
  Chapter 2410 A pair

Can it still be there? It must not be there anymore, after all, they are all ordinary persons. Thinking about it this way, A Jun felt a faint pain in his heart.

"Aiya, don’t worry, if you cultivation well, let alone live for two hundred years, it’s okay for thousands of years." Lin Lang patted Ajun’s shoulder, but Ajun is not like that think.

"I actually just want to be an ordinary person." Ah Jun said so, he just wanted to see his father, he didn't really want to live for hundreds of years, he was an ordinary person A person is fine, and you can be a long-lived old man in the seventies and eighties.

"What you said, tell me, is there something here that you can't let go of?" Lin Lang asked, and at this moment Qiaohui standing outside the window had already held her breath.

She didn't know why Senior Bai brought her here, but now, she understands. Is Ajun leaving? Is that good friend who has been guarding himself and guarding himself really going to leave?

"I...I don't worry about Qiaohui, you also know her temperament is very good, I'm afraid I'm leaving, someone will bully her." A Jun said this, Lin Lang said in silence for a while "Isn’t her family going to find her a son-in-law? If you are really worried, then you can help her find a reliable son-in-law."

A Jun heard this, no Know why I feel so uncomfortable. Just like at the beginning, he heard that Mister Qian had made an appointment with Qiaohui. From then on, he saw that surnamed Zhang was not pleasing to the eye.

"Can I find a good one?" Ah Jun asked, not knowing whether he was asking others or himself.

"Of course I can find it. I tell you that this good man is not hard to find. It is because you have too little knowledge. Go out and look for it, and you will naturally find it." Lin Lang began to fool, and Xiao Guoguo was very surprised. Depressed, how can this guy say that, it's different from the negotiated one.

Sun Qianqian was also very angry. They were trying to bring the two together, not to dismantle them, and to find a partner for Qiaohui. This is not part of the plan, okay.

"But, I don't think Qiaohui can wait. If I can't find it in several decades, won't Qiaohui be delayed?" Ajun frowned said, and Lin Lang felt that it made sense.

"Otherwise, you will become the son-in-law." When Lin Lang asked, he saw Ah Jun's face flushed and he babbled for a long time without saying a word.

"It depends on how you choose, whether to stay as your son-in-law or to find your father." Lin Lang said irresponsibly, and Ah Jun fell silent.

The first time he thought of taking care of Qiaohui by himself, on the other hand, he really wanted to find his father. But two things cannot be done at the same time.

So he was very entangled. He wanted to take care of Qiaohui, but he was afraid of delaying her.

"Qiaohui, he used the treasure left by his father to change your three wishes." Xiao Guoguo said, Qiaohui looked at Xiao Guoguo with surprise and asked: "senior What do you mean by this?"

"Why do you think we are here, and for what?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Qiaohui is actually very smart, so she guessed it all at once.

"What was left for Ajun father?" Qiaohui guessed it, Xiao Guoguo nodded, and then looked at Qiaohui and said: "That is a treasure, and it is also left by Ajun father. Come to us. It’s important to say. He used this treasure to change your three wishes, but none of them left for herself."

After hearing this, Qiaohui's tears fell. She has been, always They all like Ajun, but she dare not say. Ah Jun is so good, how dare she let him become a parent?

And Jun's mother would not agree, she cares about Jun's marriage very much, she must find a good one for him, how could he let him join their family?

But thinking about it this way, Qiaohui still couldn't help but want to be with Jun. She thought for a while and asked Xiao Guoguo: "senior, how many wishes do I have?"

"You have two more, you have solved Zhang Family for you, which is one of them." Xiao Guoguo said. , Qiaohui nodded, and then seriously said: "senior, I hope you can help Jun find his father, this is his childhood wish."

"Then do you know, if it is. When Jun finds his father, you will be even more impossible. His father is a cultivator and a great cultivator."

After Xiao Guoguo asked this question, Qiaohui was surprised, but he was more happy. , She felt happy for Ah Jun.

"I won't regret it, I hope Ajun can live well." Qiaohui said.

At this moment, Ah Jun’s voice came from inside, and he only heard him say: "I'm not going to find my father anymore, I'm still guarding my mother here, she needs my care."

After Qiaohui heard this, she felt as if she had been grabbed by someone, and she felt distressed for Ah Jun. And Lin Lang also sighed and asked: "You have to know that this is the only chance. Are you doing it for your mother, or for that Xiaoqiaohui?"

"senior, this It’s my choice, I won’t regret it."

Qiaohui heard this, and the heartbeat was so fast, she immediately opened the door and walked in and said, "No, Jun, you have to find you. Father, didn’t you want to find him since you were young? Auntie, I can take care of him, and I will take care of you."

"Qiaohui, you, were you at the door just now?" Ajun asked. , His face flushed, but the eyes staring at Qiaohui were bright.

"Huh? Ah. I'm outside, always there."

There is a sweet atmosphere between the two, and Sun Qianqian wants to stay and watch the lively forest. Lang was dragged away. At this time, didn't you leave it to destroy the atmosphere?

These two people chatted for one hour in the house, and then walked out. They looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan entire group. They were a little bit shy, but more determined.

"Senior, my third wish, I want to marry Ajun."

After Qiaohui finished speaking, she blushed and couldn't read it. This should have been said by Ajun , But that is her wish, so she must do it herself.

"Qiaohui, you should know that if Ajun really becomes a cultivator, you may not be able to go to the end." Xiao Guoguo said this, and saw Ajun frowned, obviously he Never thought of this before.

"I am not cultivated, I just want to spend the life of an ordinary couple with Qiaohui." Ah Jun said.

"No, no! You need cultivation, although I can't accompany you to the end, but I hope you can be a cultivator, and then find your father, I can accompany you for several decades, I will be content. "

The two people's opinions differ again, but the only constant is that they want to get married. Don't dare to marry a wife or become a parent, they must get married.

"You don’t need to be married, Qian Family is worried about clansman, but Ajun, how good you are, I don’t believe what Qian Family clansman dare to say. After getting married, your family will live next door, I believe you Taking care of the Qian Family couple, no one dares to say anything."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Ajun and Qiaohui felt reasonable, so they agreed.

And when she knew about this, Mister Qian agreed very much, but was worried about Ajun’s mother.

But didn't expect, Ah Jun's mother also agreed. In fact, as long as she is a son who does not become a parent, she will not be sorry for the Husband of whereabouts unknown. She also agrees.

(End of this chapter)

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