
  Chapter 2292 Underground

He waited for so many years, and tried many methods, but they couldn’t. What did they do? Did it!

Why can they walk in! This is not fair!

Wait, maybe you can do it yourself! Zhuo Feng thought about this, and then tried to follow them and walk in. However, the reality was so cruel that he was bounced back with a bang.

"This is too bullying!" Zhuo Feng Angry Roar, frantically attacked the barrier, but it was useless.

The few people on the ground see that there is no one in front of them. They are a little uncertain. Will those two people come back? Did they get away with it?

These few people thought that they might be able to escape, and Zhuo Feng over there was thinking about how to get there, he didn't believe it, this array discriminated against people like this.

Actually, this array really discriminates against people, because the setting of the array is the cultivation base, and only those who have reached Wuwei can pass this array. If Zhuofeng’s cultivation base has not arrived, it must be difficult to get through.

So he tried hundreds of times, but he was bombed hundreds of times, and his body was injured. This was a temporary surrender.

The scenes that Yuemu and Beibei see when they enter the barrier are completely different. It is quite beautiful here, without a layer of black paint, and it does not look like the lava flame of three layers. , On the contrary, it is white.

The white clouds, the white ground, and even everything around them are filled with peace and beauty. Fenghu can be regarded as the happiest of the three. It looked at Yuemu and Beibei and said: "Is this already out? How do I think this is outside?"

"You think That's too much." Beibei said, and then looking ahead, she felt that this was still a trap. It’s just that this trap won’t be that simple, right?

Sure enough, I just finished thinking about it, and I heard a burst of music. It was very nice and wonderful. It came just right. Yuemu looked at Beibei, and sighed: "There are so many moths."

"Yes, there are a lot of tricks, but I don't know who this person is." Yue When Mu said this, I heard Beibei mumble: "It's just not a good person anyway."

Yuemu: "..." The summary is in place.

"Congratulations, you passed this test." A woman's voice came, and the two looked up, and a woman was sitting in a high position, looking down at them.

"Who is this person?" Beibei said so, and she heard Tsukiki Pu Chi's said with a smile: "Why do I listen, this is the same as what we heard when we entered here A voice."

What Yuemu said, Beibei thinks it is really the same thing. It sounded like a single person, thinking about the two of them quarreling over who could stay until the last question, she was very angry, looked at the woman on it coldly and said: "You don't mean that only one of us can pass. Is it?"

Woman: "..." Can you turn it over?

"No, the two have misunderstood it. It was said by the guardian of the test. It was not me. You must be mistaken. I am the master of this cloud city. How can I confuse it?" Woman Said this, with a kind smile on her face, but Beibei was coldly snorted and said: "Do you think I would believe it?"

The woman was also stunned, she didn't expect these two people to be so arrogant , They look at what you say we will not believe, really looking at it.

But the woman still maintained a decent smile. She waved her hand and trembling behind her, and then saw a tree appear.

That is a very huge tree, and there are several fruits growing on the tree at this moment, each of which is full of power. Not the ordinary spiritual power fruit, but the kind of energy that makes people feel scared.

"Now you believe it, I am really the master of this Cloud City, and there are really rewards here. What you want to get is this reward. This fruit is full of power. Just take it , Your continuation will be able to break through the limit and reach the next realm!"

The woman said so, Beibei and Yuemu looked at each other, they knew this was a trap, but this trap is really attractive So they feel they can’t refuse.

'Would you like to go over and have a look? Beibei asked Yuemu this way, and after a while, she heard Yuemu sound transmission and said to herself: "I'll go over and take a look first, don't be impulsive, wait here, wait for my news. '

After Yuemu finished saying that, he wanted to go over to snatch the Spirit Fruit, but saw a silhouette faster than him, and instantly came to the big tree and pulled a fruit down.

"no! How dare you!" The woman yelled, and she saw that everything in the surrounding area had changed. Yuemu didn't dare to hesitate, and rushed to Beibei. He is impossible to let Beibei bear these alone.

"Don't come here!" Beibei Angry Roar saw her body start to petrify.

Starting from the position where the palm of the hand touched the fruit, the speed is extremely fast, but it has reached the chest in an instant. Beibei didn't expect, she was already very careful, she used spiritual power to pull the fruit, but the fruit is so powerful, just touching it with spiritual power won't work.

"Haha, it's late, this person was caught by me." The woman who was sitting in the seat shouted, but she saw Yuemu quickly hug Beibei in her arms.

She didn’t expect Yuemu to do this, she couldn’t believe it, but there is such a stupid person in this world who knew it was a trap, and knew that she might not be able to get out, so she took the initiative to jump. Go down.

"Baibei! Beibei!" Tsukiki was very angry, and Beibei was petrified a little bit in his arms. It felt like someone stabbed him fiercely with a knife. He couldn't bear his heartache.

And that Fenghu is already hiding in the depths, it knows it's not that simple!

Where is this, one layer is more powerful, and now this crazy woman is the most powerful and terrifying existence it has ever seen.

And as Beibei was trapped, the place also changed. It was no longer a piece of white, but became a piece of darkness. The wind was full of black breath, which made Fenghu I feel scared, it's just a little monster beast.

"Baibei, don't worry, I will definitely save you!" Yuemu said as he touched Beibei's hand, which gradually became petrified.

"Hehe, you can't save her, even you can't save yourself. Don't think that your cultivation base is high, but I am the boss here! All the monster beasts and human races in it, They are all sources of my strength, and you are no exception!"

After the woman said that, Yuemu felt that his strength had been absorbed. He felt that there was a strong energy here. The energy of him and Beibei sucked away.

'You are so stupid. 'Babe can no longer speak, but Divine Consciousness can still be passed on.

"Because I can't let you take the risk alone, you ask me, if I can only live one person, who I choose, I didn't want to tell you at the time, I actually chose you."

Yuemu said this, and gently held out Beibei's face with his fingers. How could he let her take risks for himself? He was also reluctant to bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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