
  Chapter 2627 Finding People

Sun Qianqian is a bit tangled. If you want to maintain the status quo, then Zhao Ting You can't find a partner. As for Lin Lang... Sun Qianqian thinks he doesn't have this ability, so don't worry, simply don't think about it.

But I don’t want people to find a partner. It’s impossible to think about it. So Sun Qianqian is a little bored. There is nowhere to say this kind of boredom. She can only hold it in her heart and she doesn’t know who to talk to. Let's talk.

But it was precisely because of this thought in her heart that she turned her head and left. After a long time had passed in peace, Sun Qianqian suddenly disappeared, which made Lin Lang a little confused.

"So, a woman's heart seabed a needle, how can you feel it? This Sun Qianqian is still a female cultivator, and she's long live anyway, how can she get tempered like a normal woman?


Can't you just talk well, can't you talk about it? We are all brothers, is there anything we can't talk about? No wonder Yang Shuo doesn't like her, a woman, it's too much trouble!"

When Lin Lang said this, Zhao Ting had already caught him and flew into midair. The reason why he complained so much was because he hadn't had enough food yet. Yesterday, a new restaurant was opened in the opposite city. That restaurant invited a well-known chef to make some special dishes.

He even found out the name of the dish, but he didn't get it! I didn't even eat it! You can imagine how wronged he was in his heart.

"Don't say this her, there must be some reason for her sudden departure, let's go and ask." Zhao Ting was a little anxious, and subconsciously defended Sun Qianqian.

"That’s how you are. Every time someone wants to say something to her, you’ll be the first to protect you. If you don’t know, you think it’s your biological younger sister. But then again, why is she angry? Why did you leave suddenly? I can’t figure it out."

Lin Lang looked at the city and the restaurant farther and farther away. Forget it, it seems that he and those The dish has no fate, so you don't need to force it.

At this moment, Sun Qianqian has returned to Sword Sect, looking at her yard, a little dazed.

This yard was specially sorted out by Sword Sect for himself. The plants and trees in it are genuine, and they are the best they can find within their best efforts.

She knows all these things, but she just doesn't like this yard. why? Because it’s not your favorite style? Or is it because the yard was not set up by yourself?

According to reason, it should not be, because the small courtyard where they lived in the mortal world before was also bought, and she didn’t put any effort into decorating it. Why did she feel comfortable living? Does it look pleasing to the eye?

Sun Qianqian thought about it for a while, did the yard look like that when it was bought?

It doesn't seem to be the case. Although the owner of the yard was also very elegant and the yard is well maintained, it makes people feel a bit low-end. That was Zhao Ting spent all night, re-arrangement.

The flowers and plants were replaced by their favorites, the furniture was replaced by their own, and even the few fish in the pond were replaced by their favorite golden ones.

Thinking about it this way, the reason why the yard is comfortable to live in is because Zhao Ting has taken care of it. She still has two people, Lin Lang, they simply didn't help, they just rested in the house, and Zhao Ting alone can decide these things.

Is it because we have been together for so many years, and everyone's preferences have become similar? Why does the courtyard arranged by Zhao Ting feel comfortable?

Holding a leaf in her hand, Sun Qianqian doesn’t know what kind of plant it is, but she knows that she doesn’t like this kind of light white flowers very much. In fact, she prefers flowers with bright colors. Multi-colored, blooming one after another, looks noisy and lively.

But there shouldn't be too many flowers. It is best to have so few flowers among the green branches, just like a beauty with a raised neck.

After thinking about it, Zhao Ting chose exactly this kind of flowers. There are big red ones, pink ones, and light purple ones. It's just that there are two white ones in the corners and corners. On the contrary, The other flowers against the backdrop are more delicate and beautiful.

Later, a lot of butterflies flew in the yard, but the colorful butterflies looked inferior among the flowers. This is what she likes.

Sun Qianqian sits in the yard, as if thinking about who has a major event. It takes three days to sit down like this. And outside the yard, Zhao Ting, who watched all this, was also very entangled. He didn't know what happened, why Sun Qianqian was suddenly so abnormal.

I thought about it carefully. This happened before. When Yang Shuo took Xiao Guoguo away, she was like that, sitting in the yard without saying a word for half a month. .

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Ting was really worried, but he didn't know where he and Lin Lang had offended Sun Qianqian, and he didn't dare to go forward rashly. What should I do if it reacts?

"What do you two do? One is sitting in the yard and the other is standing outside the yard without saying a word. Is this interesting? It's fun?"

Lin Lang really can't figure it out. I wasted the opportunity to eat good food just to come back. If I want to ask clearly, I can go in. What's the point of standing outside?

"Xiao Guoguo, are they in sect?" Zhao Ting asked.

"No, they seem to go to play... Bah, they seem to visit relatives and friends, you don't know when you come back this time, they are here to contact the last bit of concern."

Lin Lang said so, he glanced at Zhao Ting, and saw that he was still thinking, as if he was thinking about a major event.

"I'll look for them, you watch here, if there is any problem, please tell me, and don't let her find you, otherwise it will not look good."

Zhao Ting left after saying this, leaving Lin Lang alone. Doesn't look good on face? Just hide it secretly and observe people's face? I don't know what this guy thinks, why can't he understand them more and more?

Although there are all kinds of complaints in his heart, Lin Lang is still obediently and honestly guarding. I don’t know if he is used to listening to Zhao Ting’s words, or he also thinks Sun Qianqian is weird, not very relieved, so Obediently and honestly guard here.

Sun Qianqian still sat in the yard, and Zhao Ting had already gone to find Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. Where did Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan go? They went to see Uncle Wu. After all, when they came back this time, they came to visit relatives, so naturally they wanted to see Uncle Wu.

And this time Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan did not go alone. They also went with Young Master Pan. They all grew up here. They were taken care of by Uncle Wu back then. Naturally I want to come back and take a look.

Xiao Guoguo They came quietly and didn't disturb anyone. Bo Wu didn't expect that they would come back suddenly and hurriedly arranged for them to live in sect.

He asked Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan to live longer this time and take a good rest.

(End of this chapter)

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