
  Chapter 2371 Recovering

Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo left the plane of Juli clansman, this Time, they do not have the help of the text, and it is impossible to realize space-time travel, so the two people are walking obediently and honestly in the void.

They used a huge spaceship, and this spaceship is the two of them. To be precise, Xiao Guoguo is in charge of controlling the direction, while Chi Xuan is always sensing that he is always looking for his own. Put Life-Source Magical Treasure.

For many years, although he has no memory, if he really encounters the previous Life-Source Magical Treasure, he will definitely feel it. But he hasn't sensed it all these years, so this time Chi Xuan is going to look for little by little in the void, hoping to have some clues.

And in this way, they have been walking in the void for seven or eight days, but there is still no clue, but Xiao Guoguo also knows that this matter should not be anxious, Chi Xuan is already very angry, and he only Can solve.

So Xiao Guoguo often eats some fruit for Chi Xuan. They haven't made any food for the past few days. They are cultivators. In fact, it doesn't matter if they don't eat it. But in order to distract Chi Xuan's attention, Xiao Guoguo always put the fruit of spiritual power under his nose in order to give him a break.

Chi Xuan smiles every time at this time, and then eats the fruit, rests for a while, and then continues.

They moved forward in this way and naturally attracted the attention of some people, but when the two of them dared to walk alone in the void, no one dared to make their minds.

Because the two are walking together, in this case, it is not that the cultivation base is too high, there is absolute self-confidence, or it is too stupid, and absolutely novice. But looking at the appearance of the two people, that is definitely not a rookie. They can't see through their cultivation base, which means that these two people are deep and unmeasurable.

After traveling like this for more than ten days, I haven't encountered a single person who came to find the fault. Xiao Guoguo felt that now these people who block the road, touch porcelain, and like to provoke flowers and grass, have become more cautious.

It's not that she has to find something, but if the two of them wandered like this for hundreds of years before, according to experience, they would always meet a few eyes. didn't expect, it only took a few hundred years, the situation has changed.

However, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are very cautious along the way. Although no one is looking for trouble, they still have to think about Wang Chen and Xue Lao, who knows where they will come out.

But when it was Twelfth day, Chi Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and he sensed a familiar breath. He has never been to this plane before. Is the magic weapon really here?

"Did you find it?" Xiao Guoguo was also very surprised, Chi Xuan nodded, Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian hidden in the dark, as well as the Lord of the Deep Sea also walked out.

The three of them have been hiding in the dark, just want to deal with Wang Chen. Although they think Wang Chen may not be so careless, but what happens.

I didn't expect, calm and tranquil along the way, they didn't have any effect when they were hidden. But fortunately, something has a clue, this is good news.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan controlled the spaceship moved towards a plane that fell down. This plane is just a Low Plane and does not have a high level cultivator, so no one feels that they have entered here.

"In the south." Chi Xuan just said this. The spaceship rushed to the south like an arrow from the string. The speed of this spaceship is too fast. Even if someone finds it, it hasn't waited yet. They saw it clearly, and they had disappeared before their eyes.

Everyone: "..." Did something fly by just now? Are they dazzled?

But no one knows the answer, and at this moment, in a small sect, Elder of sect is leading the disciplines to do cultivation. Their sect has been in decline for hundreds of years, but Elder never gave up. I always feel that there will be unexpected opportunities waiting for them. Especially, they Sect Senior also left Sect Protecting Treasure. They have no reason not to work hard.

"The plan of the day lies in the morning. You have to cultivate well so that you can increase your cultivation base and make it possible to stand out! Our continent has not had a soaring cultivator for hundreds of years. If you can become one Ascend the cultivator, then our sect will be looked up to by people again!"

The old man is very serious, looking at those cultivation dísciples, there is expectation in his eyes, but there is also disappointment, these dísciples, aptitude Not so good.

And the disciplines also know that although they have this fighting spirit, aptitude is here, and cultivation resources are here. It is really difficult for them to reach the ascension period.

But in order to give the Master hope, they work very hard. Although they are often mocked by other Sects dísciple, they still work very hard to prove themselves.

When Xiao Guoguo and the others arrived, they saw such a scene. Not to mention, it was as if a gap was opened in their memory. They seemed to have seen themselves.

They also walked up from the low-level cultivator step by step. Of course, they met a lot of help from people, and they also encountered a lot of opportunities, so that they can get to this step today. Therefore, they understand the mind of the old man, and they also understand the mind of the disciplines.

As for the few people who suddenly appeared, the old man and the disciplines were a little surprised. Even though they didn’t have much knowledge, they could still see that these people were by no means ordinary cultivators, and their cultivation base was extremely scary. High.

Although Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan have been able to manage the coercion freely, now they have no coercion at all, and they look like an ordinary person. However, the magic weapon rays of light on them are shining, and they seem to be very high level, which cannot be hidden.

Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian who followed Xiao Guoguo are even more so. They are all used to flying away without touching the ground. Even now, they are only a few inches away from the ground. Gone, looks like an expert senior.

"Everyone, come to our wilderness Small Sect, don't know what is going on?" The old man can't see through the cultivation base of the four people, so you can be sure that the cultivation base of these four people is above him. .

Within the sect, his cultivation base is the highest. He can't beat these four alone, so he can only lower his posture, hoping that they are not here to extinguish the sect.

"We are here to find an old thing, please forgive me." Chi Xuan said directly, the old man was taken aback for a moment, what old thing would be with them, I don't know why, so he remembered in his heart Sect Protecting Treasure.

"This Fellow Daoist has never been seen before, why is your old thing here with us?" The old man said so, Chi Xuan replied: "I have lost this old thing for tens of thousands of years. It's not unusual for you."

Chi Xuan said, the old man was dumbfounded, and he didn't dare to say anything.

He and I have been alive for tens of thousands of years, that is, the resurrection of their Sect Old Ancestor can't beat others, so let's be honest. Such seniors don't know when they lose their temper, and they will die. He can't get angry because of sect disciple.

(End of this chapter)

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