
  Chapter 2392 is qualified

But Sun Peng knows that the most important thing now is not revenge, but to participate In the test, he must fulfill the wishes of father and grandfather, and must join Lie Cloud Sect.

"Sun Family dísciple, Sun Peng, come to participate in the test." Sun Peng was very polite. Elder of Cloud Sect took a look at him. It was not difficult, and it was not because of Sun Family patriarch's attitude. Change the attitude towards him, from this we can see the strong position of Cloud Sect.

"Well, go take part." That Elder said, Sun Family patriarch looked ugly. I didn't expect that he would still be allowed to participate in the test, but what about it? He may not be qualified.

He knows that this Sun Peng aptitude is not good, and it was only after hard work that he had the current cultivation base. There is not much Sun Family dísciple of Foundation Establishment, and he is not very good. He asked people to intercept and kill, only in order to guard against the unexpected.

To understand this, Sun Family patriarch coldly smiled, just waiting to see Sun Peng make a fool of himself.

However, Sun Peng was not in a hurry, he waited steadily, because he knew very well in his heart that he is now completely different from before, even three days ago, he did not have the courage and self-confidence now. , But met those people and changed him completely.

The previous disciplines dare not take it lightly. For anyone, this is an opportunity, and it is a rare opportunity, so they don’t care at all. Will Sun Peng participate? I'm too busy with my own affairs, so I don't have time to care about others.

It's a pity that more than a hundred people have participated in this test, because there are not only Sun Family dísciple, but also many ordinary persons in the city. But among so many people, only two passed.

Although it has been known for a long time that the test of sect is never easy, the results are still surprising. Because three years ago, they once walked out of five dísciples here, and they all passed.

But there are only two of them here today. This shows that this year's test is extremely strict. Don't underestimate this. Perhaps because of this, they are likely to lose the most important opportunity.

They can't wait, because Cloud Sect enrolls dísciple with an age requirement. They will not choose people over 20 years old, and many of them sign up for their age. In other words, if it fails this time, then they will never have a chance again.

So the people who were selected this time were very excited, but those who were not selected, the grief and anger in their hearts can be imagined. Although many of them are already Foundation Establishment cultivator, but here is the cultivation world, but Foundation Establishment has no way to survive. They need to find a way out for themselves.

And Sun Peng looked at those frustrated people with emotion in his heart. If it were before, he would be just like them. He didn’t know what to do. But now, he has the confidence, then he Believe that his future will be able to meet his expectations.

"Sun Peng. It's you." A Lie Cloud Sect dísciple shouted, and he stared at Sun Peng with a trace of trial in his eyes.

Sun Peng is not very sure, because he seems to have never seen this person, so there should be no relationship between them. Why does he look at himself wrong?

Sun Peng doesn't think he thinks too much, because he is always very sensitive to people and he is careful to watch out, so he can't read it wrong, that is, the look of disgust, the look of consideration.

Although I had this idea in my mind, although the person in charge of the test was not right, Sun Peng calmly put his hand on the Spirit Stone that test.

Sun Family patriarch looked at everything in front of him, with a cold smile on his mouth, he didn't believe that this guy could fly out of his palm. As long as these sect people are gone, then this person has the final say on how to deal with it.

However, he didn't expect it at all. In the next moment, suddenly the rays of light flashed, and the rays of light on the Spirit Stone were hard to look at.

"No, this is impossible!" Sun Family patriarch couldn't believe it, and Sun Peng had his own smile on his face. He finally felt exuberant at this moment.

"Fire Element single spirit root?!" The dísciple in charge of the test is also confused, which is not the same as the promise.

"High grade Fire Element single spirit root! Good, very good!" Elder, who was in charge of the test, stood up immediately. His attitude was completely different from that of the dísciple. He looked at Sun with joy. Friends, this is a rare talent.

Sun Peng smiled. He put his palm behind him, and then looked at the patriarch of the Sun Family. He definitely didn't expect that he would have such a change.

"Wait a minute! This is impossible!" Sun Family patriarch said so and ran over. He glanced at Sun Peng fiercely, and then said to this long salute: "Elder Zhou, I'm afraid here. What's wrong."

"Patriarch Sun, what do you mean by this?" Elder Zhou was very dissatisfied. He finally discovered the talent. What's wrong? Is it because you are afraid of doing meritorious service?

"Elder Zhou, we know this Sun Peng. He was originally a waste of three spirit roots. Otherwise, the Sun Family would not care about him. He would have been cultivated as a Core Disciple a long time ago. Elder Zhou, look, is there any misunderstanding here?"

Sun Family patriarch said that, Elder Zhou was also taken aback for a while, can this person's aptitude also be changed? No, this is impossible! How could he believe such a thing.

"Patriarch Sun, the test result was seen by you and me together, can it be faked?" Elder Zhou said unhappily. Sun Family patriarch glanced at Sun Peng and continued. "Elder, you don’t know, this guy is very tricky, maybe he did something to deceive us."

After hearing this, Elder Zhou was even more unhappy. He was unspoken implication because he was very unhappy. Stupid, was cheated by a youngster!

"Patriarch Sun is joking. If such a Spirit Stone test is still inaccurate, what can be done?"

Sun Family patriarch: "..." How does he know? He also wanted to ask, why is this result?

"Elder Zhou, I have a proposal. I don't know if you would like to listen to it?"

"If it is a good proposal, you might as well say it and listen to it." Elder Zhou It is considered to have given him face, so if you want to mention it, let's talk about it.

"Why don't we test the Spirit Stone with another one, if this time is the Fire Element single spirit root, then I have nothing to say." Sun Family patriarch said, Elder Zhou just considered After a while, nodded agreed, because he was also afraid, and he was afraid that there would be any problems, so it was also his fault.

For such a result, Sun Peng seems to have been prepared for a long time, and he is simply not worried. Even if it is the stone that the Sun Family finds, he puts his hand on it without the slightest hesitation.

As everyone watched, they saw the stone emitting rays of light like fire.

This scene saw everyone stunned, because they couldn’t figure out why this was. In fact, it’s no wonder that Sun Family patriarch doubted it, because many people here know that Sun Peng is a three-spirit root. , For so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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