
  Chapter 2437 Statement

Sun Mu doesn’t think it’s because of He has eaten a lot recently, and he doesn't look good in anything. He thinks it's all Zhao Ting's problem, a big man, why is he not so good-looking?

Whether Sun Chen or Sun Mu, they are all ordinary people. Although brother is tall and has a strong body, they are indeed worse than Zhao Tinglai. A lot.

Among them, the best-looking is Yang Shuo. No one can deny this. However, Ranked 2nd has always been controversial, between Lin Lang and Zhao Ting.

Lin Lang always said that he not only looks good, but also has a great temperament, which is the type that women like most. So I have to say, he should be Ranked 2nd. However, in terms of appearance, he is inferior to Zhao Ting.

However, speaking of it now, he feels that all rankings are nonsense. There are daughters-in-law and children, that is the testimony of strength. Of the seven of them, the brother and the two have married. Is there any more to say?

So he simply didn't notice what clothes Zhao Ting was wearing before, because he bothered Zhao Ting's handsome appearance in front of them. The subconsciously ignored this issue.

Their white robe was only available after they came here, but it was not for the sake of looking good...At least their brother didn't feel good about it. The main purpose is to deter, because the Earth Demon clan is always provocative. In order to deter each other, they directly made such an iconic long robe.

"If you say so, then Demon Venerable is now on one of our planes in this world!" Sun Mu said this, feeling very strange in his heart, he actually wanted to find Demon Venerable Thoughts.

"Yes, he should be in the vicinity. It's just that none of us knows why he came here." Sun Chen said so, his mind was running fast, and he was analyzing these things.

"No, Second Brother, you mean you don’t know why Demon Venerable is here, do you know how he came here?" Sun Mu felt like he was always in front of the younger brother Not so smart.

"It should be when the array fluctuates last time. The array needs three people to open it. Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian will definitely join hands, but what I am curious about now is that the third one will help. Who are you?"

Sun Chen thinks about things, always ahead of Sun Mu and don’t know how many steps, now Sun Mu understands it, the last time the array fluctuation turned out to be Demon Venerable Here it is.

"But why did Demon Venerable come here? If you are alive, the first thing you think about is revenge? Aiya, younger brother, he won't come to us for revenge, right?"

The more Sun Mu thinks about it, the more he feels that what he thinks makes sense. They used to deal with Demon Venerable together. That guy is still alive, so it must be for revenge.

"No." Sun Chen soothed Sun Mu, but Sun Mu was agitated. He asked angrily, "Why not? If it weren't for us, he and that...Anyway They won't die."

Sun Mu thought of Xiao Guoguo at this moment. In order to force Demon Venerable to appear, they also agreed with Wang Chen's approach. Now that I think about it, I also regret it. After they became father, they finally realized that it was wrong to do that back then.

Although regretting it, it doesn't help. Now he wants to live a good life, and he is afraid that Demon Venerable will avenge himself.

"Brother, you have to trust Zhao Ting. With his shrewdness, if this Demon Venerable is really going to avenge him, he will not let us help against Wang Chen, but will help give Demon Venerable to him first. It’s right.”

Although Sun Chen said that he didn’t like Zhao Ting, he had to admit that his strength and brains were extremely powerful among the seven of them. So he does not believe in Demon Venerable, but in Zhao Ting.

"If it's not for revenge, what is it for?" Sun Mu felt that things seemed like a mess, and he couldn't sort out the clues.

"If I'm right, he should have come for the two people on the side, and there is nothing here except spiritual power and magical power." Sun Chen said so, he felt I guessed it, why they came here.

"Why did they come here? Stop dumbing me." Sun Mu said very helplessly. He knows that the younger brother is smart, so he can only ask directly, otherwise he is afraid that he will be aggrieved.

"They should be here to improve the cultivation base. There is more energy and more demonic energy. If Demon Venerable wants revenge, then the first one will not find us. His goal should be Wang Chen. So he came here with an explanation, in order to improve himself."

"It makes sense for you to say so, then we don’t have to worry. Okay." Sun Mu said so, obviously the two of them, brother, are not really loyal to you, Wang Chen.

"Brother, there is one more important thing, that man and woman who are they? Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian, how can they spend so much effort to make two strangers have another Demon Venerable is coming back? There must be a reasonable and reasonable explanation."

Sun Chen started to think when he said that. Sun Mu didn't dare to disturb him. He knew he was not as smart as his younger brother. , So everything is up to him. This is why the two of them, brother, can still get along and discuss things together after so many years.

Three days after that, Zhao Ting came again, and this time Sun Family brother the two became calmer. Even Sun Mu sat calmly, obviously they had already negotiated a result.

"Sun Mu, are you going to watch Sun Chen follow Wang Chen for the rest of your life?" Zhao Ting asked, it can be described as deep-minded.

Because it is Sun Mu who wants to follow Wang Chen, and Sun Chen just doesn't want to be separated from his big brother, so Zhao Ting's question made Sun Mu feel very self-blame.

"Zhao Ting, you don't need to instigate discord here, this method is useless for us, no matter when we brother will not be separated. As for whether we should follow Wang Chen and start all over again At the end, we didn’t follow him. We were on the same level as him."

Although Sun Mu said this is a bit self-deceiving, there is one thing he said right. They and brother will not be separated. , They will always be together, and they will be more lethal.

"Sun Chen, what do you say? Wang Chen is going to become a demonic cultivator, or a new Demon Venerable, this is definitely a big trouble. Are you really not ready to do it?"

Zhao Ting asked, and I heard Sun Chen ask: "If you want us to help, you have to be a little sincere. Should you tell us, who came back with Demon Venerable, a man and a woman? "

Sun Chen asked, Zhao Ting just thought for a while, and then said: "The man actually knows you too, but he has changed a little bit, you haven't noticed it."


"We know?" Sun Mu couldn't think of it. He had no impression of this person, but he felt familiar.

"Yang Shuo, he is Yang Shuo."

"He? He is still alive!" After Sun Mu asked, he found that something was wrong. Yang Shuo is impossible still alive. He must be Came alive again.

(End of this chapter)

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