
  Chapter 2267 Heartbeat

To be honest, Pan Pan was completely beaten this time. I feel that my innate talent is extremely high, but I just refuse to work hard, or I can make those talented cultivators look up to me every minute.

So although his cultivation base is not high, his spirit is high. But now, against the backdrop of the leaves, he looked a little bit inadequate. People's achievements, even with his desperate efforts, could not be achieved within a hundred years.

So Wenwen and Qingyun daoist found out that Pan Pan has changed since that day. He used to fish for three days and spend two days on the net for cultivation. When he is happy, he will work harder. When he is unhappy , Anyway, there are so many interesting things, why stare at the cultivation?

The reason Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist didn't care about him before was because they knew that preaching was useless.

For such things, he has to figure it out by himself, or he loses a test with others, or he is laughed at. Anyway, he can always try to be strong for a while when encountering similar things.

Of course, after surpassing the opponent, this kid will still relax and go round and round. Over the years, it has not changed completely. The cultivation base has not improved fast, but it is safe.

But this time, Wenwen vaguely felt that it was because Ye Zismelly brat had been hit a little bit hard, and he didn't come out of the retreat for a month, which meant that he was going to die.

"Madam, do you think this kid is real this time?" Qingyun Daoist asked, causing Wenwen to give him a look.

"How many years did you spend qualitatively when you were young?" Wenwen asked, and saw Qingyun Daoist's look sorry. Tell the truth or lie? To tell the truth is easy to expose yourself, and the lady who tells lies must also believe it.

"Why, is there anything sorry?" Wenwen asked, Qingyun Daoist shook his head quickly, he didn't dare to hide anything from Wenwen.

"To tell you the truth, it took me more than a hundred years to completely settle down and start a steady cultivation. For the previous hundred years, I was also a fan of fun."

Qingyun daoist finished saying that, originally thought that the literary will be nodded, and then add more judgments, but found that the daughter-in-law’s mouth has a trace of said with a sneer: "The boss once told us that the person who emphasizes that he is telling the truth is likely to be Lying."

Qingyun daoist: "..." Is it so prescient?

"Well, I didn't lie, but I can't remember the exact number of years. Anyway, it's not a hundred years, or about one hundred and fifty-eight years."

Wen: "..." So, you were qualitative in 158 years.

"Since it took you so long to sink your heart completely back then, Pan Pan has only several decades, and we can afford to wait." Wenwen expressed his meaning in one sentence, She is willing to wait for Pampin to grow up by herself.

"What the lady said is that we are not in a hurry." Qingyun Daoist said.

But they are not in a hurry, it does not mean that Pan Pan is not in a hurry. After half a year of retreat, he finally wants to Transcending Tribulation. He was not in a hurry to raise the cultivation base before, but now he is compared to a scumbag, and he always continued sorry.

But half a year of Transcending Tribulation is also because Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist have prepared a lot of resources for him before. In fact, he wants to improve quickly, and there are many ways.

Pan Pan wants Transcending Tribulation, so naturally he has to choose a place far away from the underground. Pan Pan felt that when he was Transcending Tribulation, many people would pay attention to you, but didn't expect, only Wenwen and Qingyun daoist came, and the others simply didn't come.

"Why don't they come to see me Transcending Tribulation?" Pan Pan asked puzzledly, looking at all around, the leaves did not come.

"Although your Transcending Tribulation is a good thing, you can't be considered any major event. If you have a higher level of Transcending Tribulation in the future, then everyone will definitely come because you care about your safety. .

Now there is me and your father here, you can rest assured that Transcending Tribulation will not cause any problems, we will guarantee and protect for you, you just need to rest assured."

Wenwen answered that, Pan Pan was speechless. Once in sect, every dísciple Transcending Tribulation is very important, because the risk of Thunder Tribulation is too high, so everyone is very concerned, Master and seniors will also take care of one or two.

But he has never experienced that feeling. Every time the Transcending Tribulation father and mother will not take the initiative to help, they will give him a lot of magic weapons to resist.

It's just that they never show an anxious look, just like his Thunder Tribulation not worth mentioning, simply don't worry about the same.

He can understand that their level is too high and they have seen too many Thunder Tribulation. But he still expects them to be more anxious, so that he will feel more comfortable in his heart.

No matter what Pan Pan thinks, this Transcending Tribulation is always going on. When the thunder and lightning fall, he forcibly endures it, because according to the mother's request, it is naturally best that the Transcending Tribulation can be carried by himself.

Of course, he also likes to exercise his body in Thunder Tribulation, so every time Transcending Tribulation he also resists, because there is father and mother by his side, so he feels very at ease, simply don’t worry. There is no need to save strength, just spare no effort.

The movement of Thunder Tribulation is not too big, after all, Pan Pan's level is not high enough, just two hours later, Transcending Tribulation is completed. Afterwards, Pan Pan still had to spend the Heart Demon robbery. It took three months before he slowly opened his eyes.

"How?" Wenwen asked, but she has been guarding Pan Pan and never left.

"Is Heart Demon powerful?" Qingyun daoist asked, as if they cared more about Heart Demon than Thunder Tribulation.

"Don't worry about father mother, I'm fine." Pang Pan said, feeling refreshed.

Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist were relieved to see if he was really okay, but let alone, after this Transcending Tribulation, they clearly felt that Pan Pan was really sinking. cultivation is here.

And this time in addition to cultivation, he will also learn pill concocting and refiner.

This can make Qingyun daoist happy. If they had known this effect, they would have come to Xiao Guoguo long ago. But Wenwen did not agree with his idea. Come here early and run into Ye Zi early, maybe Pan Pan doesn't have this consciousness.

Sometimes life is like this. You can do what should be done at any stage. If it is too early to achieve the effect, but if it is too late, it is really too late.

Ye Zih doesn't hate Pan Pan. Seeing that he really wants to learn refining and pill concocting, he doesn't hide it, but teaches him sincerely. There is no other reason, just because of the relationship between Wenwen and Xiao Guoguo, Ye Zi knew that they were the last friends.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Zi taught everything he knew to Pan Pan without hiding anything privately. Of course how much he can learn depends on his own abilities.

She always remembered what the Master said back then. The Master said that she came to lead the door in, but it was her own good or bad learning. She can repay the Master too little, so medicine ingredient and refining device are her persistence.

(End of this chapter)

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