
  Chapter 2372 Thank You

The disciples are all surprised, Master, what's wrong with this? When someone came to ask for something, the Master didn't even mean to stop him. They looked at Chi Xuan entire group and always felt profound mystery.

And Chi Xuan has already felt the fluctuations of the previous Life-Source Magical Treasure, although it is only a slight point, he can still find its location accurately.

Chi Xuan stretched out his right hand, and everyone saw a rays of light emerging from the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, and then an antique piano appeared in Chi Xuan's hands. It really was their Sect Protecting Treasure, they really came to snatch it.

"That is the treasure of our sect, put it down quickly!" a dísciple roared.

"Shameless people, don't touch our treasure!" Another dísciple also roared.

The old man was so frightened when he saw this. Can't you tell this group of stubborn guys, can this group of people not afford to offend?

"Shut up!" The old man angry roar, the disciples felt very wronged, Master, what is going on? Normally, isn't his old man who values ​​this treasure the most?

This treasure is like the spiritual support of their Master. If this treasure hadn't been there for so many years, I'm afraid they would have been unable to recruit dísciple for a long time.

Speaking of which, this treasure has some origins. When Ancestor Master discovered it, everyone thought it was just an ordinary thing, but once when they encountered a monster beast attack, Ancestor Master just used This ancient zither was fighting, at that time, the ancient zither suddenly floated in midair and dealt with the monster beast alone.

That is the time, everyone understood that this ancient zither is treasure, but no one can let it recognize it. Therefore, since then, this ancient zither has never moved. Even though everyone knows that this treasure is powerful, they also understand that they don't have the strength that this treasure recognizes, so no one has come to grab it for many years.

Where did you think that such a bold lunatic came today and wanted to take away their treasures, they naturally couldn't agree.

"This senior, please forgive me. They are all short-sighted dísciples. Please be magnanimous and don't care about them." The old man bent down deeply for fear that Chi Xuan would want to The lives of the disciplines.

"The old man doesn't need so much courtesy. I also want to thank you for keeping my treasure so well. Qingyin also likes it very much, so I will stay here for so many years."

Chi Xuan slowly plucked the strings, saying that, everyone heard the ancient zither making a crisp and sweet sound.

"This, how is this possible! The ancient zither rang!" A dísciple felt that he must be dreaming.

"Yes, it really rang. After so many years, so many dísciples have tried, it will not rang." The disciplines discuss spiritedly, and now Chi Xuan's expression is a little bit tinged. Inexplicable envy and admiration.

"Unvoiced, this is a good name. I want to be the name of the ancient zither." The old man said with a smile and saw that Chi Xuan could control the unvoiced sound. What else did I not understand.

This treasure has been tried by countless dísciples since it came to sect, but even the Ancestor Master has never succeeded in making this ancient zither make a sound. Everyone knows who can get this With the recognition of ancient zither, it must be able to play a sound.

But now it seems that it has a master, so it has not recognized anyone for so many years, because it is waiting for the master to come back.

"Yes, it likes this name very much. You have taken good care of my treasure these years, and I should give back one or two." Chi Xuan said so, the old man hurriedly shook He shook his head and waved his hand and said: "Dare not to be, senior's treasure has also helped us a lot. It is our sect's Essence, Qi, and Spirit. We have been able to own treasure for so many years, and we have been content."

I have to say that this old man knows a lot of measures. He thinks that Chi Xuan, the Old Senior who should only exist in the legend, is fortunate not to trouble them. After all, they took the other person. Treasure for so many years.

Although I didn't hide it on purpose, but after all, I have always been with them. So now he is not aiming to achieve the best possible result, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes. Suddenly Chi Xuan said that he wanted to repay him, so he didn't even dare to ask for it. "

"Don't be so polite with me. It is also fate to come to you today. Since it is fate, I will take good fate. If I take away this unvoiced sound, I should make up for you. I heard that you haven’t had an ascension cultivator for hundreds of years. In that case, I will compensate you for an ascension cultivator. "

After Chi Xuan finished talking, everyone was stunned. How could such a thing be done? They still couldn't believe it, and Chi Xuan had already taken out a storage bag with a No one knows what.

"Take it. "Chi Xuan said so, the old man hesitated for a while, and finally accepted it, because of an ascending cultivator, this condition is simply irresistible.

And Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, she probably I can guess what Chi Xuan is giving. Although their aptitude is not particularly good, there will always be one or two similar. They can’t fly, mainly because the resources are not good enough. In this case, they just add some resources.

Xiao Guoguo can see clearly, but everyone does not know. They just left when they watched Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. The old man was still sighed in relief. Because he saw clearly, these people simply is not sent through Transmission Formation, but directly tore the void.

They have never heard of this kind of ability. It can be seen how powerful the other party is. If they are unwilling to give it, then I don’t want to say Thanks for these gifts, it is estimated that their lives will not be saved.

"Master, are you okay?" "Seeing the old man sitting on the chair suddenly, the disciplines stepped forward and cared. This is their Master, so there can be no accident.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. The Old Ancestors really bless us. We did not endure the disaster of the entire sect being destroyed this time. That is our good luck. "The old man said so, but the expressions of the disciplines are different.

"Master, are they really that good?" "Some dísciples are very skeptical.

"Master, are they cultivators in the ascension period?" "Some dísciple asked curiously.

"What kind of ascension period, have you ever seen such a powerful ascension period?" "The old man has a taste of hate iron for not becoming steel. Only then did I think of the storage bag that Chi Xuan left for them.

"Quickly, quickly, take that storage bag over and take a look. "The old man said so, dísciple hurriedly passed the storage bag over, and they were also very curious about what was in it.

But the old man refused to let them see. He just opened it and took a look, then froze in place, and then He suddenly put the storage bag into his arms, and started to be stunned again.

His expression made the disciples very curious, what is there? Is it still countless treasures? Otherwise, why does Master have this expression?

(End of this chapter)

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