
  Chapter 2323 Looking for

Xiao Guoguo In the darkness, she feels as if she is floating, she doesn’t I like the feeling of being unable to keep my feet on the ground. But she knew she couldn't wake up now, because her own Divine Consciousness seemed to be weakened.

By the way, she seems to have forgotten very important and important things. What is it?

Xiao Guoguo couldn't remember it. Seeing that there was a light spot in front, she wanted to swim over. She felt that she was in the mild sea now.

It feels like a deep ocean here! By the way, Deep Sea Abyss, she remembered the name of a place.

Xiao Guoguo used a lot of energy to get to the vicinity of the light spot, and then watched his surroundings start to become dazzling. This place seems to be a mountain forest, all of a sudden, from the abyss of the deep sea to the mountain forest. The scene changes so fast.

Xiao Guoguo looked in front of him. It was a teenager with a wreath in his hand, but his hands were not dexterous. Some clumsy wreaths were not beautiful, but he was still very careful to put the wreaths. Wearing it on the head of the little girl next to her.

Just one glance, Xiao Guoguo's tears shed, because she saw that it was the Third Senior Brother when she was a child and the self she used to be.

"Little Junior Sister, look how beautiful you are. The Master said that you are still young and can’t wear a girl’s headdress. Now I will wear a small wreath for you. When you grow up, Senior Brother will give You bought a lot of beautiful clothes and headwear."

Xiao Guoguo remembers that since childhood, the Third Senior Brother took care of herself, combed her hair, washed her face, and even made her own clothes. She was the Third Senior. Brother is so little by little taking care of the big ones.

As soon as the screen turned, she saw that the Third Senior Brother was beaten. At that time, their Master was always deliberately squeezed out because they didn't fight or rob, and they were a discipline, and life was not easy.

The bloody nose and swollen face of the Third Senior Brother who were beaten by several people still took a piece of braised beef from his arms, just because he went down the mountain to buy it for himself. She didn't know that Senior Brother had been beaten at that time, but thought that the braised beef was still as good as before.

Xiao Guoguo's tears crackled down, and she remembered something she wanted to forget. Only ashes remained from the spell, which meant that her Third Senior Brother was gone.

If the spell only burned halfway, then the Third Senior Brother must be in big trouble, but it disappeared completely, she understood that it must be the hands of others.

Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes abruptly, looked at Chi Xuan, and then opened his mouth. He didn't say a word, but fiercely's spit a mouthful of blood came out.

"Don't worry, stabilize your mind, you must stabilize your mind." Chi Xuan said. Yuemu and Wenwen were also very anxious, how could they suddenly become like this!

"Boss, you still have us, no matter what it is, you still have us!" Wenwen said, holding Xiao Guoguo's hand. She could see that Xiao Guoguo was extremely sad at this moment. It hurt my heart and lungs. Meridian spurted blood.

"Third Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother." As Xiao Guoguo said this, Chi Xuan's face turned pale suddenly.

Lu Shan, let Xiao Guoguo do this, Lu Shan must have had an accident, a major event! He knew that Lu Shan in Xiao Guoguo's heart was no different from his big brother. If it weren't, she wouldn't be so sad.

"He is in an accident! There is no accurate information yet, so let's find out first!" Chi Xuan immediately stabilized his mind and said, anyway, let Xiao Guoguo not be so excited to be First Layer need.

"Yes, boss, maybe it's just a misunderstanding!" Yuemu hurriedly followed, Xiao Guoguo lowered her head, as if she had already identified it.

"Wenwen, I am going back now, how soon can I be there?" Xiao Guoguo asked Wenwen, Wenwen watched her take her hand and said: "One day."

Wenwen actually wanted to persuade Xiao Guoguo to take care of her body first. After all, she is suffering from internal injuries. Although it is not that serious, the time span has a great impact on her body.

"I want to go back, now!" Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone can only follow her, but Chi Xuan held Xiao Guoguo in his arms and refused to let her stand alone. It is Chi Xuan's insistence.

Wenwen said it was a day, but in fact it didn’t take that long. It’s just that they arrived most of the day. Looking at the surrounding caves, everyone’s expressions were not very good. This time span is indeed a consumption of the cultivator. Very big, if it weren't for their high cultivation base, I'm afraid it would not be able to hold it.

Xiao Guoguo abruptly stood up from Chi Xuan’s arms, she moved towards Lu Shan’s cave, she had actually seen it, there was no one there, but she wanted to know that Lu Shan had left How long has it been, maybe they just left, they still have a chance to chase people back.

However, Xiao Guoguo was disappointed. Looking at the dust on the furnishings in the cave, it has been several years.

"You are back." Old Ancestor of the spirit family saw that everyone's expressions were wrong, and her heart was also cold, and then saw Xiao Guoguo's eyes staring at him, and the spirit family Old Ancestor felt that something was wrong.

"How long has he been away!" Xiao Guoguo asked, his voice astringent, and the whole person seemed to lose energy.

"Then he left without a year since he left, so it's almost ten years since it counts." Lingjia Old Ancestor replied, and then looked at Xiao Guoguo, but saw that she was silent.

Old Ancestor dare not ask more, seeing everyone's demeanor is not very good, he even feels that there are some things he doesn't know.

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo and wanted to walk over, but heard Xiao Guoguo lightly saying: "I want to be alone."

Everyone knows Xiao Guoguo's words What does it mean, so they stood still and didn't move. They knew that Xiao Guoguo now needs to control his emotions by himself.

Even Chi Xuan did not walk over, but he did not leave. Instead, he was guarded outside the cave. He watched Xiao Guoguo set up a barrier, as if he didn’t want anyone to find her. Fragile.

Xiao Guoguo cried, crying in the cave very sad, even the yelling still can’t relieve the pain in her heart, she feels it’s all her fault, if she didn’t leave by herself, if she didn’t take it at the time Together with Third Senior Brother, will he be fine?

She feels guilty and feels heartache. After that, she never sees the Third Senior Brother who is good to her. This realization makes her feel distressed and uncomfortable.

And just after Xiao Guoguo cried silently for a quarter of an hour, a silhouette suddenly appeared on a soul gathering stone in the cave. This silhouette was in the state of Divine Soul, and it was a little weak and not very clear.

"Junior Sister. Little Junior Sister!" The illusory shadow shouted so loudly, Xiao Guoguo suddenly raised her face, she looked at the illusory shadow in disbelief.

"Third Senior Brother! How could you...your Divine Soul is here!" Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment, and then was extremely happy, because the spell became ashes, meaning Divine Soul and life It's all gone, but didn't expect, Divine Soul is still there. The Divine Soul of Third Senior Brother is still there!

"Cough cough, of course my Divine Soul is here, thanks to you, Divided Spirit Technique, do you remember, you taught me once!" Lu Shan said with a smile .

(End of this chapter)

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