
  Chapter 2334 Help

The woman looked at the Lord of the Deep, listening to these words, but her expression was calm , As if these have nothing to do with her at all. But to be honest, the two of them are indeed unfamiliar.

Although the two are neighbors, they simply have no intersection over the long years. The two have met several times without saying a few times, and they have hardly communicated.

Because of this, although the two are of equal strength, they are not familiar with each other. Now that I see the Lord of the Deep Sea, the Lord of Space is also a little puzzled, how come here suddenly? Suddenly made such a request.

"Lord of the Deep Sea, do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know that some people are chasing me now and want to avoid this chase, I I need your ability to help." The Lord of Time and Space said so, but the other party looked at him coldly, and then asked, "What good will it do for me?"

"If I don't leave , Then the entire cultivation world will be over, and the Juli clan you are protecting will also be unlucky.” The lord of the deep sea said, the woman thought for a while, and then said: “I can do it for you once, but I need a promise from you. , When I need help next time, you can’t refuse."

The Lord of the Deep knows that this is profiting from somebody's misfortune, but there is no room for refusal. He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I promise You are here."

Hearing this promise, the Lord of Time and Space directly opened the channel of time and space. The Lord of the Deep Sea almost didn't hesitate at all, and walked directly into the vortex. What he needs to do now It is to save your own life. This is the most important thing. As for whom you are going to find when you drive back, it will take a while.

When the space-time channel is opened, time is limited, and no one knows where the channel finally leads. The Lord of Time and Space is still calm after closing the channel.

"Master, where did you send him?" Golden Carp curiously asked.

"I'm not very clear, it should be far enough." When the Lord of Time and Space answered like this, Golden Carp wanted to ask, wouldn't the owner worry about sending people back to the abyss?

"But master, why do you want to help him? You don't worry about getting into trouble! Those who can only escape from the lord of the deep sea must be very difficult to deal with." Golden Carp continued Asked, it found that it didn't understand the master's heart less and less.

"I'm not afraid, is there anything else I am afraid of now?" The woman asked calmly. The golden carp also felt that there was nothing to say. It felt very sad, because the owner is in a very not good.

"You don't have to worry too much, I can still run if I can't beat it." The Lord of Time and Space said so, without any intention to leave.

Golden Carp knows that this is a lie, because the owner will not leave here. If the owner does leave, he will not wait until today. This place is of great significance to the owner. She has actually chosen this place as her Land of Buried Bones.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Golden Carp feels even more sad, as if the owner's path can already be seen at a glance.

However, Golden Carp really thinks too much this time, because the old Xue does not have time to hunt them down, he is healing at the moment.

For Xue Lao, nothing is important to his own life. As for other things, then I will talk about it later.

After the Lord of the Deep left, he began to look for Xiao Guoguo and their whereabouts, but it was strange that he had been searching for a long time, and there was still no news.

Xiao Guoguo They realize the most powerful allies today, so the Lord of the Deep Sea will always be looking for them, but it seems that this person will not be able to find them in a short time.

So the Lord of the Deep Sea became more anxious. How could he find Xiao Guoguo? It's a pity that I know almost nothing about them, so naturally it is not so easy to find people.

Moreover, the Lord of the Deep Sea didn’t want to expose his traces, so there was no other way. He couldn’t send the message, so he could only search for it constantly. Although he also received several subordinates one after another, Still no progress.

And at this time, the Lord of the Deep had an idea. Although he didn't know the identity of Chi Xuan or Yuemu, he knew some of the identity of Xiao Guoguo.

"Go and catch the people of the spirit house!" The lord of the deep sea commanded so, and his men were stunned.

Why is this different from what was said? Didn’t they say that they will save the whole world? Now it is a bit uncomfortable to arrest people suddenly, but the master has ordered them to act, so they can only follow the order.

"Yes, we must follow the Lord and catch everyone back!" The subordinates quickly stood up, waiting for the Lord of the Deep Sea.

They know that they how many catties and how many taels, the spiritual family is one of the most important families in the cultivation world. With their current strength, they are impossible to catch people, and at most they will catch people. A few people came back and wanted to get the whole family back, but they probably didn't wake up.

But the master they are looking for now is powerful, and the master can do things they can't do.

"You guys! It's useless!" The lord of the deep sea took a deep breath, these guys are really useless.

But there is no way. I don’t have anyone available now, so I can only make do with it. So, to find a subordinate, you must also find a reliable one.

The Ling family looked at the people standing outside, very puzzled. They are all who, open their mouths and let them go, where to go, and why do they go!

"Who are you guys anyway!" asked Elder of the Spirit Family. Although their patriarch and Old Ancestor are gone, they are not bullied.

"My family's Master is the lord of the deep sea, now we need you to wait for everything to follow us, if you do not listen to advice, then take responsibility for the consequences!" said a man, the lord of the deep sea did not move. He believed that as long as it was to report his name, then these people would not dare to resist.

"Lord of the Deep Sea? What is that?" Someone curiously asked.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it either." Someone else replied.

Everyone: "..." Where did these guys come from?

"We won't follow. If you have the ability, just kill us." The spiritual man said so, looking like a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

The Lords of Time and Space really have a headache. If they are real enemies, it will be easier to deal with, just kill them directly. But they are ordinary persons, and they are also the clansman of Xiao Guoguo. If something really happened, when the time comes is not easy to explain.

So, at this time, you can only do it yourself. Really, this is the energy that has been accumulated with great difficulty.

Everyone saw the Lord of the Deep Sea, what are you doing while standing in the air! He looked awkward, and he didn't know what he wanted to do. Standing in the air, the wind moved his clothes, and he felt like a cow.

(End of this chapter)

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