
  Chapter 2316 Test

She should not feel the position, but release her natural force, Maybe there will be gains.

Xiao Guoguo releases the force of nature when he thinks this way, and this time does not need the help of text, nor is it moved towards a direction, but with Xiao Guoguo as the center, thinking about all directions .

Xiao Guoguo wants to see if her natural power can cover this entire plane fragment. In fact, everyone has the same idea, Xiao Guoguo's natural force should be able to cover a large area.

The spread of the force of nature little by little quickly covered one-half of this fragment, and the remaining position was still very large. Xiao Guoguo felt that perhaps it would be a bit difficult to cover all of it.

But she won't give up, even if it doesn't work this time, just work hard again next time! Anyway, what she wanted was here, she didn't believe it, she couldn't do it herself.

With this belief, Xiao Guoguo’s natural force is no longer controlled and spreads rapidly, while Chi Xuan stares at Xiao Guoguo a little worried. He stands by Xiao Guoguo’s side. Prepare to protect Xiao Guoguo immediately in case of any circumstances.

Xiao Guoguo felt that when the natural power of his whole body was exhausted, he finally felt that at a certain point, he was absorbing the natural power.

Although this is not a big deal, she is very greedy, as if she has to absorb all the energy of her whole body.

Xiao Guoguo has only one attitude towards this, just give it a try if you have the ability. Although Xiao Guoguo's natural force was about to be released, other energies, such as spiritual power, hadn't moved a bit, and she was never afraid of a point.

Everyone naturally felt that the power of Xiao Guoguo's body was quickly absorbed, and that power seemed to have found its origin, fluttering in one direction, it was difficult for them to find out.

"That direction." Yuemu pointed to that direction, and Xiao Guoguo suddenly stood up and looked ahead.

"Let's go, let's see what it is." Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone following them was also very curious about what the Demon Venerable left to the boss.

Xiao Guoguo didn’t know, but she was also curious, so she took everyone forward. She thought that It shouldn’t be so easy. Since the test is set, it must be set Did you play a lot of traps?

But when they came to the front of a mountain, they found themselves thinking too much.

It seems that this place was originally a Cave Mansion for cultivator cultivation. It is just a good thing to say that it is Cave Mansion. In fact, it is a cave. Generally speaking, only ordinary cultivators would choose such a place to live. .

Therefore, even if this Cave Mansion is discovered, it will not arouse many people's interest. Even more how there is no guarded array in it. It can be seen that it is abandoned, and it has nothing to do with caves. Difference.

However, who would have thought that what they were looking for was hidden in such a place. They watched the force of nature being continuously sucked in, and they were very sure in their hearts. This Cave Mansion must be hidden What a secret.

Chi Xuan found something wrong after searching for a while. There is an array hidden in the deepest part of the Cave Mansion, but the rocks need to be opened for hundreds of meters.

That is to say, if it is an ordinary person, simply can't find it. Even if it is a cultivator, it is not possible to open this cave into several hundred meters.

So, when everyone sees the hidden array, they still think this technique is good. Although it is a bit crude, there must be a reason for being able to hide it without being discovered for so many years.

"How to open this array?" Yuemu is asking Chi Xuan, and among them, only Chi Xuan's research on array is the most profound.

Chi Xuan did not rush to study it carefully, and then moved his hands, just to see how the array changes, it directly becomes a ball.

It's just that the sphere is transparent at this moment, and it seems to contain some foggy things, but it's not full.

Xiao Guoguo saw it at a glance. It was the natural force that was absorbed in it, which was released by him before. So, if you want to go in, does it mean that you have to use the force of nature to Is this ball full?

Xiao Guoguo look at Chi Xuan, see Chi Xuan nodded, they have the same mind, and Chi Xuan knows Xiao Guoguo's ideas very well. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo released the force of nature again, and the gas in the sphere became more and more.

Everyone waited patiently. After two hours, the sphere finally shining out of rays of light, and then the array was completely cracked, and a path appeared in front of them. This road is very wide, and it is not a simple matter to create such a road within the mountain.

Everyone keeps going, but unfortunately there are no more tests along the way, no traps. While I was sighed in relief, I was also a little disappointed. After all, this is something left over more than 100,000 years ago, and it is still worth seeing.

After a quarter of an hour, they felt that their eyes suddenly opened up. It was a road before, and at this moment, they seemed to have reached a hidden land of peace and prosperity.

There is a slow flow of water here, the water gathers in the pond, and there are plants of various colors in the pond.

This is already very strange. On these plane fragments, they rarely see plants. Although these fragments have been preserved, they no longer have the environment for plant growth. They can survive absolutely. It is a very powerful plant.

At the end of these huge green plants, on the small island in the center of the lake, there is a tree.

Xiao Guoguo froze for a moment. This picture is a bit familiar. It seems that the same situation she encountered with the big tree family back then. Xiao Guoguo didn't move, and Chi Xuan didn't move. Everyone looked at them, a little uncertain, what they were looking for now.

And just when they were not moving, the big tree moved suddenly. It looked at the few people in front of it, as if it was a little stunned, and the five senses made up of the bark appeared even more tangled.

"You are Human Race?" Dashu asked.

"Yes senior, we are Human Race." Xiao Guoguo replied, looking at the tree with a smile.

Dashu feels very surprised, no one has been here for so many years, they have actually come! However, this is not the point, the point is that it had promised that man back then to distribute its general strength to its descendants.

Dashu look at these few people, they are not all his descendants, right? This is too much.

"What are you doing here?" Dashu asked, Xiao Guoguo then replied: "Let’s find something, the force of nature."

Dashu heard When I said this, I couldn't be wrong, because it was the force of nature.

But there is a question, which one is the descendant of that man? It does not want to go back, but it is estimated that it is indeed difficult to find in this situation.

"Do you want the power of nature? Or do they want it too?" Dashu asked Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo froze for a moment, and suppressed all the thoughts in her heart. She knew that she could not be too greedy. So it was replied very simply: "Only myself."

(End of this chapter)

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