
  Chapter 2436 Discuss

At this moment, Sun Chen even suspects that Zhao Ting would not have thought of any strategy. Did you lie to them?

But before they say anything, Zhao Ting took out a jade slip by himself. This jade slip is naturally the kind that can record people's whereabouts. At this moment, there are three people in the jade slip.

They are sure that there are two of these three people they don’t know, but the remaining Demon Venerable, even if it is a person who has disappeared in memory for so many years, they still recognize it all at once Up.

"Demon Venerable? It's really him!" Sun Mu said so, but Sun Chen was not so good at talking. He glanced at Zhao Ting, and then asked indifferently: "These people are similar. Although this person looks like Demon Venerable, who can be sure!"

Zhao Ting looked at Sun Chen and smiled. Sure enough, Sun Chen is a smart person. He is still very good at the current cultivation base. Be cautious, a little will not be careless, this is what a person can rely on for a long life in the cultivation world.

"Yes, what you said makes sense. After all, people are similar. I might lie to you, but you can keep watching."

Sun Chen listened to this. After speaking, he stayed patiently and watched it seriously, because he believed that Zhao Ting was not a boring person, and he was not a person willing to waste time. There must be his own reasons for doing this.

Sure enough, there was a change in the picture inside, and Demon Venerable caught Zhao Ting all at once, making him unable to move, and the black demonic energy on his body surrounded him.

If people are similar, then demonic energy and cultivation base are impossible. There are too few such coincidences, that is to say, Demon Venerable has really appeared, and has already dealt with Zhao Ting.

"Well, how is this possible! He has already been separated..." Sun Mu said so, and he glanced at Sun Chen. He knew he was not as smart as his brother, so he spoke as little as possible. He knew this. Things, Sun Chen must have his own plan.

"What do you want to say, you might as well just say that we don't need to detour, especially about Demon Venerable." Sun Chen said so, Zhao Ting nodded, and then continued: "Demon Venerable is a demon. Lang and Sun Qianqian found them, and they were found in Wang Chen’s secret Cave Mansion."

"You bullshit! How could Wang Chen do such a thing!" Sun Mu couldn't bear it anymore. Even if Wang Chen is a little careful, he is impossible to do such a thing. Is he crazy?

What did they live and die for so many years? What they did was to deal with Demon Venerable. If he ultimately kept Demon Venerable's life, what was he doing? This doesn't make sense.

"Reason." Sun Chen was very calm, as if he had already guessed in this regard, so he did not yell like Sun Mu.

"He wants to be a demonic cultivator, and he is more powerful than Demon Venerable."

After Zhao Ting finished saying that, Sun Mu and Sun Chen brother were silent. Sun Chen was silent because he knew that what Zhao Ting said should not be a lie. He had already guessed in this regard, but he didn't expect that Wang Chen was so crazy and worse than the worst he had thought.

Sun Mu was shocked. He didn't understand why. The boss of the Seven Palaces didn't do it. Why did Wang Chen do it? Is it just pure pursuit of power?

Because he didn't understand, Sun Mu didn't speak because he didn't know what to say.

"I'm telling you this today, I just want to ask what you two brothers think." Zhao Ting said, he also came prepared today, or just saw Demon Venerable At that moment, he already had his own plan.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have left an image in that situation. If Demon Venerable knew about it at the time, he might have to sigh that Zhao Ting's thoughts were deep.

"We will never betray the boss." Sun Mu said this, a little excited, waving his arms as if Zhao Ting were a despicable villain.

Looking at Sun Mu like this, Zhao Ting didn't say anything, but turned to ask his brother Sun Chen, "What about you, do you think so too?"

After Sun Chen heard this question, he was silent for a while, and heard side Sun Mu questioning him very angrily: "Do you really want to betray Wang Chen? Don't forget, who has been taking care of him for so many years. Us? Who is against us for so many years? Are you going to break with the boss just because of the other party's words!"

Sun Mu was a little angry. He was angry at this time, Sun Chen turned out to be different from him. The two of them, brother, have always watched and helped each other, so how could they have other thoughts!

"I can't give it to you now. We have family. You should know that our brother is not as good as yours. Now it is not what it used to be."

When Sun Chen said this, Zhao Ting was a little envious. The only ones who settled here were Sun Mu and Sun Chen.

I have to say that they are full of children and grandchildren. They are happy and happy. Every time it comes to giving gifts or red envelopes, he has a headache.

Because of this, he was deeply impressed by the big family of these two brothers.

"Okay, take your time to think about it, and I will come back in three days." Zhao Ting said.

"Three days? Three days to consider what? You might as well let us give the answer now." Sun Mu said, Zhao Ting laughed and did not speak, but turned and left.

Before Zhao Ting left, Sun Mu couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help but asked Sun Chen: "Second Brother, do you think what he said is true? Boss, I mean Wang Chen, really Want to become a demonic cultivator?"

The current Sun Mu is totally different from the manner just now. The manner just now is full of anger and disbelief. The burden is that there are no outsiders now. The expression of his emotions was more shock than anger.

It seems that Wang Chen's position in his in mind is not that important. In fact, the most important thing in Sun Mu's heart is his family, and his younger brother is his family.

"It should be, Zhao Ting doesn't have to lie to us at all. Just verify this kind of thing and you will know the truth." Sun Chen said.

"I paid attention just now. That Zhao Ting has a lot of eyes. There is simply nothing iconic in the place where they talk. We can't guess where the Demon Venerable is?"


When Sun Mu said so, Sun Chen looked at the sky, and then very indifferently said: "It's in our this world."

"Ah? It's in our this world? This is impossible, right? , How did he come here?" Sun Mu didn't believe it in his heart because he thought Demon Venerable was alive. If he could come over, it would be incomprehensible.

"Did you not notice? In the image just now, Zhao Ting is dressed." Sun Chen said so, and Sun Mu also remembered. The clothes that Zhao Ting wore just now were clearly... The costumes of the Seven Palaces.

Yes, he is wearing the white robe they normally like to wear. He is also wearing one at the moment, but he has gained weight recently, and he doesn’t look as handsome like a jade tree as Zhao Ting. . Thinking about it this way, it's really stuffy.

(End of this chapter)

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