
  Chapter 2652 Comfort

Let Wenwen follow Xiao Guoguo and the others? Qingyun Daoist knew that he could not go because the child was too young. This was a bond that he and Wenwen could not let go of.

But if he doesn't follow them, Wenwen will follow them alone, how can he not worry!

Although Wenwen's cultivation base is not low, in front of Lin Lang and Zhao Ting, nothing counts. He was afraid that Wenwen would do something stupid for Xiao Guoguo and Yuemu, then when the time comes, he really only has two children left.

So he didn't want to let Wenwen go in his own heart, but he couldn't stop him. He could only persuade himself and respect Wenwen's own choice.

But now, Xiao Guoguo and the others are gone, but he is very grateful. He knew why they didn't bring text, because they were afraid of hurting this family.

"No, I'm going to look for it." Wenwen said he was going to fly away, but found two people on the opposite side, Xiao Ying and Fei Jian Old Ancestor.

"She knows that the first person she perceives should be you, so let me find you first." Xiao Ying said, Wenwen seemed to be out of energy, she didn't need to find Now, Xiao Ying's words have proved everything.

"Why? Why didn't the boss take me away?" Wenwen asked, clenching her fists tightly. She didn't want to understand this question. Why did she take Yuemu and Beibei away, but Did not take her away.

"She left with only a few people around her this time, not just you, but also Sword Sect and Lingjia dísciple. It was the Demon Venerable and Earth Demon clan who followed. A senior and their subordinates.

I think you are so smart, and you will understand why she did it without me. She left you something, you will understand if you want to come. "

Xiao Ying finished saying that, but Wenwen didn't take the storage bag, but flew into the air. She looked at the sky, and then the spiritual power condensed. She wanted to give it a try. Can you pass.

Wenwen’s ability is spatial transfer, and now is the time to test it. She uses her abilities to get through this barrier.

But it turns out that although she is very difficult to deal with, although her ability is also very difficult to deal with, but this is a collection of arrays built by Chi Xuan’s powerhouses during the void period, unless the cultivation base arrives, otherwise No one wants to go out.

This array is a reduced version of the world shuttle array. Even if it is a reduced version, it is not something that ordinary people can get past, so Xiao Guoguo is very relieved that Wenwen will not be able to come out.

Of course, the external inspectors don’t want to go in. Even if they can’t beat Wang Chen, he doesn’t have to waste a lot of cultivation base and time for the people here. .

So Xiao Guoguo was tantamount to building an absolutely safe world for them, and he went to settle a grudge with Wang Chen.

This made Wenwen silent for a while in the air. She tried several times, and it was completely useless.

If she is on another plane, she can travel directly through the starry sky, but she can't do it here, absolutely not.

"Please persuade her, none of us can go out." Xiao Ying finished speaking, and gave the storage bag to Qingyun Daoist, and turned to Han Meng and Wujian Old Ancestor.

Wenwen flew down without saying anything, Qingyun daoist followed her, and then Wenwen sat and looked at her daughter for a long time before sighing: "Give me Right."

Qingyun daoist gave Wenwen the storage bag and watched her walk out, but did not follow, but in Dudu's room, watching Dudu sleep soundly. He was very grateful, if it were not for beeping, Wenwen would not calm down so quickly.

In the final analysis, neither of them are willing to talk, and Wenwen is the same. He was even more grateful to Xiao Guoguo. She chose to leave at this time because Dudu was still young. If Dudu was in her twenties, Wenwen would have a different mentality at that time.

At this moment, Wenwen looked at the storage bag in his hand, and began to look at the contents one by one. Most of them were gifts for Dudu, from magic weapons to medicine pill and finally to Spirit Stone, Xiao Guoguo It's all ready.

Looking at these, Wenwen sighed weakly, and finally picked up a sound transmission jade slip. Inside is Xiao Guoguo’s illusory shadow. She looked at Wenwen for a while, and then sighed: "I know you complain about me in your heart, and I also know you must think why you took Yuemu and didn’t take you.

But don't be angry, I am not going to come back, I promised Master, I will do my best to come back alive, we will meet again.

Actually speaking of which, Yuemu I bring It’s also because he’s clever, he’s not a hard-hearted man, he knows to protect himself and Beibei at any time.

But you and I don’t worry, I can’t take you away, I’m afraid that something will happen to you. , How do I explain to Dudu when I look back? How do I tell her why someone has a mother and her mother is gone because I am gone?

Wenwen, every time I think about this, I feel distressed and struggled for so long. I just made this decision. I hope you calm down, and I hope you can respect my decision.

In addition, take good care of yourself and take good care of Dudu. When I come back, she should be a beautiful lady. It's a girl, she must remember me when I come back."

Xiao Guoguo said here, the silhouette disappeared. Wenwen was silent for a long time without saying anything. After sitting all night, he finally turned into a sigh.

Wujian Old Ancestor looked at Xiao Ying who walked in the door, he gave a wry smile, and he knew he was right.

"Senior Sister, didn't you follow them?" Wujian Old Ancestor asked. Xiao Ying glanced at him and said, "Nojian, your character is really unflattering, knowing that I am sad for you. It irritates me so much."

Xiao Ying really wants to teach this Junior Brother, but now she is not in the mood, she threw the storage bag to him and said, "This is not for you, but for Han Meng. , Please comfort her, that girl always thinks that she can follow Xiao Guoguo to life and death."

Xiao Ying finished speaking and lifted her leg away, Feijian Old Ancestor glanced at Wujian Old Ancestor apologetically , Wujian Old Ancestor shook his head. He didn't care about Xiao Ying's attitude. After all, he owed it to him and forgot that she was in a bad mood now.

He is very distressed, how should we tell Han Meng about this in the end?

At this moment, Boss Zhou was already furious. He didn't expect Beibei to follow Yuemu and only left a message for himself.

It's just that there are two Shirans around Boss Zhou, so even if he ran away, these two brothers took the risk to subdue them.

No way, Beibei left them a message, or ask them to send a message to Boss Zhou. They won’t be able to come. And now the Lord of the Deep Sea is following, so no one on their side can subdue Boss Zhou, only the two of them can do it.

Their three people kept fighting until dawn, when Boss Zhou cried.

Because he knows that he doesn't have this ability, he can't get out, this barrier is too powerful. So he has nothing to do, except to wait here obediently, there is nothing to do.

Xiao Guoguo turned his head and looked at the barrier. Demon Venerable knew her mood. After all, this time I left, I wonder if I can come back. She even left Xiao Tai and Ling Shu inside, which was a protection for them, but it was not an excitement for them.

If these two people know, I'm afraid it will be sad. As a father, he can understand Xiao Tai's mood.

(End of this chapter)

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