talking about.

"He was flustered and exasperated, maybe I think I am so handsome after being born again, and I was stimulated." Chi Xuan said, everyone couldn't help but look at him.

Is it really good to be so thick-skinned and so narcissistic? Although you are handsome, you don't have to be so exciting.

"Then I was self-destructed by you?" Although Sun Qianqian was questioning, her expression was quite certain, that's how it happened.

"No, this is not what I forced, but Old Xue, he is going to swallow Wang Chen's Divine Soul. It seems that Wang Chen is still a proud fellow." Chi Xuan sighed in that tone, If Wang Chen heard it, he might want to slap him.

Why is he not a proud guy? Why is he not a proud guy.

"I guess he can't stand the double lethality of you and this guy." Xiao Guoguo said very sincerely.

Everyone: "..." Yes, that's what we meant.

At this moment, Wang Chen opened his eyes abruptly and swallowed a mouthful of blood. He would never let this mouthful of blood come out.

Wang Chen's stubbornness was shown at this moment. He would rather hurt himself than let Xue Lao absorb his Divine Soul, but at the same time, he was also angry.

He felt that if it weren't for Chi Xuan's anger that he was in a mess, how could he not realize that Xue Lao had taken away his own core Divine Soul.

So, this is Chi Xuan's fault. This guy, after so many years, turned out to be like this, and he didn't expect it. How to change from an honest person to a cunning person, Chi Xuan explained this problem well.

Back then, he was the most cunning one, but when I saw Chi Xuan today, he felt as if he hadn't grown much in these years.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Chen was a little flustered silently. Then, did he think the problem simpler, according to Chi Xuan's shameless appearance, he would not eventually plot against him, but he?

No, absolutely impossible!

Wang Chen comforted himself, Chi Xuan, anyway, he must at least have a bottom line, and he still has someone to remember, as long as he still has someone to care about, then he has weaknesses.

How was Demon Venerable back then? It is vicious and merciless, but because of its weaknesses, it has not been plotted against by myself, it is obediently obedient.

Wang Chen kept comforting himself, and then tried to stabilize. He still has a lot to do.

(End of this chapter)

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