
  Chapter 2595 Asking the Front Dust

Demon Venerable also knows that the person in charge here is Asking Revered Master, so he looked at him Asked: "Wenxin Fellow Daoist, today I want to ask you about someone who comes from the same world as me, and his name is Wang Chen."

Wenxin Revered Master heard this. , Froze for a while, and then thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said: "I have never heard of it, of course, I have never seen it." Responsible, after all, Demon Venerable asked so cautiously, I'm afraid the relationship between this person and him is very complicated.

"Really? Didn't he come to ask about the state of mind? That's weird." Demon Venerable said so, the surrounding Revered Master and Fengyun Revered Master looked at each other, and then said very affirmatively: " We’ve never been here, we’re pretty sure."

"Yes, we’ve been in this questioning state for tens of thousands of years. We all remember who came in, and a total of more than a dozen people came in. We I can't remember it wrong." Fengyun Revered Master also said the same.

"Then, maybe he changed his name?" Demon Venerable said so, he put a silhouette projection into the air, asked Xin Revered Master and Fengyun Revered Master to look at him, and then shook his head. This person is indeed Never seen it before.

"However, who is this person? Your benefactor or enemy?" Fengyun Revered Master curiously asked.

"The enemy, the enemy of life and death!" Demon Venerable replied.

"Oh, that's easy to handle. Let's ask about the red jade mirror." Fengyun Revered Master said. If he didn't know that the red jade mirror can see everything in the world, he I dare not say that, now, it's just right. He was also just curious, Demon Venerable came in twice, what was going on.

"Red Jade Mirror?" Demon Venerable was taken aback for a moment. What was that thing.

"Go, go, you'll know after we've seen it, and it just so happens that I have something to ask you." Fengyun Revered Master pulled Demon Venerable and left.

Seeing this look of Fengyun Revered Master, I was very helpless to ask about Revered Master. This guy has no importance when he comes up. If this is someone who doesn't know, he thinks he doesn't respect each other.

Actually, he is nothing but a city, so to Demon Venerable, he is also regarded as his own.

When he arrived in front of the Red Jade Mirror, Demon Venerable also sighed very much. His time here was too short, and he was almost unfamiliar with things in Wenxin territory. This red jade mirror had such a powerful formidable power, which he did not expect.

"The most powerful treasure between this Heaven and Earth is probably here. It's a pity that I can't get any of these treasures, so I can only take a look.

After we leave, there will be cultivators behind who will express such emotions. These treasures exist in the cultivation world so powerfully, but they don’t belong to anyone."

Fengyun Revered Master Such a sigh was not like he said it himself, but rather like the tone of the Revered Master.

"These all are sighs from the heart, I think it makes sense, so when you are here, treasure can still take one more look." Fengyun Revered Master laughed like that, Demon Venerable Certainly, this is the character of Fengyun Revered Master.

"Who is the person you're looking for? I'll help you find it." Wenxin Revered Master took the initiative to help, and Demon Venerable was naturally willing, so he told Wang Chen about the matter and asked Xin Revered Master. It took a quarter of an hour to find it.

"Let's see if it's this person?" Wenxin Revered Master asked, Demon Venerable nodded, yes, it was him.

"This person does not have a low cultivation base. He is a demonic cultivator just like you." Fengyun Revered Master said. Looking at Wang Chen on the opposite side, how can he feel that he is more like a demonic cultivator than Demon Venerable.

"It's him, how can I see his past?" Demon Venerable asked.

"It's actually very simple. As long as you enter the magic power, then this ruby ​​mirror can tell you when he happens in his life. But your time is limited, you have successfully broken through the barriers, and the exit will not continue. Open, one month, you only have one month.

If you haven’t left here after a month...Of course, I don’t know what the result will be. After all, no one has ever done this. But I’m worried, you can’t try it easily, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get out anymore."

Asking Heart Revered Master speaks words of conscience. Everyone knows this rule, but no one ever goes. After trying, who can't think so much, has to verify it.

"I see." Demon Venerable now just wants to know quickly, what is going on with Wang Chen? Why is he stronger than himself when he is breaking through the barriers? He clearly has a higher cultivation base than Wang Chen.

"There is one more thing, I want to ask Fellow Daoist." Wenxin Revered Master asked, Demon Venerable looked up at the other party, is it a matter of breaking through.

"I can tell both of you about the content of the level. It's not a secret." Demon Venerable actively said so, also to teach the two people well, but he saw Wenxin Revered Master shook the head.

"Fellow Daoist is very kind, I understand it, but the test faced by everyone in this entry is different. If I know it, it will be no good. If you prepare for the wrong direction, it is better not to prepare. "

Asking what Revered Master said, Fengyun Revered Master’s excitement has calmed down just now. This is not wrong. They have also met so many people through the barriers. In fact, everyone's test content is different.

"In that case, I won't say anything. What do you want to ask Fellow Daoist?" Demon Venerable is more cautious. They don't want to know this. What do they want to know?

"I just felt that my memory was modified by someone, so I came to check this ruby ​​mirror and found that there was indeed a problem. You asked the heart mirror twice and came in twice. Fellow Daoist can Can’t help us?"

Asking the heart, Revered Master asked very politely, and Demon Venerable looked at the ruby ​​mirror, really didn’t expect this treasure to be so powerful, really didn’t expect to ask the heart of the Revered Master and Fengyun Revered Master felt it too.

My daughter returned to the past, which directly caused many of his choices to change. But no one should know it. Except for himself and her daughter, at most add another Chi Xuan. No one else should know.

It may be because their cultivation base is too high, and this red jade mirror is such a treasure, so there is no hiding it.

"Two Fellow Daoists, let’s not lie to them, I did come twice, but one of them shouldn’t exist in fact, because I went back to the past and changed the past. That’s why There are two endings."

The answer left the two of them in a daze for a while before they understood what the Demon Venerable had said.

He can go back to the past! This is also very awesome! They stared at Demon Venerable, expressions all were unabashedly envy, and indeed they were enviable abilities.

"so that's how it is, it's really interesting, we won't be curious and uncomfortable when we know it. Demon Venerable Fellow Daoist, I hope you can find the answer you want, so let's not disturb Now."

After asking the heart, the Revered Master turned around and Demon Venerable replied. They have a lot of themselves. If time doesn't allow them, they might become very good friends.

(End of this chapter)

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