
  Chapter 2383 Methods

Sometimes Beibei feels that she and Qingyun Daoist are very good in some aspects Similar, they all pay a lot to get the one they love, take the initiative to pursue, and don't hesitate to put down their body to please.

Nowadays, Qingyun Daoist can be regarded as getting what she wanted, and she is not as good as others. Thinking about it, Beibei thinks that the only thing she is better than Qingyun Daoist is that she has a higher cultivation base.

But she can understand that when facing Wenwen, Qingyun Daoist must have inferiority hidden in a corner of her heart. And now that this situation can't help, the suffering in his heart can be imagined.

It is precisely because of this that she feels sympathetic to the other person, watching Qingyun Daoist healing the injury, she also volunteered to help.

Although Healing Medicine Pill is very useful, if someone helps me treat meridian, it will double the results for half the effort. Qingyun Daoist was also very surprised, didn't expect Beibei would take the initiative to help herself, a little sorry in her heart, but more moved.

"Thank you." Qingyun daoist's thank you not only for yourself, but also for the text.

"Concentrated one's mind, don't talk." Beibei said so. Qingyun Daoist closed his eyes. He didn't want Wenwen to know that he was injured. Wenwen would blame himself if you did that.

At this time Xiao Guoguo and Yuemu discovered the situation of Qingyun daoist. Yuemu hurried over and took over for Qingyun daoist to treat his injuries. Beibei let go of her hand when she saw this and took a look. Wenwen, her injury recovered quickly, and the effect of spiritual power rain is still very obvious.

It's just that she doesn't know how long Wenwen's Heart Demon robbery will take. They will stay here until she is completely awake. Xiao Guoguo couldn't do this, because no one was watching Chi Xuan.

Two hours later, Yuemu stopped, and Qingyun daoist's injury was almost healed. At this time Xiao Guoguo said, "I have to go."

" Hey? Boss, are you leaving before you come?" Yuemu didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to come, but what she didn't expect even more was that she was leaving so soon.

"Chi Xuan is now at a critical moment of retreat. I sensed that Wenwen Transcending Tribulation came here. I have to hurry back and leave it to you here."

Xiao Guoguo said that Yuemu is nodded, and he feels very comfortable, because he understands that although Chi Xuan is present, in Xiao Guoguo's heart, he and Wenwen are still very important.

The boss was able to leave Chi Xuan and run over, which is enough to prove this point. Although he is going to leave now, he still feels very happy. If Chi Xuan knows, but he doesn't know what he is feeling, should he show off?

"I'm leaving." Xiao Guoguo looked at Yuemu who was smiling unfathomable mystery, but couldn't guess what this guy was thinking.

"Good boss, don't worry, I will take care of them. We will wait for you to come back." Yuemu said, Xiao Guoguo looked at him nodded and looked at him again. With a glance at Wenwen, he turned his head and left quickly.

Beibei watched Xiao Guoguo go, and now their most important thing is to watch Wenwen. However, she didn't expect that Xiao Guoguo even talked about loyalty like that, and even came here to help Wenwen carry Thunder Tribulation at this time.

Sure enough, being her friend is still very good, much better than being an enemy. Beibei looked at Yuemu, her instinct was really accurate.

At this moment Chi Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and the magic weapon in front of him, the unvoiced sound, started to make a sound. Chi Xuan did not interrupt when he saw this, but let the unvoiced play to complete. .

Voiceless sound is a magic weapon, but in Chi Xuan’s mind, it is not just a magic weapon. He is his friend and confidant. If it is more abstract, it is his friend. old friend.

I played one day one night unvoiced continuously, just like the good times before, as if to release all these years of frustration at once. In recent years, because of the damage of the magic weapon, even if the Artifact Spirit still exists, but can not play at all, I can imagine the mood.

And now, after repairing, it has become more powerful, but Artifact Spirit only thinks about one thing, that is, to play as much as possible and make up for all the regrets of these years.

"How did this unvoiced sound become like this now? It used to be a magic weapon for combat, and it was almost invincible. Now that it is repaired, how can there be a meaning to go to the instrument?"

Lin Lang was despised after saying this, Sun Qianqian said disdainfully: "Do you know what music is? Do you know what feelings are? Do you know how to express your inner feelings?"

Lin Lang: "..." What?

"Look, you don't even understand these, how can you understand unvoiced sounds? Although it is only a magic weapon, it is much better than you..."

This is really irritating. Lin Lang was very unconvinced, so he asked directly: "How do you know this? That is not your Life-Source Magical Treasure."

But When he finished saying that, he saw that the other person's face became extremely ugly, Lin Lang suddenly realized that Sun Qianqian liked Chi Xuan back then. Now that I’m asking myself, doesn’t it mean that I’m trying to reveal the shortcomings?

Of course, he didn't mean it, he just wasn't used to being so despised. But ah, after he saw Sun Qianqian's eyes with injuries, he regretted that he shouldn't have spoken so quickly.

"That... I didn't mean it... I didn't mean it either."

Lin Lang felt that he should apologize, but he really couldn't tell. But Sun Qianqian didn't think so. She slapped her without saying a word.

"Hey? You woman is unreasonable, I didn't say anything! You can't do it directly, at least you have to remind you."

Lin Lang said as he said. As he walked back quickly, he was also a crazy woman who couldn't afford to offend. But Sun Qianqian attacked as if she hadn't heard it.

If it wasn't for fear of too much movement, Sun Qianqian would have to carry spiritual power in her slap. Now she just moved her hands casually. She would be angry if it didn't hurt or itchy.

Of course she knows why she knows voiceless sounds so much. That's because she was so obsessed with Yang Shuo back then, so she knew everything about him clearly.

But what's the use? No matter how much she knew, she was rejected because she was not the one she liked. When you feel get into real trouble, you find that the other party is simply on the shore and never took a step forward. That mood is really complicated.

However, although she has failed emotionally, she can't let this guy talk nonsense here, otherwise she will have to slap her nose in the future.

So Sun Qianqian started directly, because she knew very clearly in her heart that this guy was not her opponent. When she is able to fight, she should fight twice. If this guy has a higher cultivation base than herself in the future, it won't be easy to start.

"Hey? You woman! It's almost enough, just hit it twice." Lin Lang yelled, and ran away quickly.

Can't you hide if you can't beat others? He is a real man, that's how he can bend and stretch.

(End of this chapter)

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