
  Chapter 2393 Blocking

There are many people living in this city, but most of them follow The Sun Family has some relationships, some are related to relatives, some are surrendered, and naturally some are from other families that they joined later.

But no matter what, everyone is a person who knows the bottom line. You have to see exactly how Sun Peng has lived for so many years. If he is really such an aptitude, then how can it be that there has not been a Foundation Establishment for so many years? Doesn't it make sense?

And when the test resigned that year, Sun Peng was only 7 years old. At that time, many people saw that Sun Peng’s aptitude was indeed not good. This was all sent outside.

But now, no matter which piece of Spirit Stone is used to test, Sun Peng’s aptitude has changed. For cultivation people, that’s incredible and it doesn’t make sense.

"Sun Peng, what method did you use? How did you change your aptitude!" After Sun Family patriarch verified Sun Peng's aptitude again, everything went wrong.

What method he originally thought Sun Peng used, but now it seems that it is not the same thing at all. This person has indeed become the single spirit root of Fire Element! How did he do it?

"I have heard what patriarch said. I was originally a single spirit root. Don't patriarch know?" Sun Peng smiled faintly after saying this, his complacent expression involved him The pain, especially for Sun Family patriarch.

"no! This is impossible! You are a liar, you want to lie to them, you want to enter Lie Cloud Sect! I tell you this is impossible!"

Sun Family patriarch At this moment, he lost self-control very much. He couldn't control himself anymore. He really didn't expect that one day he would fall such a big somersault.

"patriarch, I know you are very disliked to me, but I am still Sun Family dísciple after all. Doesn't you mean that you have broken my future? Although you don't like me, you can't slander me Me."

Although Sun Peng was a little angry, he was very happy. After so many years, he finally got what he wanted, and he was so angry with the Sun Family patriarch, which is worth it. .

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan in the audience are watching. They don’t know the grievances between Sun Peng and Sun Family, but they can see that they are definitely not in harmony. , Otherwise this situation won't happen.

In fact, Sun Family patriarch really thinks too much. Sun Peng did not cheat at this time, because he is now a single spirit root, and they helped to achieve it.

For others, changing the spirit root seems to be a very difficult thing, but for Xiao Guoguo and others, it is an easy thing. Although Xiao Guoguo would like to tell him that spirit root does not mean everything, it can even be said that all spirit root is the best and the best aptitude.

But he couldn't understand or listen to these words. In this case, she helped him realize his wish, and directly changed his aptitude with medicine pill and spiritual liquid. Then things became simple.

No one thought that Sun Peng unexpectedly met Xiao Guoguo and helped him change his aptitude. Therefore, Sun Peng felt that this was his luck and also his opportunity. He was not prepared to give up this opportunity, and must firmly seize it.

"Sun Family patriarch, you embarrass me like this. Everyone has seen that Sun Peng is a rare single spirit root. Of course, if he lied to us, then Cloud Sect would definitely be forgiven. I can't stop him."

Although Elder Zhou said something awkward, but the meaning is still very clear. He wants to take Sun Peng away and bring him into sect. This is definitely good news for Sun Peng, but it is not a good thing for Sun Family.

"Elder Zhou, I hope you can still listen to me, this Sun Peng, no matter how good the aptitude, you can't bring him into the sect." At this point, Sun Family patriarch still tried to stop him.

Elder Zhou is very unhappy. They are here to recruit dísciple. Everything must be listened to by him, without the need for a side person. They follow pointing fingers to help him make decisions.

"I don't understand these words again. Does it mean that I have to accept who will enter the sect? Do you still need your consent?" Elder Zhou asked. Sun Family patriarch's face was even more ugly. There is some shame.

But he did not give up, and said very seriously: "Elder Zhou is a special person. His grandfather used to be the dísciple of Lie Cloud Sect, but he was expelled later because he violated the regulations of sect. "

After Sun Family patriarch said this, he watched quietly. Elder Zhou was in a dilemma. It would be a pity if such a dísciple gave up, but if it was really brought into the sect, He also has to be responsible if something happens.

He glanced at Sun Peng and saw that he was very calm. Sun Family patriarch thought Sun Peng was arrogant, but Elder Zhou thought it was self-confidence. And he knows better that sect always only looks at the cultivation base. Sun Peng has a good aptitude and the cultivation base is not low. After entering the sect, there must be many people who want to accept him as a discipline.

After thinking about it in this way, Elder Zhou said to Sun Peng: "Don't worry, although your grandfather made mistakes, it does not represent you. If you are willing to follow me, I will take you out of here. ”

Elder Zhou said that Sun Peng naturally nodded to agree, and those who do not have the slightest hesitation will leave with him. But Sun Family patriarch has spent so much effort, but there is still no result, it is a little anxious.

But at this time, Xiao Guoguo looked into the distance and a person appeared. This person is not very old and his cultivation base is not too high, just a Divine Transformation Stage. But the appearance of this person made the scene suddenly become wonderful.

"Elder Zhou, Sun Peak Lord is here." The dísciple who came to do the work said so, Elder Zhou fiercely glanced at him, don’t think he didn’t know that the reason why this guy came back is Because he was around to inform the news.

Up to now, Elder Zhou has already understood that this person is by his side, passing his actions back at any time. This Sun Peak Lord is estimated to have arrived long ago, but he has not come forward, wait. This is the time.

It seems that this group of people are very jealous of this little fellow. The more they are, the more they want to bring this guy back. He wants to see what is going on with the Sun Family.

Sun Peak Lord is also a member of the Sun Family, but he has the highest cultivation base in the entire family. After Sun Peak Lord appeared, everyone was quiet, and they were awed by the man unconsciously.

"Sun Peak Lord." Elder Zhou greeted first, and that Sun Peak Lord was young and very considerate. He immediately replied and said, "I knew it was Senior Brother Zhou. The dísciple is recruited here, so I rushed over to see if there are any outstanding candidates this time. After all, it is my hometown, I believe Senior Brother can understand it."

Elder Zhou was very disdainful. A large group of people embarrassed an eighteen-nineteen-year-old child, and they didn't think it was shameful, especially the grandson Peak Lord. This is nothing tolerant. What kind of contradiction is it? They want to make such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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