
  Chapter 2315 Absorption

Xiao Guoguo also understands that this matter cannot be decided at will, and must be considered carefully , After all, it seems risky.

And one more thing, she is not sure if she can find what she wants by following this vortex to find it? Thinking about it this way, Xiao Guoguo is not very sure.

But she feels that she has at least six points of certainty. She has already sensed this. If so, is she worth the risk?

"I want to go down and take a look." Xiao Guoguo finally made a decision, and made up his mind.

"Then I will go with you." Chi Xuan said. He will not leave Xiao Guoguo under any circumstances.

"Okay." Xiao Guoguo replied, she would not refuse Chi Xuan.

But after answering this way, Xiao Guoguo felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right, so Wenwen looked at Yuemu with his eyes, and Yuemu asked with aggrieved expression: "Why can the boss Chi Xuan be able to Follow, can't we follow?"

"I didn't tell you not to follow..." Xiao Guoguo felt that he was speechless when asked.

"Very good, the boss let us follow." Yue Mu immediately changed his face and said, and Xiao Guoguo knew that he had been fooled.

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, Yuemu had this idea, but Xiao Guoguo also felt that if he opposed it now, it was likely that Yuemu would come up with it in the future.

"Then everyone will go together, but I don't know what's in it, and I don't know if it will be dangerous, everyone should be careful." Xiao Guoguo finished this reminder, and began to release the force of nature. Wenwen also followed and felt the force of nature into this vortex.

"It seems that I really want to go down and take a look." Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone was nodded, and they continued to move forward.

The vortex has a very strong suction power, that is to say, even if a huge fragment is sucked into it, it is a force that is difficult to break free.

Although Xiao Guoguo can use spiritual power to control their bodies, they have not done so. No matter what, they have to enter vortex, as long as they follow the trend.

Although it is difficult to control, everyone has increased their vigilance and walked steadily. Xiao Guoguo thinks this setting is really helpless, why is it so difficult to find energy?

"Over there." Xiao Guoguo pointed directly at one of the directions, and everyone followed her in that direction.

Xiao Guoguo can feel that his natural force is attracted towards one direction, and it takes some effort for them to walk in the past.

Because there are many plane fragments on the road, some of them are very large, it is difficult to avoid them, because the surrounding area is full of violent winds, and one who accidentally escaped the fragments but could not escape the vortex and was sucked into vortex. At the bottom, then it's dangerous.

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo and the others flew directly over the plane fragments. Although it will take some time, it is safer.

"Be careful, the fragment was crushed." Xiao Guoguo said so, Yuemu and Chi Xuan shot at the same time, propping up a barrier.

I have to say that the debris inside is bigger than the outside, and the speed is faster. Although a large part of the vortex was sucked into the vortex by the gust of wind, there were still some that struck. A big threat.

The stone hit the barrier, but all were blocked by the barrier. Chi Xuan and Yuemu did not expend much effort. After a quarter of an hour, everyone continued to move forward.

This vortex doesn't seem to be too deep, but it actually took a day to go. Xiao Guoguo looked that he was about to reach the bottom of the vortex before he found the whereabouts of the force of nature.

Xiao Guoguo looked at that direction, but didn't know how to get in, and Wenwen stretched out his hand directly, touched it lightly with his finger, and vortex appeared.

"This is also a space tunnel, let's go in." Wenwen said that it was natural to be no problem, and everyone continued on.

It's just that the storm in the vortex is still very strong. Everyone stabilized their body and waited for the exit. They only saw the rays of light exiting after one minute.

Wenwen is also sighed in relief. After all, this vortex is different from its own. I don’t know where it can go and if there will be any problems. Fortunately, nothing happened, and they are also a huge Plane fragments.

"It's here." Xiao Guoguo said. Although she doesn't know why this face is here, she can be sure that she can feel a familiar energy now.

So she should be right, there should be something close to the power of nature.

"Let's go and take a look." Xiao Guoguo said, quickly reaching above the plane, and everyone followed closely from behind. They flew for a while before they found a building.

It looks like a great hall, but the surrounding area looks a little gloomy. The ugly thing to say is that this atmosphere, this style looks like a villain's territory.

But thinking of Demon Venerable's character and deeds, it is not impossible for him to be here. Everyone followed Xiao Guoguo forward, many things were afraid to touch, not because they were afraid of traps, but because many things here after too long, they would become dust and disappear when touched.

When Xiao Guoguo has not found the energy yet, they can't make extravagance, so everyone just can't touch it, and it's in order to guard against the unexpected.

And Xiao Guoguo walked into the great hall. This great hall was more magnificent than any one she had seen before. There are many Spirit Stones inside, and the rays of light still shine with dazzling rays, and the area here is also very large, but it does not appear to be empty, but full of treasures.

"Didn't expect this Demon Venerable aesthetic is quite powerful, look at the look of this great hall, not ordinary people can figure it out." Yuemu sighed.

He doesn't care whether Demon Venerable is who, he only thinks that Demon Venerable knows how to live, and it's really amazing that such a person would be involved in the vortex of power.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and find something!" Wenwen said, Yuemu could only stop and sigh to see all around, all around there are many good things, he doesn't know which one he should look for first .

"Boss, can you still feel the force of nature?" Yuemu asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded, the force of nature has become stronger here, but it is precisely because it has become more It's thick and can't find that spot, because all around is energy, but she is more likely to be inaccurate.

"I think the force of nature is everywhere here, so it's not easy to find." Xiao Guoguo said, Yuemu looked all around and said: "Boss, don't worry, dig the ground three feet, I I also give you the energy you want to find out."

"The key question now is that you may not find it by digging three feet, and even if you find it, whether it can be absorbed is still two different things." Xiao Guoguo replied. , Everyone fell into silence. What should I do! What should be done to achieve the most accurate positioning?

Xiao Guoguo felt that when she got here, she had fallen into a mystery. She felt that there must be a way, and the way was right in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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