
  Chapter 2466 Mutation

Here Zhao is very complicated, and Xue Lao on the other side is also struggling Among. This old Xue has a secret hidden in his heart. He saved Fatty Bai. Although Fatty Bai is in a Divine Soul state, he has to hide his talents.

But he didn’t dare to bring Fatty Bai back. The demonic energy here was too strong. Divine Soul would definitely not be able to stand it. So he sent Fatty Bai to the place where he used to hide and set it up Array, protect it carefully.

Because of this, he went back a bit later than the monster beasts. And this made Wang Chen feel that something was not right, and he had doubts about Xue Lao again in his heart.

As soon as Xue Laocai entered this plane, he felt his heart sank. The powerful pressure was on his body, and he fell directly from the midair, simply unable to maintain it in the air. Flight status.

As soon as he entered here, Xue Lao felt the targeted revenge of terrifying. He knew that Wang Chen's temperament was also gloomy and uncertain now, and he was definitely unreliable.

So he has already thought of a reason for himself, but it is not certain whether he will believe this reason.

So Old Xue really felt embarrassed. In order to find a way for himself, he also spent a lot of effort. Old Xue sighed, clutching his chest, he was still injured just now.

Xue Lao was very embarrassed all the way to the outside of the cave, and saw the tacit understanding of black gathering, and then wrapped his whole person.

Only now did Xue Lao know how angry Wang Chen is. Now his meridian is injured by demonic energy, and even a little spiritual power does not raise. It is a delusion to resist.

Xue Lao knows that Wang Chen is great, but didn't expect it to be even more powerful than last time. This is not good news for him.

"Master, please calm down your anger." Xue Lao said, but Wang Chen didn't mean to calm down his anger.

Black's demonic energy is getting stronger and stronger, and Xue Lao had to beg for mercy: "Master, even if you want to punish, you have to let me know why you were punished."

"Hmph! Don't you know what you have done yourself?" Wang Chen's voice came, but it was erratic, as if he had become a cloud of black mist, which no one could see or catch.

"Master, I have lived up to your expectations and cannot bring back more demonic energy, but that is also because they blocked it. The Lin Lang senior, he has appeared."

After Mr. Xue finished saying this, the restraints on his body were finally loosened, not because he did any good deeds, but because the news he brought back was useful.

"Lin Lang appeared?" Wang Chen asked, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

He thought about it. Lin Lang may have left, but he didn't expect Lin Lang to be there. What about Sun Qianqian? Is she still here?

Also, if they were all here, then the person who opened the array and left at the beginning was... When he thought that the people who left might be Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, he felt that his heart seemed to be caught by who of.

"They are gone!" Wang Chen said.

"Master, who are you talking about?" Old Xue asked puzzled.

Naturally, Wang Chen would not answer this question. He simply didn't think that Mr. Xue could understand his question, and he would naturally not share his thoughts with a subordinate.

"hmph, so you ran away?" Wang Chen asked, but Old Xue's answer was very skillful: "I am not afraid of death, but if I lose my life, who Come to serve you?"

After hearing what Xue Lao said, although Wang Chen knew that he couldn’t believe what he said, he still let him go. The reason is really simple, because so far, No one really can work for himself.

It's not that I don't want to kill it, but it's useless, so I just stayed for the time being.

"Go and bring me more demonic energy, otherwise I won't spare you." Wang Chen said, and sure enough, because of Lin Lang's affairs, he hadn't pursued himself for a long time. Will be back so late.

Old Xue didn’t want to care about these things. After all, it’s not his responsibility to find demonic energy. However, recently because of Senior Brother Bai’s affairs, he seemed to have opened a door and he was going to stare at him personally. point.

So maybe when it can save lives. Of course, this was also to leave a way for himself, so he didn't find it troublesome at all, instead he did it very positively.

But Xue Lao doesn't know when this kind of life will end, as if everything has become more and more difficult.

Xue Lao brought the monster beast family around to make trouble, and Wenwen and Yuemu did not arrive in time every time. Although they worked very hard, after all, the number of people was limited and they simply couldn't completely stop it. These monster beasts.

And these monster beasts seem to have grown suddenly and become very smart. They are not constantly making chaos in one place, but will leave before the people on the plane can't stand it. This is also a novelty. Things, they even learned strategy.

This makes these sects very resentful, and they can't wait to find their lair, but they have not made up their minds to let the whole sect work hard for this.

So up to now, they have not been able to form a team, and simply didn't mean to chase.

And the most important thing is that they only make one attack on each plane, and after the attack is over, they will not carry out a second harassment. This makes the people on this plane angry, although angry, but Don't fight them to the end.

Xue Lao's method is very useful, which makes the monster beast family bring back more and more demonic energy, and Wang Chen's cultivation speed is getting faster and faster.

Mu and Wenwen have seen this clearly, but there is no way, they will not be able to catch this old Xue. However, they killed monster beasts a few times, and it was considered to have some effect, but in their hearts it was clear that this was not enough to delay Wang Chen's speed of becoming Demon Venerable.

But Wang Chen already had such a determination, and naturally it was impossible to give up. With the increase of magic power, Wang Chen also fell into complete madness.

Old Xue felt that the demonic energy here is getting stronger and stronger. He also felt that things were not good. So he prepared a cave underground for himself early, not for anything else, just in case Wang Chen fell into madness, then he could still save his life.

He had heard of the original things. The Demon Venerable that year was crazy for a while. It took him more than ten years to become sober, but before that, it seemed like He is a pure lunatic.

He doesn't want to be killed by mistake at this time, so he would rather hide. If he can hide, then it is his good luck. If he can't hide, then he is dead.

When the purple thunder and lightning rolled in the sky, Xue Lao hid in his cave. He didn't even dare to take a look with Divine Consciousness, just because he knew that Wang Chen was about to become Demon Venerable.

(End of this chapter)

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