
  Chapter 2322 Lu Shan’s Choice

Lu Shan thinks of the places he has traveled in the past ten years, It was quite a lot. In order to find someone who could completely destroy the magic weapon, he really worked hard. In the end, he was able to find it. An Artifact Refining Master plus a highest lava took three years.

Thinking of this, Lu Shan felt relieved. He was going to die, yes, but he destroyed Xue Lao’s most proud and most important stone. This was enough. He didn’t believe it, no more. He can still find Junior Sister on this stone.

Lu Shan has already guessed that what Xue Lao until now is looking for is Junior Sister, but he doesn't tell himself, this is clearly using himself. Now he is missing that treasure, and see how he finds Junior Sister.

"How did you deal with it!" Old Xue was very angry. That was his most important treasure. He even dealt with it. Who gave him the courage.

"Of course the stone was destroyed. Since I don't find my Little Junior Sister, what is the value of this stone." Lu Shan said, Xue Lao complexion greatly changed, but still shook his head Said: "Impossible, that treasure is not so easy to destroy, you must be hidden!"

"Hehe, I didn't lie to you, I spent three full years. "Lu Shan said so, and stretched out three fingers, with a smile on his face.

"Why do you want to do this! Why!" Xue Lao asked angrily. He looked at Lu Shan, and Lu Shan looked at him, and then Lu Shan slowly opened the mouth and said: "Long watched You are not pleasing to your eyes. You have used me for so many years. Don’t you think I don’t know? I just want to ask you. Now I don’t need to be patient anymore. Why bother to make you proud. This stone is the interest I charge. "

Old Xue couldn't believe that Lu Shan was such a lunatic, he clearly looked like a normal person! Why on earth should I consider him a friend!

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Old Xue angrily waited to slap Lu Shan to death, but he was afraid that Lu Shan was lying to him and that the stone was hidden by him.

He also regrets that such an important thing shouldn't be taken out, but he was cultivation at the time, extending his life essence, and he really couldn't go away.

Otherwise, what happened today will not happen. He regrets that he easily believed in Lu Shan. What he should have thought of is that Lu Shan is also someone who dared to cut off one's means of retreat. He should not take the stone. Give it to him.

"I'm not afraid of death. If you are willing to give me a ride, I would have lived enough tens of thousands of years ago. Besides these years, my cultivation base has no breakthrough, and my life essence will be It's done."

With what Lu Shan said, Old Xue's anger could no longer be suppressed. He directly slapped Lu Shan, and that slap was simply to kill Lu Shan.

However, Lu Shan did not hide. He stood there looking at Mr. Xue, looking at the spiritual power in his palm. He thought of Xiao Guoguo, and thought of Master and senior brother and senior sister. In fact, he really sees through life and has nothing to pursue.

The two guards guarding the door felt that things were not good, but when they wanted to open the door to check one or two, there was a violent shaking, and the bodyguards instantly lost their lives.

Such an explosion destroyed most of the entire Secret Realm. Many of the people here were seriously injured, and those with a lower cultivation base lost their lives.

And the previous floating island has disappeared. The lake underneath is a deep pit. There are not a few cultivators left here. The constant vomiting of blood proves that their injuries are serious.

And inside the deep pit, an old man stood up. He clutched his chest and looked at his palm in disbelief. The palm was gone, and all he could see was bones.

He trembled, because this time he lost not only a hand, but also a lot of cultivation base. He arrived at bottleneck and encountered many problems. He has been cautious and dared not try to break through rashly.

But he didn't expect that Lu Shan would not be afraid of death, but he would self-destruct. An innocent cultivator, this energy can be imagined, although he can't kill his own life, but such a close distance is enough to seriously hurt him.

Now he is damaged dantian, if he doesn't hurry to be steady, he is afraid that he will fall soon.

This blow was too cruel, too precise, leaving him nowhere to escape. Xue Lao sat down quickly. He didn't expect Lu Shan to sit in front of him so calmly in such a situation, and then gave him a fatal blow.

Does he hate himself so much?

Although he had just killed a killer, he didn't really want Lu Shan's life! He still couldn't bear it at the time, but no matter how he thought he still couldn't bear it, Lu Shan was no longer willing to give him a way out.

"What the hell is it for." Xue Lao asked, with hatred in his eyes. He hated Lu Shan for hurting himself like this, and hating him is almost a culprit of his own cultivation. road!

Old Xue didn’t dare to think about it anymore, he quickly suppressed his mind and stabilized himself, then took a deep breath and wanted to restore the cultivation base, but his heart couldn’t calm down. Lu Shan turned out to be true. Didn’t he know that self-destruct is something Divine Soul can’t preserve?

He didn't want to be a killer, he simply! Why it is like this! If the person is still alive, he believes that sooner or later he will have a way to figure out the reason.

The current old man Xue feels that there is a huge trap in front of him, but he can't figure out what this trap is. This feeling is not good at all!


Xiao Guoguo suddenly opened her eyes, she looked at all around, Chi Xuan is by her side, Wenwen and Yuemu are also not far away , They have not returned to the underground cave, but are on the periphery of the fall zone.

After Chi Xuan Transcending Tribulation, they were here to stabilize the cultivation base, but just now, she suddenly felt uneasy.

It was a pain like a needle stick, and it reached his Sea of ​​Consciousness in an instant. Xiao Guoguo always felt that something happened to someone close to her, but she saw that everyone around her was there, and her parents were in the space, then who was it?

Xiao Guoguo immediately took out a rune from the storage bag with bright red lines on it, which was drawn with human blood essence. This is the function of In Literature there is warning. If the person drawing is in danger, then the rune will change.

The last time I saw the Third Senior Brother, she specially drew a picture for him. She was afraid that after they separated, they would know how well each other was doing.

But rune gleamed twice in her hand, and then saw that rune burned fiercely, turning to ashes in her palm.

Xiao Guoguo stared at this scene blankly, opened her mouth but didn't know what to say, she looked at the ashes of her palm and shouted: "Third Senior Brother."

It was dark in front of him, Xiao Guoguo fainted, which made Chi Xuan awake suddenly, he felt the Divine Consciousness of Xiao Guoguo unstable, but he simply didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo Will suddenly faint, which makes Chi Xuan panic.

(End of this chapter)

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