
  Chapter 2291 Entrance

Yuemu coldly smiled, these people are really interesting, really when they are soft What about persimmons!

Beibei looked at the barrier that appeared next to Yuemu, which was Yuemu’s own domain. With their current cultivation base, it would not be difficult to wipe out a few people here. I wanted to come to Yuemu. Look at the ability of the person who can escape.

The magma took a photo of it. It should have been foolproof, but Fenghu saw Beibei and Yuemu standing unharmed, and their clothes were not missing at all.

"Sure enough!" A man was wrapped in a barrier and walked out of the rock, and Fenghu slowly backed away. It has experience, silently watching the people work. die.

It does not know what the cultivation base of these two people is, but it has seen one thing more, which is the rampant appearance of these two people. These two guys are walking here, as if there is no pressure at all.

Fenghu thinks this, while backing away. It doesn't want to be an innocent monster beast that was accidentally injured. It wants to live well for thousands of years. No matter which side the two sides are, it can't afford to offend it, and it is safer to stand farther away.

"Are you their boss?" When Yuemu asked this, his tone was light and swaying, which made people look very uncomfortable.

"Yes, I am Zhuo Feng..." But before the man had finished speaking, he heard Beibei muttering: "There are so many things, who asked you what your name is."

Zhuo Feng: "..."

"Why are you attacking us?" Yuemu asked, and heard that Zhuo Feng said with a sneer: "Of course it is to get you The power in the body is gone, otherwise how can we stay here for a long time."

Zhuo Feng said so, and Yuemu frowned said: "You did this before?"


"Of course, in these ten thousand years, if it weren't, we wouldn't be able to live until now." After Zhuo Feng finished speaking, looking at the people all around, they all stood up, seeming to be ready to attack together. Up.

"Tens of thousands of years, it is indeed a long time. If you haven't returned speaking of which, maybe you can beat me now." After Yuemu finished speaking, he smiled arrogantly. It is really exciting.

Yuemu knows the difference between the three layers person and the two layers? Because their willpower is more determined, even after such a long time, they still want to live, and even want to go out.

That’s why they set up traps to attack them, but the people of two layers see them as if they have nothing to do with them. This is the most direct manifestation of willpower.

Several people attacked at the same time, but because they launched an attack, the chain gave the most direct punishment. But everyone has ignored these, their goal is to take Beibei and Yuemu.

A quarter of an hour later... Several people knelt on the ground, one by one dejected, as pitiful as they seemed.

"Your boss seems to want to hide underneath and not come out." Yuemu said so, and several people looked frustrated. Although they recognized the boss, they wouldn't want to kill them for the sake of them. .

"That guy is simply not our boss, he is just better than us, we dare not resist the oppression." One of them said hurriedly.

"Oh, so that's how it is, in that case, why should you treat him as the boss? I think you should be my little brother." Yuemu suggested that, everyone looked at each other, they were I want to oppose it, but my strength doesn't allow it.

They also find it strange that these two people's cultivation base is so high, how did they get caught?

By the way, they said that they were not caught by doing something wrong, but by being tricked in. Well, they got it, they are telling the truth.

"Who can tell me now, how can I get out here?" Yuemu asked. In fact, he still feels a little regretful. He didn't want to go out and enter here. They wanted to get Energy just entered here.

"We don't know, we have been trapped for so many years without a chance to go out." said one of the men.

"But the boss may know, because he walks around here, he must know more than us." Someone immediately betrayed the boss.

"I said, come out, Zhuo Feng, who is hiding below, and come out and let's have a good talk. I can't catch you, but I dislike the trouble. Come out. I won't kill you." When Yuemu said so, Beibei watched the lava roll.

"Your words count!" Zhuo Feng asked, and he also understood that people can't destroy him, they are too lazy.

Of course, it is also very likely that they still have use value. If they want to get out from here, they must have someone to lead the way, and they seem to just meet the standards of that lead person.

"Come out, I mean what I say." Yuemu said so, and Zhuo Feng came out of the lava, and then looked at his miserably beaten brothers, he felt his state It's okay, at least I haven't been beaten so badly.

"Go ahead, as long as I know, I must tell you." Zhuo Feng said, Yuemu nodded asked: "Where is the exit, where is the exit on this floor?"

Zhuo Feng thought for a while and said: "I know where the exit is, and I can take you there, but whether you can go out depends on your ability."

Zhuo Feng said this When talking, I didn't actually think that they could really go out, but I just thought it would be good to let them see and rub their vigor.

"Well, whether we can go out or not is our own business, not none of your business." Yuemu agreed, and Zhuo Feng stood up abruptly and took them to the depths of the lava Away.

"Keep up." Zhuo Feng said, setting a barrier for himself.

And Yuemu pulled Beibei over, and was about to follow. At this time, Fenghu asked nervously: "You two, do I want to follow along?"

Fenghu feels that this is the closest it has left here. It has been detained for so many years and has long wanted to go out. But for so many years, it has never had a chance.

"Take it." Beibei thought about this monster beast. It's okay, and it's obedient along the way, so just take it.

Yuemu pointed his finger, and Fenghu saw that there was a barrier beside him, and he was very moved. In fact, it's just a question, and they didn't expect that they will really agree.

Under the protection of the barrier, Fenghu went down with Yuemu and Beibei, and then they passed through a layer of lava, and then found that there was a cave under the lava.

I don’t know if this thing was dug up by Zhuo Feng, or it exists. The cave is very long, and it took them half an hour to reach the end.

"It's here. I have been studying here for many years and haven't been able to pass through. If you think you can, then go to a higher level."

After Zhuo Feng said that, he saw Beibei and Yuemu staring at the barrier for a while, and then they walked in hand in hand.

Zhuo Feng watched Feihu follow behind them and walked in. He couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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