
  Chapter 2409 Harassment

"Mrs. Zhang Family should get up. We are not relatives, and People of the same generation really shouldn’t give such a big gift. As for the marriage you mentioned, it’s what you want me to do. Since you Sun Family want to regret their marriage, we have no reason to hold on to you. You will borrow Just pay back the money.

I lent you the money, and they all have promissory notes, and you can’t afford to renege on a debt. It doesn’t make sense, I know your Zhang Family is a pit. , And you have to marry a daughter in your family. Do you think everyone in the world is very cheating? Do you think you are a smart person?" Have a new perspective. In fact, Qian Family is not bad for money, and can't swallow this breath. It seems that this breath is out now.

And after Mister Qian finished saying this, she heard her youngest daughter fiercely take a sip on the ground, because she was still young, although she did not seem very vulgar, but in the end it was not good, she His temper is still a little irritable.

At this moment, although Mister Qian feels Zhang Shucheng is too disgusting, it can be considered to have washed away their Qian Family's humiliation, and Qiaohui's marriage will not be so difficult in the future.

He is actually a little bit discouraged. If he can't find a candidate to become a parent, then the couple would rather marry Qiaohui, as long as she can live well.

"No, how can Mister Qian do this? The two children are affectionate and true. These all are my fault. I shouldn't think about breaking up two children, Shucheng child I’ve always wanted to marry Qiaohui, and it’s my fault."

When the Zhang Family woman said so, everyone was a little shaken. Which one said the truth? It was Zhang Family woman. People love vanity and prevent the marriage of the two families, or Zhang Shucheng himself does not want to marry Qiaohui.

"Bah! You shameless, our family Qiaohui has nothing to do with your bastard son. They have never seen each other, and they say something affectionate and true. You are going to ruin my house. Child’s reputation, I will fight with you!"

Ms. Qian, who has been very quiet, was angry at this moment. She really didn't expect, this Zhang Family is such a disgusting person. This is not here to make amends, this is clearly to be entangled, their family is not good, and her daughter must be married, this is clearly to pester them Qian Family.

"Aiya, this is all a misunderstanding! Shucheng, hurry up and say a few words!" The Zhang Family woman said this, and winked at Zhang Shucheng.

"Qiaohui I..."

"Shut up! I simply don't know you! My marriage is father and mother in charge. You are not allowed to call my name!" Qiaohui She was trembling all over now, she really didn't expect, this book turned out to be such a thing.

And Mister Qian is not like this, the marriage was retired, he was suffocated, and now he feels more uncomfortable in his heart. What vision did he have before, how could he think this Zhang Shucheng is a good one!

Fortunately, he didn't get married, otherwise he wouldn't dare to think that his pearl in the palm was married to such a person.

"Sir, I am really persecuted. I am willing to marry Qiaohui." Zhang Shucheng finished speaking and saw Ajun rushing out, facing his mouth and nose. Fist.

This book is a good book, but it's a fist, it means that Ajun simply has no comparability.

Had it not been for Ah Jun who was having diarrhea, this book would have been beaten long ago. He was late. Seeing Qiaohui's angry look, he hated to punch this guy with two fists.

"This Zhang Family still refuses to leave? Didn't you find it?" Lin Lang commented while watching, and Xiao Guoguo was also nodded. It was the first time she really had such a thick-skinned face.

But she has always believed that in front of absolute strength, there is no place for all tactics. This Zhang Family mother and son dare to plot against Qian Family because they know that Qian Family can bully, otherwise let them plot against the City Lord, and they wouldn't dare to kill them.

Therefore, the status of Qian Family is too low. If you think about it this way, either fiercely will make them scared, or Qian Family will become unattainable, and Zhang Family will not dare to plot against. A comparison between the two...Sure enough, a fight will be easier. .

Xiao Guoguo never stopped. She felt that the ordinary person’s grievances would be solved by the ordinary person. She could help them change the general direction. As for how the matter ended, they could make their own decisions.

Mister Qian stood still, he watched Ah Jun beat Zhang Shucheng, because there was Xiao Guoguo behind him and they supported him, and the City Lord was backed by Qian Family from the don't dare provoke people. What about this tone? It's all out.

After fighting like this for a while, the Zhang Family mother and son were beaten horribly, and then they were taken away by the Zhang Family. And after this time, they didn't dare to entangle themselves, because they knew that Qian Family was not a soft persimmon.

Originally, there were some clansman in Qian Family who thought that Qiaohui should not do this, because that Zhang Shucheng was also a scholar, and it would be wrong for people to join the family.

However, these people were also blocked by Mister Qian without the slightest hesitation. The marriage of his own daughter's daughter was nothing to do with them!

They didn't expect that the sonless Mister Qian suddenly became so stiff, but they didn't dare to say anything, they had already seen Ajun's greatness.

Before, they all thought A Jun was aggressive, but they never knew that A Jun was so strong. He just punched and punched a hole in the wall. That Young Master Zhang almost lost half of it. Fate.

It can be seen that Ah Jun didn't really care about them in the past, otherwise their lives would be gone.

Suddenly, Ah Jun became the body protection symbol of Qian Family, and he blocked all troubles outside the door.

Xiao Guoguo thinks that Ajun and Qiaohui are actually a good pair, so they have the idea of ​​matching. But in this matter, they can only help, and how to do it depends on their own.

So Xiao Guoguo gave Lin Lang a task that night, and Lin Lang was very happy to execute it.

"You said you want to take me to find my father?" Ah Jun asked. Lin Lang was nodded replied: "Your father is a cultivator. If we want to find him, then we have to go to various sect inquire. But this time may be a bit long."

"I am not afraid of long time, I only worry about not finding him, and I don't know how he is." Ajun was a little excited, but naturally also a little worried. .

"No one knows about this, but I can guarantee that if he is still alive, he will be found sooner or later, but now you are half-legged into the cultivation world. If you are serious about it, live a life Two hundred years is not a problem. We find someone, at most seventy-eighty years, and we can definitely find it."

After hearing this, Ajun's whole body is not well, he asked in a little panic. : "Seventy-eighty year! That was too long. After leaving seventy-eighty year, will everyone be there when I come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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