
  Chapter 2651 Parting "I really wronged you."

"Don't say this, since we have decided to be together, I am naturally willing to follow you, no matter what the danger, we face it together." I think your choice is correct, and I will choose this way too." After Beibei finished saying that, Yuemu said in her heart that it is good to marry a daughter-in-law. You have someone to accompany you for everything. It is a kind of happiness.

They went to accompany Mr. Zhou for dinner. Mr. Zhou was very happy. Although Beibei often took Yuemu back to her natal house, she was married, and there were few when she returned to him.

"Father, Yuemu and I rarely come back. You have to take care of yourself." Beibei said, controlling her emotions.

"Don't worry, I have so many life essences, and I'm still waiting to bring you children. Look at the text, how good the children are."

Zhou Boss talked about this every time I met recently, and Yuemu was also very helpless. The cultivator's children are fate, that's what fate.

"I see, I will hurry up." Beibei directly agreed, she also likes toot.

On the other side, Lingyue also told the Ling Family Old Ancestor: "After I leave, the Ling Family will rely on you."

"Don't worry, if I live a day, I will Take care of you at home!" said Old Ancestor of Lingjia.

"If I can't come back, you must find an excellent dísciple from the family and cultivate it." Lingyue said, and Mrs. Lingjia grabbed her hand and said: "Don't say so If you are frustrated, I will wait for you to come back."

"Okay, I will definitely be back, and you should also pay attention to your body." Lingyue respects the Ling family's wife very much.

Because she knows in her heart that the old Ancestor doesn't like to be nosy, but the wife is different, and only the wife can make Old Ancestor succumb.

So what matters is to Old Ancestor, it is not as reliable as to ask Mrs. This is also one of the reasons why Lingyue bid farewell to the two.

On the other side, Xiao Guoguo gave his artificial space to Xiao Ying, and the Spirit Beasts were moved to another artificial space.

"Master, I really left this time." Xiao Guoguo said so, Xiao Ying didn't say a word for a long time,

She really wanted to be with Xiao Guoguo Go, what else is there to be afraid of in her current situation. But looking at the artificial space in her hands, she just couldn't leave.

"Besides, Senior Sister, please help me to persuade her not to make her too angry." Xiao Guoguo could think that he would not take Han Meng with her this time, or say goodbye to her. What's the situation.

"Hey, fortunately, Wujian is watching her." Xiao Ying said with emotion.

"In addition, there is also my Master Elder Feng, you also help me take care of some, as well as Wei Feng and Wei Ling, if you are in trouble, you can also take care of me."

Xiao Guoguo is the few people who feel most worried, she thinks they can entrust Xiao Ying. And Xiao Ying sighed while holding her hand: "Since I can't let go, I will come back properly. How many can I take care of? Or come back by myself and watch it by myself to rest assured."

Xiao Ying is afraid of Xiao Guoguo couldn't come back, and was even more afraid that she would confess to herself in such a tone. If there is no concern, then it is terrifying.

"Master, I will work hard!" Xiao Guoguo held Xiao Ying's hand and gently hugged her.

Although the Master can't feel it, she still hopes that the Master knows how she feels for her. Xiao Guoguo took out a few of her storage bags, and each storage bag contained her farewell to herself.

"Don't worry, I will give it to them." Xiao Ying said, watching Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan salute her, watching them slowly leave.

Xiao Ying side Fei Jian Old Ancestor supported her. He knew that Xiao Ying hadn't been so brave, and her mood could be imagined after the discipline had left.

"I'm fine, Guoguo asks me to do a lot of things, I don't have time to be emotional and sad."

She looked at a crack in the sky and watched the silhouettes leave , Watching Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan disappear from the crack.

At this moment, Wen Wen stood up fiercely, beside her was Dudu who was sleeping soundly. Although Dudu was six years old, she had to accompany her every day in Dudu’s room. In cultivation, I also sort out Meridian for my daughter.

Wenwen walks out suddenly, Dudu doesn't know, but Qingyun daoist knows, he doesn't understand what happened, why Wenwen's expression is like this?

"What's wrong? What happened?" Qingyun daoist asked, Wenwen didn't answer him, but went out directly.

It was very dark outside. It was late at night. She couldn't believe that the boss and the others would really leave like this. She quickly used Divine Consciousness to search for Sword Sect, but did not find the boss and them.

"No, the boss is not in Sword Sect." Wenwen said so and calmed himself down. Maybe they went to another place and couldn't tell.

So Wenwen's Divine Consciousness went outside, suddenly thought of it, and looked at Yuemu and Beibei. But when Divine Consciousness scanned their Cave Mansion, they found that these two people were not there.

Didn’t I really feel wrong just now? Someone really opened the protective cover and went out!

Wenwen was cultivation just now and felt a strong spiritual power fluctuation. Although this spiritual power fluctuation is very secret, it is too strong. She still feels it. She immediately thought of it. On this plane, there are only a few people who can create such a strong spiritual power fluctuation.

And they have been secluded cultivation, how could they suddenly come out. Then there is only one explanation, they are leaving.

"What's the matter, Wenwen, don't scare me." Qingyun daoist asked, and he saw Wenwen's eyes with panic, and then grabbed his arm and said: "Boss and Yuemu, they may be gone."

"Go? Where did they go? Did they go to the East City?" Qingyun Daoist still didn't understand.

"No, they may have left this plane. They are gone, they won't come back. They left without taking me." Wenwen said, tears fell from his eyes.

Qingyun daoist seemed to finally understand, his mouth opened, but he didn't know what to say. He seemed to be a little shocked, as if sighed in relief, he suddenly thought of Yuemu chatting with himself two days ago.

They have a very good relationship now. Yuemu and Chi Xuan talked to themselves for dinner. The three of them chatted a lot. In the end, Yuemu said goodbye to herself very seriously, not to bully Wenwen, or she won’t let it go. Pass him.

He actually wanted to say at the time that he wanted to bully Wenwen, so he must have this ability. Besides, it's too late for my daughter-in-law to love her, so how could she bully her.

So he felt that Yuemu was simply too worried, so he didn't take it seriously, after all, he also drank too much and talked a lot when Yuemu was too much.

Where did I think that I heard that they had left today, and left without taking them. Qingyun Daoist admits that his mood is actually very complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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