
  Chapter 2268 Vision

Pan Pan didn’t know that most of the reason why the Leaf Learning Refiner is for Xiao Guoguo.

Of course, wanting to become more powerful is also the main reason, but a large part of the reason is that she wants to learn everything Xiao Guoguo can and not let the Master down.

Although her aptitude is not as good as the Master, she will work hard to not shame the Master.

So in order to save time, Ye Zi guided Pan Pan refining and pill concocting while also doing a good cultivation on her own. Pan Pan was stunned that Ye Zi had reached the cultivation base. Is she still so diligent?

Therefore, even if Pan Pan has raised his cultivation base this time, there is really no change in a short time. Instead, he has learned pill concocting and refinement, as well as obediently and honestly cultivation.

In this way, although the comprehension ability is a bit lower, the improvement is still quite obvious, so Wenwen and Qingyun daoist are completely relieved, and the child is bigger.

At the same time, Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist have also begun to retreat. They have taken care of Pan Pan for several decades. They really haven't cultivation properly, so they also hope to improve as soon as possible.

Ten years later, of course, only a year has passed outside, but under the influence of Xi Yuezhong, Chi Xuan suddenly changed ten years later. And this change affects everyone even more.

The spiritual power has been absorbed, and it has been absorbed in an incredible manner. And all these spiritual powers were absorbed by Chi Xuan alone.

Xiao Guoguo has encountered this situation before. At that time, when he was fighting against the monster beast clan, Chi Xuan once absorbed a lot of spiritual power.

And this time, he also absorbed all the spiritual power here in an unstoppable posture.

You must know that this place was built by the old Ancestor of the spirit family. Because of the influence of the array, there is not much spiritual power gathered here. The spiritual power here is the most abundant in the entire plane.

However, Chi Xuan has absorbed a large amount of spiritual power from the beginning, and never stopped. In just two days, he had to absorb all the spiritual power here.

If you don’t tell me, this old Ancestor feels distressed! Therefore, when others are wondering if Chi Xuan absorbs spiritual power in this way, something will happen. Old Ancestor thinks how to get this guy out!

To tell the truth, if it weren't for Xiao Guoguo, they watched, if it wasn't really scared, Chi Xuan was forced to move, and he really wanted to wave his sleeves to force this guy out.

But you can't do this, so spiritual power Old Ancestor can only think of other ways. In order to keep his secret site, he can only set up an array outside.

In terms of array, Old Ancestor does have innate talent that others cannot catch up. He soon thought of a solution, setting up an array that can connect two planes.

Naturally, the door of this array is here on one side, and the interstellar on the other side.

I originally wanted to put it on other planes so that I could absorb spiritual power from other planes. However, afterwards, the spiritual family Old Ancestor thought for a while, if Chi Xuan had absorbed all the spiritual power from elsewhere, it would not have been to absorb it.

So, he simply took pains to put the other end of the opening directly on the interstellar. In this way, how can love absorb it? Can the interstellar be so big that it can absorb light?

Although Xiao Guoguo understands that the Old Ancestor of the Ling Family did this to protect this place, but it can be regarded as indirectly helping them and helping Chi Xuan. Therefore, she still admits this love, and is very polite to Old Ancestor. At the critical moment, his old man is still willing to help.

"Don't be polite with me, you don't instigate the divorce, and the relationship between my wife and I will be fine." Old Ancestor said, Xiao Guoguo is really somewhat guilty, because this thing is really true. some.

"This is nature. You are my senior and my elder. How can I be like this." Xiao Guoguo has the humble appearance of Junior, but Old Ancestor does not believe her. This guy is cunning. Now.

Such a big thing happened outside, the spiritual power of the space was also affected. Space and the external spiritual power also affect each other. Chi Xuan absorbed the external spiritual power, the leaves in the space also felt something was wrong, and Pan Pan followed.

When they saw the spiritual power that was condensed into a liquid, all absorbed by Chi Xuan, to be honest, they were in a mixed mood.

Don't say it is Pan Pan, even Ye Zi can't help but think that this path of cultivation is really profound, and the high level cultivator's ability is never they can think of.

The two of Chi Xuan's level are not clear, but they know that they will not be able to catch up in a short time. It was Chi Xuan's performance today that also made them clearly feel the difference in level and strength.

The two of them went back in no hurry. Instead, they sat down and comprehended them. Not to mention Chi Xuan’s promotion this time, but it has brought a lot of influence to the two youngsters. With sudden enlightenment, the mood is more stable.

Regarding this, both Xiao Guoguo and Wenwen are happy to see it. They didn't disturb the two youngsters, but set up a barrier for them to improve and suddenly enlightenment.

"I really didn't expect. Pan Pan came here like shedding body and exchanging bones. I won't have to worry about him anymore." Wenwen said so, Xiao Guoguo carefully She noticed that Pan Pan and Disciple Leaf seem to have been walking very close recently?

"A child will always be sensible when he grows up. You don't have to worry too much. This is a good thing." Xiao Guoguo said. Looking at Wenwen's smile, you know that she thinks so too. .

So some thoughts were swept away, and she threw her back. The most important thing at the moment was Chi Xuan. She didn't have the mind to think about anything else, just focusing on Chi Xuan.

At this moment, Chi Xuan also knows Xiao Guoguo's worries, but in order to maximize himself, he doesn't mean to stop at all. This is a rare opportunity. He has fully mastered the knack of absorbing spiritual power and can improve a lot at once.

Such an opportunity, I don’t know when I will encounter it again next time, so even if Chi Xuan absorbs a lot of spiritual power, it also causes great oppression on his meridian. He still supports it. Continue to absorb.

And this kind of thing has attracted some people's attention. After all, the absorption of spiritual power from interstellar will cause many natural phenomena. Whatever happens, it will be seen by people passing by.

Of course, the high level cultivators are all passing by. Some people are less curious, so they think it must be a Fellow Daoist. Everyone's cultivation method is different, and there is nothing surprising.

But there are some people who like to watch a lively event. They thought it was too weird. Who on earth is this, who is not satisfied with the spiritual power within the plane, and ran to absorb the spiritual power outside the plane. This is too greedy.

Some people discovered something extraordinary after a long period of observation. The spiritual power absorbed this time seems to be a lot! Who is this, so powerful?

But every time they are about to approach, there is always a powerful force that makes them simply unable to approach. So this matter became more and more mysterious in everyone's hearts, and gradually everyone knew that this plane was unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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