
  Chapter 2302 Leaving

Here, Xiao Guoguo’s Avatars carried a Dao Tribulation thunder Of course, because they were carried together, they were not seriously injured, but they also knew that it was okay to carry this Dao Tribulation thunder, and it would be impossible to carry another thunder.

Chi Xuan frowned, he watched the five distractions on Xiao Guoguo side fuse at the same time, and the energy entered Xiao Guoguo's body.

Chi Xuan who saw this scene was also taken aback. He didn't expect that this Avatar could still be so integrated. But this also means that Xiao Guoguo's cultivation base at this moment has reached its peak. At that moment, perhaps her cultivation base is not Void Realm Early-Stage, but Void Realm's mid-term.

Zhou Zhou was also surprised that such a thing actually exists. All of what I have seen today will become a rich and colorful stroke in the future, which will remain in my memory.

Xiao Guoguo has five Avatar powers. She looked at the tribulation thunder in the sky, although she was not so arrogant that she was not afraid of it, but she still had some confidence in her heart.

The last Dao Tribulation thunder was huge, and Beibei was frowned. She felt that Xiao Guoguo's tribulation thunder seemed to be much stronger than the tribulation thunder of her own Transcending Tribulation.

Thinking about it this way, it really couldn't be compared. She was afraid that she could not catch this Dao Tribulation thunder.

So she only dared to watch, she didn't dare to really help, she even felt that if she dared to reach out, her life might be lost. Therefore, Beibei was very anxious and clenched her fists for fear of Xiao Guoguo's accident, because if Xiao Guoguo really couldn't hold the Dao Tribulation thunder, not only would she feel uneasy in her conscience, but Yuemu would not forgive her.

Beibei thought so, her cold sweat came down. And Chi Xuan was even more nervous than her, both of his hands were full of power, and she resisted the last Dao Tribulation thunder. He told himself that he must believe in Guoguo, not doubt, not intervene.

So, when the last Dao Tribulation thunder fell, even the people present felt that Divine Soul didn’t ask. Zhou Zhou on the soul gathering stone even felt hurt. He didn’t expect this tribulation thunder to be so powerful. .

"What can I do?" Beibei looked anxiously, tears falling.

"It's okay, it should be okay!" Zhou Zhou said.

"This is also very awesome." Fenghu feels that he has no regrets in his life. You can see such scenes. It's really awesome!

When the rays of light disappeared, Chi Xuan was the first to fly forward, but at this time, a beam of light shot down from the clouds, and then Xiao Guoguo floated from the deep pit I got up and floated in midair.

The Spirit Beast was originally rushing forward, but at this moment I dare not, because Xiao Guoguo is floating in the air, and her body is surrounded by soft rays of light, which will help Xiao Guoguo from beginning to end. Wrapped up, like an egg.

Everyone: "..." What's the situation?

Everyone found it incredible, Chi Xuan was also puzzled, and Zhou Zhou saw this, the rays of light flashed in his mind, and he thought of the rumor. Is it all true! This is unlikely!

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Zhou immediately lost his mind and couldn't care about anything. He had to go and see the legend he heard back then.

He doesn't remember everything now, he has to look for it quickly, if the legend is true, then this scene in front of him can be explained.


In the underground cave**, Lu Shan looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan's caves. He knew they were not here. If he guessed well, they should be left.

But why did you leave? And I didn't tell him before leaving, I don't know when they will come back.

Lu Shan looked at the news he received sighed. The news was received three days ago. When he saw the news, he thought he should go.

It’s just that he hasn’t left. It’s because he is waiting. When Xiao Guoguo comes back, he wants to see Little Junior Sister and tell her that he may not be able to come back this time. . In addition, Little Junior Sister has to make snacks himself, don't let Chi Xuan be fooled.

I always feel that he still has a lot of things to explain, and there is still a lot to say, but he is very clear in his heart that if Xiao Guoguo comes back, he is afraid that he will not be able to leave.

Junior Sister will not let him go, and he himself will be reluctant, so it is just right to go now.

Lu Shan took a deep breath again and stood up slowly. He didn't bring anything, and there was nothing to bring when he left, but he walked out of the cave door and saw Qingyun daoist.

"Are you leaving?" Qingyun Daoist asked.

"Am I so obvious?" Lu Shan didn't expect, but saw Qingyun daoist faintly smiled and said: "You stand in front of their cave for a day, and I know you are afraid of I'm leaving."

"Yes, there are still some things that I have to deal with." Lu Shan said, Qingyun Daoist looked at him and said, "Can't stop, can't you stay? "

"No, although I really want to stay." Lu Shan said that, Qingyun Daoist felt even more bitter in his heart.

Don't think that he doesn't know anything. In fact, he understands many things better, but he doesn't want to say it. It seems that if he doesn't say it, he can treat it as if many things don't exist.

"I'll prepare a meal for you, as it is practice, they are not there, I will send you." Qingyun daoist said, Lu Shan nodded with a smile agreed.

He also knows the relationship between Qingyun Daoist and Xiao Guoguo. He sees him off as Junior Sister and they see him off. After Staring Qingyun Daoist made the food by himself, he became more sincere. Lu Shan never declined, and even drank some drinks.

"When are you leaving this time, when will you come back?" Qingyun daoist asked. Lu Shan held the wine glass and said nothing for a long time.

"After I'm gone, you tell Junior Sister, no matter what you encounter, you must think twice. Don't use your safety as a bet, otherwise I will worry."

" Don't worry, I will tell her this. Is there anything else I can explain?" Qingyun Daoist felt bitter in his heart. Lu Shan is not going to come back.

"Tell her to be happy anytime in the future. I hope she will be well, just like what the Master and senior brother and senior sister expected." Lu Shan finished speaking, The drink in the glass was drunk in one go.

"I toast you a cup." Qingyun Daoist said so, Lu Shan did not refuse.

After drinking this cup, Lu Shan stood up and said: "No need to give it away, I don’t like parting."

"Okay, I won’t give you away, we all Waiting for you to come back." Qingyun daoist did not stand up and watched Lushan walk out of the cave.

The array was opened, Lu Shan laughed out and never looked back, and the spirit family Old Ancestor sighed, he didn't know if it was a mistake.

"What are you doing with a good sigh?" Mrs. Lingjia asked.

"It's nothing, I just think some youngsters are still quite powerful." Old Ancestor of the spirit family replied, and the lady of the spirit family felt unfathomable mystery.

Qingyun daoist looked into the distance, he thought about Xiao Guoguo and they would be worried when they came back, and when Lu Shan went out, he didn’t know what would happen to the cultivation world. Seeing him like that, it’s clearly Not afraid of life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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