
  Chapter 2596 can’t be found.

Fengyun Revered Master also left, although he wanted to stay and follow Demon Venerable Let's take a look at what kind of a person Wang Chen is. But he also knew that this was a private matter, and time was limited, so he still didn't bother.

"Brother, Demon Venerable will travel through time and space." Fengyun Revered Master couldn't help saying.

"Everyone has opportunities for everyone, and envy is useless." Wenxin Revered Master said.

"This is a truth, but I still can't help being envious. I don't know how he passed the test, and he really came out." Fengyun Revered Master envied and guessed.

"This is even more difficult to ask. Stabilize your Dao Heart. This is the most important thing." Wenxin Revered Master said so, Fengyun Revered Master is really convinced, and every time he asks the Revered Master. Can point out the key points all at once.

"Brother, if we have a chance in the future, let's visit Demon Venerable, others are actually pretty good." Fengyun Reverted Master said, asking the heart that Reverted Master is nodded.

If anyone hears this conversation, they will probably be puzzled. Demon Venerable, is that a demonic cultivator or a powerful demonic cultivator, why does this top figure of the Human Race cultivator think he is good?

Aren’t they enemies? Why here, they seem to have forgotten each other's identities?

In fact, this is like a game of chess. The identities of soldiers and generals are different, and their views are also different. In the ordinary cultivation world, demonic cultivator and cultivator seem to be incompatible with water and fire. Monster beast, Human Race, and Earth Demon clan, the grievances between these three clans are endless.

But here, when everyone’s cultivation base has risen to a certain level and no one can kill anyone, is this person a demonic cultivator or a cultivator, a Human Race or an Earth Demon clan, or even a monster beast One family, these are not the most important.

The most important thing is whether this person will harm other people and is worthy of being regarded as a threat by them.

Because there are really too few people asking about the state of mind, even if you can’t be friends, you don’t want to have a strong enemy. Especially the demonic cultivator, which is actually very honest here, after all, if the two people join forces, even if they can’t do it here, it’s still very simple to give you some breath.

"Okay, let's prepare well so that we can leave here early." When Wenxin Revered Master said so, he looked back at Demon Venerable.

I'm afraid the parting is coming soon. The path they have taken from then on is also completely different. This is fate, there is separation and gathering. It seems that there is a choice, but in fact, many times there is simply no choice.

"Well, brother, I am going to follow you anyway, don't be sad." Fengyun Revered Master crude in most matters, but subtle in some, found that Wen Xin's emotions were wrong, and even knew to comfort people.

Demon Venerable didn't expect, there was such a treasure here. He also wanted to take photos of what happened to Wang Chen over the years, but he was also very clear in his heart that he could not do it. Arrived.

He doesn't have enough time, so he has to focus on the key points and look quickly, hoping to find some clues from these past. He clearly feels that Wang Chen's situation is not right.

In this way, although Demon Venerable succeeded in breaking through the barriers, he was not in a hurry to go back. Instead, he was here to watch Wang Chen's past, which took more than half a month.

The woman was quietly accompanied by Demon Venerable. She didn’t say anything, but looked at it very seriously. She can’t help with anything right now, so she can stare and find some clues. The only thing she can do.

"Master, this person seems to have appeared several times." The woman said so. Demon Venerable stared at the person in front of her. This person is not someone else, but a woman that Wang Chen once loved.

He knew about this woman. Back then, she seemed to reject Wang Chen very decisively. Later, this woman disappeared. According to Wang Chen, she has fallen.

But did it really fall? The way this woman and Wang Chen get along is not like a lover at all.

He had only heard about it before, and just listened to it casually, but now he really looked and looked at it, he always felt that the two were getting along very awkward.

"What do you think is the relationship between this woman and Wang Chen?" Demon Venerable asked Side Xiaojing this way. He felt awkward, perhaps because his judgment was biased.

"Master, I am your Heart Demon. Your thoughts are my thoughts, you ask me, it seems that there is no reference value." The woman said, Demon Venerable is speechless, yes, what about him Forgot this.

"But seriously, I think their way of getting along is very familiar, because this is how I feel when I get along with you. Think about it for yourself, isn't it like this?"


The woman was faintly smiled after saying this, and Demon Venerable stared at the image in front of her, looking carefully and then again.

"It is indeed! The only difference is that Wang Chen seems to be very respectful and admired to this woman!"

After Demon Venerable finished, looking at Xiaojing, Wang Chen The look in the woman's eyes is like the look in the eyes of Xiaojing now staring at her.

"Master, who is this woman, how do I think she is the same as Wang Chen's master." Xiaojing said, Demon Venerable looked at the woman inside, he really didn't know this woman who is it.

"Perhaps we want to know the answer, we need to know the woman's information." Demon Venerable said, counting the time, they only have three days.

Within these three days, they had to clarify the matter, so Demon Venerable immediately entered the woman's information into the Ruby Mirror, but strangely, the Ruby Mirror did not respond.

Is it the wrong way? Demon Venerable was also entangled, but asked Wenxin Revered Master for help. He has used this ruby ​​mirror for the longest time, and he must have a way.

"Are these news really correct? This is the first time I have seen a life that can't be seen through the red jade mirror." Wenxin Revered Master also felt extremely surprised.

"Is there any other way?" Demon Venerable asked.

"There is another way, I will try again, if it still doesn't work, then the problem is in trouble." Wenxin Revered Master said, directly engraving the image of the woman in the red jade mirror .

Demon Venerable can't help but admire it. As expected, the professionalism is different, and the big problem is solved with the first shot.

But if he can't find it by doing this, he should really worry about who this woman is and what her identity is, it's really hard to say.

When the entire image appeared on the red jade mirror, the red jade mirror was still at a loss. Obviously, this was news that there was simply no such person.

"I can't find this person, but this person has actually appeared before, so the problem is big." When Wenxin Revered Master said this, he really felt a little sympathetic to Demon Venerable.

"What does this mean? It's okay. Just say it directly, I can hold it." Demon Venerable said. He saw the look of Wenxin Revered Master, and it was obvious that the result was not very good.

(End of this chapter)

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