
  Chapter 2303 Strange

Xiao Guoguo didn’t know that Lu Shan had left, she was wrapped in Inside a big egg, all she saw were rays of light, and she couldn't figure out where it was or what was going on.

According to reason, it should be Heart Demon Jie now, but she does not look like Heart Demon Jie, it seems to be a road.

Let's go this way, the key is that there is no scenery at all on this road, and it feels very boring. Is this really Heart Demon? This is also a unique Heart Demon robbery, look down on yourself a little bit too much, right?

Shouldn't Heart Demon Jie be a little irritating? Shouldn't there be some awesome monster beasts or illusions? Why is there a road now, and there is no flowers and grass?

"Anyone?" Xiao Guoguo asked as he walked, but no one answered.

No one answered, she sat down and rested, but after the rest, she found that there was still no one. There was no change at all, and she couldn't just sit there all the time.

So there is no other way but to stand up and walk again. It seems that stopping and sitting will not work. Then you can only continue walking. It doesn’t matter where you go, she doesn’t believe it anymore. Go all the way.

Xiao Guoguo felt that his leg was about to break, and finally saw a scenery, a roadside stall, selling drinks.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." What are you kidding about?

This is a man who looks at the stall, with a face of vicissitudes, and a suit of stall goods. This makes Xiao Guoguo a little uncertain, who is this person, is this really selling drinks? But the image is a bit bad!

"Girl, I have been walking for so long, so why don't you have to take a break." The man asked, the long hair floating in the wind.

"No." Xiao Guoguo simply refused.

Man: "..." Crazy, why doesn't this girl follow the path search!

"It's not a girl, there won't be this shop after passing this village!" The man said so and took two steps quickly. Why is this brat so skinny!

"If you don't drink, I'm not thirsty." Xiao Guoguo thought about it. Anyway, it's okay if you don't have anything to do with diligence.

"No money!" The man tried so hard to stay.

"Those who don’t need money are not good. This makes sense." Xiao Guoguo didn’t listen to this at all, she endured it when she was thirsty. She is a cultivator. The cultivator is also afraid of being thirsty, hallucinations, It's all an illusion.

"Then you can see if it works! We also have a task, girl, you can't tear down the stage like this!" The man said, Xiao Guoguo stopped and said, "Really look at it? Isn’t it too small?"

"Don’t dislike it." The man promised, Xiao Guoguo turned his head and found a place to sit down. Then he sat down and said: "You chair It's too hard."

Man: "..." Who did he offend?

"Girl, what would you like to drink? Sweet or salty, iced or hot?" The man asked, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him and replied: "Pearl milk tea does not need pearls."

Man: "..." He also has to know what bubble tea is!

"Can that boiled water work?" The man was speechless, he really didn't have that kind of thing.

"Boiled water is also charged?" Xiao Guoguo felt that this man was too bad.

"Look at it, we also have a task."

"Hehe, you really do as one pleases for this task." Xiao Guoguo though. Said, he still drank a pot of water, and then gave a low-level Spirit Stone.

The man didn’t dislike it, he put away the Spirit Stone, and then took out a bamboo tube with a few bamboo sticks inside and said, “Since you don’t dislike the boiled water here, you also gave it to me. For such a generous return, I will count it for free, and no money."

"A piece of low grade Spirit Stone is not a good return." Xiao Guoguo couldn't help but complain.

"Girl, don't embarrass me, this is how the plot develops." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo didn't embarrass him, and took a bamboo stick directly from the bamboo tube.

Man: "..." Isn't it good to cheat like this?

"Hehe, look at this bamboo stick and say that you have an extraordinary background. It says that you originally absorbed the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth's Divine Soul, and later became the ontology. This I just arrived in the world. Although you have become a cultivator, your ability to get close to nature is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Hehe, the path of cultivation for girls is naturally better than ordinary people, but there will be others. You have a bad heart, so you have to be careful."

As the man said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him and said: "Your sign is so small, so much is said on it?"

The man has a sense of frustration. This brat really doesn't follow the routine. It's too difficult.

But what can be done, who will let herself lead this errand and become her guide? I only blame myself for bad luck and came across this brat.

"Hey, I think you are like this, I am afraid that you have already doubted your own identity?" The man asked, Xiao Guoguo watched him slightly smiled and asked: "You are real Does it look like this? So... literary?"

The man is depressed, so there is no need to attack his appearance. This is because he chose a good look after a long time, but looking at the girl means I don't like my look anymore.

"Then what kind of look do you like, I can change it." The man said, Xiao Guoguo thought for a while and said: "Forget it, you are still so sloppy. It may not look good."

The man thinks this is the most brat he has ever seen! Although she has grown up now, she is still so annoying!

"Let’s be serious, my time is also precious, what are you going to tell us?" Xiao Guoguo asked, looking at the man, the man poured himself a glass slowly Spiritual power juice, and then looked at Xiao Guoguo and said: "Have you doubted your identity for a long time?"

"There is a lunatic outside the world, and the lunatic said he wants the power of nature in me. "

"What! Is it so dangerous? Your identity has always been kept secret. I don't know who you are. His information is impossible." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him , The secrecy you mentioned does not seem to be confidential at all.

"Then how do you think he knew about me? If it wasn't for good luck, I would have been arrested now." Xiao Guoguo said, the man was a bit sorry.

"I will tell those guys about this matter, I believe they will definitely be more precautions. You have to be careful yourself." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo squinted at him and said:" Speaking of it, you are going to leave it alone, right?"

"This, we really can't control it now, because we can't come here." The man said that, Xiao Guoguo couldn't bear it. Live the rolled the eyes, and don't care about anything with them.

"Then I'm curious, where are you all?" Xiao Guoguo asked.

"This, speaking of which is a more profound problem. We are on another plane and cannot come here." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo felt very speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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