
  Chapter 2628 Invite

Uncle Wu is like an elder, watching the Juniors go home. Naturally happy.

He was happy, and he wanted to take Xiao Guoguo and the others around, because it can be said that this is Uncle Wu’s second home, and this is naturally the same for Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

What they brought was not only the dísciple of Flying Immortal Sect Dongcheng branch school, but also many of their family members. After hundreds of years, this place has become more and more lively.

Lively, this is also the characteristic of Dongcheng branch school! In this plane, there are only a few sects. In addition to the most powerful Sword Sect, there are Lingjia and Xiao Family. Compared with these sects and families, Underground City is not worth mentioning in terms of strength.

Their most powerful thing is only the ascension period, which is really ineffective in front of a few other sects. But on the contrary, they also have their own characteristics, which is what Uncle Wu wants to take everyone to see.

So, after Xiao Guoguo and the others rested for a few days, Uncle Wu took everyone out. The Dongcheng branch campus also occupies a large area. The mountain is naturally used for cultivation, but under the mountain, the city has been built. There are not many tall buildings, only a few, and the rest are residential areas like villas.

"There were a lot of people who followed at the beginning, but now they have reached their great-grandchildren. If there are too many people, they need to be resettled. The mountain is for the disciplines, and this mountain is for the family members. "

Wu Bo smiled, when he said that, Xiao Guoguo felt his pride and pride. There are so many people and great power. Although speaking of which is a bit rustic, the old people always feel a little proud of seeing more and more descendants.

"Among these people there should be good aptitude." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, Uncle Wu immediately nodded and looked at Elder Feng and said: "You are not going this time, just bring the disciplines. , Choose a few good aptitudes, let them learn pill concocting?"

Wu Bo asked Elder Feng so, but Elder Feng hesitated because he didn't know what to do. He is worried now, Xiao Guoguo knows what his concerns are, but only he can solve this matter, and no one else can intervene.

"Hehe, don't worry, let's watch it slowly, and consider it slowly." Uncle Wu also listened to Xiao Guoguo's words, he was naturally extremely sorry in his heart, Bai Yunfei, his impression of Little Fatty Profound.

But is there any way? This is the cultivation world. Life and death must be taken lightly, otherwise there is simply no way to go this way. Uncle Wu believed that Elder Feng must know this truth, but he couldn't get out for a while.

So, what he said just now is for Elder Feng's good, because he wants to keep Elder Feng busy, maybe he will forget a lot of things with this busyness, and his heart will become a little more open.

"There is a big shopping mall in front. These young children like to come here. I and you have visited twice. It's really good. You can eat and drink, and there are various performances.

Let's go in and have a look. The milk tea here is good. I have drunk it twice. It is too sweet, but young girls like it. I think you should like it too."

So everyone entered the drink shop. He is a VIP customer here. He takes out his card and has a special private room where he can get a 30% discount on drinks.

Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard this discount. To be honest, is this three discount serious? This is still a discount, so don’t forget to give it away for free.

"Who opened this? So generous?" Xiao Guoguo curiously asked, Uncle Wu looked at her with a smile and asked her to guess.

"The Pan family?" Xiao Guoguo asked Young Master Pan. Young Master Pan was stunned. He took two ice creams from his daughter and ate three at once. She was too disobedient. , Girl can't eat this cold.

"Huh? My house? Probably not." Young Master Pan said, and gave the remaining two ice creams to his son. The child is staring at the dessert and worrying about it. He just wants to drink tea. , He is an adult.

"It's not your house, it was opened by sect?" Xiao Guoguo asked Uncle Wu. Uncle Wu shook his head, and then pointed to the poster in the store.

Okay, Xiao Guoguo looked at the bearded and majestic face, but the man who was used as the publicity photo, hehe, really didn't expect, it turned out to be Liu Jiangtao.

When I came back this time, she hadn't visited them yet, but Liu Jiangtao and Liu Jiangmiao had a good time at Dongcheng campus. They are now Elder.

She is going to go back and see them, but if she can, she doesn't want to disturb their lives. Although I have broken into their lives, but in the end it is only broken into, they are pro-siblings.

"This is made by Liu Family, and it's done well. Half of the shops here are owned by Liu Family. And because of this particularity, many cultivators around here like to come here.

You know, here is completely different from the style of cultivation world. Everyone comes with an experience mentality. But there are indeed many people who like it, so they become repeat customers.

And the hottest thing here is the restaurant. Large and small cultivators like to eat, and especially like to eat barbecue, so the special diet is about to become our signature here."

When Uncle Wu said this, he didn't mean any inferiority, on the contrary, he was very proud. They are not as strong as people. This is reality, but they can think of a way to let everyone drooling when they talk about Dongcheng branch. This is also ability.

"It's pretty good, so that the Dongcheng branch can keep its position, so I can rest assured." Xiao Guoguo said. She really didn't expect that there is such a development.

At the beginning, Uncle Wu had to stay to guard the Dongcheng branch, but was forcibly taken away by them. After he did not expect here, he had a better life. The new Dongcheng branch has matured. , She can also rest assured.

After visiting all the places here, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan feel more at ease. Dongcheng branch school was originally weaker than other families and sect, so they have been thinking about it. Now that everyone is doing well, they can feel at ease.

But this time, both Elder Feng and Wei Feng are here. As long as they develop well, even if they and Chi Xuan are gone, the Dongcheng branch can safely inherit here.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan returned to their yard, and Elder Feng finally got the courage to meet his Junior Brother, the Peak Lord of Medicine Peak.

Hu Peak Lord was also surprised when he saw Elder Feng. He has been worried since he came here. After all, Junior Brother and them are outside, and the outside is so messy now.

But when he saw Elder Feng's expression, Hu Peak Lord's heart was stunned. He knew, I'm afraid something happened. Junior Brother has never been like this before, so dejected and desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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