
  Chapter 2333 Escape

Xue veteran medicine pill took it out and took it directly, and the man coldly snorted and said: "You'd better find the force of nature as soon as possible, my patience is running out."

As the man said, Xue Lao half kneeled on the ground and said, "Master, please rest assured. I will definitely fulfill your wish for you."

After Mr. Xue finished speaking, he saw that the man’s face disappeared, and he sat on the ground and began to absorb medicine pill. He also wanted to pursue the Lord of the Deep Sea, but it was actually inappropriate now, and he had a big fortune-telling.

The man put down his palm, there were no red rays of light in his eyes. He looked at the world in front of him, but his heart couldn't calm down. This would become his heart. Demon.

He has been playing down the impact of this incident on him, and sometimes he doesn't even want to think about the power of nature he has always wanted. No one knows how powerful this energy is. The Demon Venerable back then wanted to use this energy, but unfortunately, he finally relented.

He will not make such a mistake. The man thinks about their brilliance in the past, and also thinks about the differences in the past. If it were not for him, he set this trap in advance, then they are afraid. Can't leave that world alive.

Therefore, he not only needs the power of nature, but also Xiao Guoguo's life! Chopping the weeds to get rid of the roots. Although he was very vigilant and careful, no one knew, but who could guarantee that he would not be discovered.

So, he sent his most trusted subordinate Xue Lao, where did he think that this guy has been tracking for so many years, but has not found anything, and has not been able to eliminate the other party.

Is it really that difficult? It's just to make him a bad person. They are not good people themselves, are they?

When the barrier fluctuated slightly, Lin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, and he felt that someone moved their barrier at that moment.

The barrier was arranged by a few of them, so even if there is such a slight fluctuation, he can feel it.

Lin Lang is coldly smiled, it seems that some of them have other thoughts. The girl is right. They don’t even know that someone has been tracking the girl’s whereabouts. Have other plans.

"Zhao Ting, who do you say this person is." When Lin Lang asked, there was still a blank beside him, and no one was there. However, the voice fell and he saw Zhao Ting from a vortex. Came out of it.

Just now, there was such an energy fluctuation in the barrier. Not only Lin Lang, but Zhao Ting also discovered it, so he immediately came to Lin Lang's side. Although Lin Lang usually looks unreliable, he is also the most honest and innocent among them, so Zhao Ting is worried. He is worried about Lin Lang impulsively and doing something stupid.

"No matter who this person is, his strength must be good. Don't say that it may be one of the seven of us. Even if it is not, this person must be as strong as ours."

Back then, the barriers were set up together by a few of them. They were able to open it, or they knew how to open it, and only a few of them. Of course, it does not rule out that someone knows the way, or is too strong, and wants to force open the barrier they set.

Therefore, Zhao Ting has always been cautious. He did not say anything, but gave Lin Lang a probability, so that he should not be too impulsive.

"Zhao Ting, you should know that I am not afraid, I am never afraid of these people, and I am never afraid that I will not be able to beat them. If I lose my life, they will also be seriously injured!"

When Lin Lang said this, Zhao Ting only felt that his brain hurts. Lin Lang has always had this temperament. But he still couldn't let go of him. He was always worried for him and cleaned up the mess for him.

There was only a little disturbance in the barrier over there, and he ran over here. Isn't he afraid that this kid will be messing up?

"Don't be anxious, don't be impulsive, let's check it out first. Let's check this matter together."

Zhao Ting said so, Lin Lang was taken aback for a moment, and he asked with some suspicion, "Under normal circumstances, wouldn't you say you should check it first? Why did you take me with you this time?"

Zhao Ting: "..." So why does he really want to take care of this guy's business?

"Because I am afraid that you will get into trouble alone, and because you are not assured of you, from now on, you must always follow me! Because even if you are very tough, you will still lose yourself when facing them. It’s a fate!" After Zhao Ting finished saying that, he looked at Lin Lang seriously, and Lin Lang felt a bit sorry after all, because Zhao Ting said these things for his own good, not at all. Selfish.

"You must remember that I don't have a few companions anymore. I can't lose you anymore. The girl definitely doesn't want anything to happen to you."

Zhao Ting After that, Lin Lang was still very moved in his heart, but he wanted to tell Zhao Ting, that girl, now he doesn't care about his safety at all.

"Okay, I promised you." Lin Lang said. If someone in this world can be trusted, then Zhao Ting must be ranked first.

At this moment, the lord of the deep sea looked back at the deep sea. He never thought that one day he would be so embarrassed and had to leave his home.

But he knows very well in his heart that this is the right choice. The green hills left are there. I am not afraid that there will be no firewood. Although he does not have the source of the deep sea, he can save his life and keep the latest news. Send it to Xiao Guoguo and their side.

The lord of the deep sea thought for a while, he still put a Sea Beast back, he escaped, but Sea Clan is still in the deep sea. He needs to inform Sea Clan and tell them to be more careful, this is the only thing he can do for them at the moment.

Just when the lord of the deep sea wanted to leave, he suddenly saw the location of the giant clansman, his mind moved slightly, he moved towards that plane, and in a blink of an eye, He has disappeared on the edge of the deep ocean.

Everyone doesn't know what is happening in the deep sea. Their life is still going on, so they can do whatever they need to do. Don’t talk about them, even Sea Clan doesn’t know what kind of person is in their deep sea. What they don’t even know is that in the near future, a big change will start from the deep sea and spread to the whole cultivation world.

And Juli clansman didn't know that the lord of the deep sea had entered their plane, and he was looking for help.

Above the plane of the Juli clan, a woman slowly opened her eyes. Looking into the distance, she noticed a strong breath approaching.

When the lord of the deep sea appeared, the woman showed a faint smile on her face. She smiled and asked: "Why do you have time to visit me suddenly?"

The woman is the body of the text and the master of the space. However, the Lord of the Deep Sea did not intend to renew the past, but directly said: "I have come to ask you for help. You must help me this time."

(End of this chapter)

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