
  Chapter 2465 Benefits

The Earth Demon family knows that their Demon Lord has changed. And this time, it was not the Earth Demon clan who became the Demon Lord, but a demonic cultivator became the Demon Lord. This is really a strange thing to them, but what is even more strange is that the other Elders have remained silent.

Within the Earth Demon clan, the Demon Lord has the highest status, and then these Elders, but the Elders have no objection at all, as if they had accepted such an arrangement.

This makes them irritating to laugh. What is so great about this demonic cultivator?

They didn't understand, but they didn't dare to violate the above order. Since all the senior leaders and Elders have recognized the Demon Lord, they have no reason to oppose it.

But what made them even more strange was that the new Demon Lord simply didn't have the idea of ​​showing his face in the Earth Demon clan. He didn't seem to care at all. What did they think? He also did not unhurried to stabilize his position, so he closed the door directly.

Some people speculate, is he injured? Others speculated that he might be afraid of other people's opposition, so he dared not come out.

But no one knows, Demon Venerable simply already not in here, he went directly to Xiao Guoguo, with that piece of Spirit Stone, which contained powerful energy.

Demon Venerable came out by himself, simply no one followed, and Xiao Guoguo didn't expect Demon Venerable to come suddenly.

She had already calmed her mind, but the sudden arrival of Demon Venerable still made her mood fluctuate. But what she didn't expect even more was that Demon Venerable became the Demon Lord.

"You really become the Demon Lord?" Xiao Guoguo asked and asked, looking at the proud nodded face of Demon Venerable opposite.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is this something to be proud of?

"How did you do it?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask.

"Of course it is because of my outstanding charm and strong strength!" When Demon Venerable said this, Xiao Guoguo really wanted to ask him if he could not be so cheeky!

"Tell the truth." Xiao Guoguo uttered three words directly, and Demon Venerable told Xiao Guoguo what had happened, which was very cooperative.

For Demon Venerable, the only person in the world who can affect him is Xiao Guoguo. Everything he does is now for Xiao Guoguo, so he tells what Xiao Guoguo wants to know.

"You have become the Demon Lord so much." Xiao Guoguo has to sigh so, this Demon Venerable is also a powerhouse.

You must know that this is the territory of the Earth Demon clan. It is a kind of luck in itself to be able to become the Demon Lord by such means, but the foundation is strength. Powerful strength is the most fundamental reason why he can become Demon Venerable, and no one can deny this.

"It's nothing. The thing I brought you is truly amazing." Demon Venerable said, then opened the box with a stone in it.

But Xiao Guoguo has already felt that it is not an ordinary stone, but a stone that gathers spiritual power. I don’t know how Demon Venerable was found, but she felt powerful in this stone. To shocking power.

"Where did you get this?" Xiao Guoguo had to admit that the energy in this stone was really shocking. But she can't ask for everything, mainly...Demon Venerable sometimes uses methods that make people speechless.

So she still asks clearly so that she can determine if she can ask for it.

"This was found from the Demon Lord's palace. They just knew that this thing could not be absorbed, so no one wanted it. This would be considered cheap for us, otherwise it would simply be impossible to wait."

Xiao Guoguo listened to this, and accepted the thing decisively. After all, this is something of the Earth Demon clan, so it is not impossible to accept it.

"That's right, you accept this, and then a good cultivation, we must surpass Chi Xuan, absolutely can not let him surpass." Demon Venerable said, Xiao Guoguo is speechless, this The winning heart is quite strong.

But I have to admit that this is really for her good. In this case, she also appreciates, because this is the loving heart of a father.

"Thank you, I also hope to be able to improve the cultivation base, you have helped me a lot this time." Xiao Guoguo said, sincerely, Demon Venerable naturally feels it.

"Hehe, what are you polite to me, don't worry, as long as there is what you need, I will help you find it." Demon Venerable finished speaking, and left with a smile.

Actually, he wanted to stay longer, but he felt sorry, so he left directly, but he still felt comfortable after all.

hehe, this time Chi Xuan is impossible to surpass his child. Well, even if it is surpassing, it will not surpass too much.

Chi Xuan simply didn't know. During his cultivation, Demon Venerable came once and gave Xiao Guoguo a surprise. After Xiao Guoguo got this stone, she started to cultivate hard because she was also anxious.

Although she is cultivation with Chi Xuan here, her improvement is really slow. She is very scared, and she is also afraid of continuing like this. Chi Xuan will be distracted to protect her next time he encounters danger.

So she also wants to be stronger, and now her way will be much easier. Because this stone contains pure energy, it is very useful for her cultivation base.

Xiao Guoguo thought that Chi Xuan didn't know all of this, but in fact he didn't, because Chi Xuan knew it, but for fear that Xiao Guoguo might feel embarrassed, simply didn't show up.

But he did know it, and he thought it was good, at least so that Guoguo could feel relieved. Chi Xuan knows what she wants, so she has been moving towards the goal, but he is afraid that Xiao Guoguo will lose her way. Now that she is fine, she has found her way.

When he knew that Demon Venerable had become the new Demon Lord of the Earth Demon clan, Zhao Ting had been quiet for three days. He really couldn't understand how this guy did it?

Even if he was arrogant in their time, he was so arrogant when he got here. It really makes you can't guard against it!

But I have to say that this is a good thing. Demon Venerable is now on their side. The more powerful Demon Venerable is, the more powerful they are.

So he has been entangled in the past few days whether to destroy Demon Venerable or to help Demon Venerable, but later discovered that it is not so easy to destroy him, and to help him... forget it.

So he decided not to help or make trouble. He just wanted to see what this guy was tossing about and what he could toss into. He didn't believe it anymore. He can still be a Human Race. Really let the entire Earth Demon clan be in his hands?

Thinking of this, Zhao Ting was a little bit trying to compete with him. He didn't believe that Demon Venerable really had this ability, and then waited to see if Demon Venerable could do it.

He thought, just to see that Demon Venerable couldn't succeed in the end, he had to wait, he didn't believe it, Demon Venerable's luck would always be so good.

Of course, he didn't know that Demon Venerable also found Xiao Guoguo a thousand Spirit Stone.

(End of this chapter)

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