
  Chapter 2384 Understanding

Lin Lang just ran away, and Sun Qianqian did not chase him, and There are a lot of things to do, and there is no time to really care about him. However, this voiceless sound is so behaving, it is necessary to recognize the Master.

Sun Qianqian thought so, but in fact the unvoiced sound continued for two hours before it suddenly stopped. Sun Qianqian thought, it should be almost done now.

At this moment, Chi Xuan put his fingers away. He hasn't played the piano for a long time, but he didn't expect it to be delicious at all. And the unvoiced sound stayed quietly on the table, and it became Chi Xuan's magic weapon again.

"Where did Guoguo go?" Chi Xuan asked the woman outside. The woman replied calmly at the moment: "Master, go and see Wenwen. She is currently Transcending Tribulation."

"Wenwen Transcending Tribulation, no wonder." Chi Xuan said so, he said that Xiao Guoguo will leave suddenly, there must be a reason.

"Don't go out to avoid being seen, wait for her to come back." Chi Xuan worried that Xiao Guoguo's Avatar would be seen through.

"Yes." The woman replied, and she obeyed Chi Xuan's orders very much.

The woman calmed down, and even though Chi Xuan had succeeded in making the voiceless recognizing Master, he still did not go out. Therefore, Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian felt that Chi Xuan was still unsuccessful until a long time passed. At the time, Xiao Guoguo hurried back.

When she went out, no one knew it, and the same was true when she came back. She went back to the secret room very quietly, and the Avatar stood up and bowed to Xiao Guoguo, saying: "He is already sober. "

Chi Xuan: "..."

He had to pretend that he was not awake, so that Guoguo wouldn't have a bit of self-blame in his heart, but this Avatar It's too uncooperative.

Xiao Guoguo nodded, put away the two Avatars hidden in the dark, Chi Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and asked Xiao Guoguo: "Is Wenwen okay? ?"

Xiao Guoguo never answered this question, but directly asked: "How are you? Did the Qingyin contract succeed?"

"I'm fine, Qingyin is only today The contract was successful. I knew when you found your Avatar here. There must be something urgent for you."

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect Chi Xuan never complained about himself at all, but there was still something in my heart. He said guiltily: "Wenwen's Transcending Tribulation is extremely dangerous. Yuemu and Beibei originally planned to help carry a Dao Tribulation thunder by themselves. But in the last one, Wenwen wanted to come by himself for fear of implicating Yuemu's injury. I rushed, otherwise both of them will be seriously injured."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Chi Xuan would know that the situation must be very dangerous at the time. He never complained, Xiao Guoguo threw him here to save Wenwen, because he knew who the most important person in Xiao Guoguo's heart was.

Wenwen and Yuemu are her good friends, and they are also people who can't give up, just like Lu Shan back then. But speaking of it, the really important person in Xiao Guoguo's heart is him, and Chi Xuan knows this.

"Although I am in the contract magic weapon, but there is no danger, the most is success and failure. But the text is completely different, she is Transcending Tribulation, or Void Realm, I can understand your choice, I I also agree very much.

So Guoguo, you don’t have to worry or feel guilty, because I know all the thoughts in your heart, and you also understand the thoughts in my heart."

Chi Xuan said that, Xiao Guoguo nodded, of course she knows it, because the two of them are on the same mind.

Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo once again appeared in front of Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian. Seeing their expressions, Sun Qianqian knew that this must be a successful contract.

"Congratulations." Lin Lang said, Xiao Guoguo always felt that something was wrong, as if the two of them had just married.

"What shall we do now?" Sun Qianqian asked.

"Let's find the energy I lost back then." Chi Xuan said. Sun Qianqian felt that although the probability was not great, but Chi Xuan persisted, let's give it a try.

"Where shall we find it?" Sun Qianqian asked.

"From here, go to the fracture zone." Chi Xuan replied, and Xiao Guoguo thought, this should be the only way.

Although the repair of the voiceless sound is completed, it also requires close-range feelings to find the energy of the year, and now they are advancing in the void. As long as the voiceless voice feels it, then they will inevitably tell them. Then they look for energy.

Therefore, the entire group set off again. This time it was still a spaceship. They were traveling very slowly, for fear of missing the energy. It's just that I walked like this for a whole day, and I have traveled more than a dozen planes, but the voiceless voice has always been silent.

Although Lin Lang didn't say anything, he inevitably felt disappointed in his heart. If this magic weapon really doesn't work, then they have wasted a year. At such a critical moment, wasting a year of time is really embarrassing.

But he also hopes that this magic weapon will succeed. If Chi Xuan can retrieve the cultivation base that was lost in the past, it will be of great benefit to them. It was precisely because of this that Lin Lang was also anxious. Although Sun Qianqian didn't say anything, she felt a lot of anxiety in her heart.

Chi Xuan is very stable, he doesn't seem to be anxious at all, and the same is true for side Xiao Guoguo. The two did not even have a cultivation, but found a table where they were playing chess.

However, Xiao Guoguo looked at the chessboard with a profound mystery, she looked at the chessboard, then at Chi Xuan, sighed and said: "I am not the same as before. Do you not play chess? I need to let me go again."

Chi Xuan stared at Xiao Guoguo seriously, trying to make herself look less guilty, can she already see it? But before, she couldn't see it at all, and she didn't know if she let her every time.

"I didn't let you, I was negligent." Chi Xuan brace oneself said so.

"Chi Xuan, although my chess skill is not high enough, my Divine Consciousness is strong and I am no longer a rookie. You play chess with me now, you don't need to let me deliberately." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, pinched a grape in his hand.

She still remembers that when she first played chess that year, she lost terribly. But at that time, Chi Xuan didn't laugh at herself, so where would she be. Now that Divine Consciousness is strong, the shame of the year must be washed away.

"Or I decided to make something delicious." Chi Xuan wanted to run. Xiao Guoguo had been serious once that year. They played chess for three days and three nights. Her brain was exhausted. I will feel bad.

"Just the next game, I will definitely not play more." When Xiao Guoguo grabbed Chi Xuan's sleeve and spoke like this, he heard the sound of the piano suddenly rang.

Both of them froze for a moment. Although they had confidence in their magic weapon, but... it was too sudden, and it was only second day today. Did you get something so soon?

(End of this chapter)

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