
  Chapter 2164 Absent-minded

Xiao Guoguo Divine Consciousness has been observing each other, so he wants to escape in brawny man At that moment, Xiao Guoguo's spiritual power surged and he set up a stone barrier directly underground.

The opponent is Earth Spirit Root, but he didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be a full force root! So not only does he know how to use Earth Element's spells, Xiao Guoguo is also very skilled in using them.

It is not difficult to trap a person in place, especially when you and him still have the same spells.

Xiao Guoguo’s approach made the brawny man trapped in place. He watched all around the sudden emergence of the stone and still didn’t understand. There must be an Earth Spirit Root cultivator just like him. Blocked the road.

"I don't know how you are willing to spare our lives!"

The brawny man asked, the other party only counterattacked, and he has realized that they are not owned by others. opponent. Although they are loyal to Venerable, they do not want to lose their lives in vain, nor do they want to die here for no reason.

"I asked you this question just now, didn't it?" Xiao Guoguo replied, and the brawny man immediately understood that the other party was determined to take their lives.

Xiao Guoguo refused to give in, and the Lightning Spirit Root cultivator over there was also forced into the corner by Yuemu and the others. He didn't expect this group of people to be so powerful, and the other party was especially special. Shameless, two people hit one of them!

"You are not conquerors. We have the ability to fight alone!" The man said so, and was beaten into the wood shed as he spoke.

"Don't say that you can beat me alone. Let me tell you the truth. You are simply not my opponent. Two people beat you just to save time."

Yuemu is so irritating, but what to do? The winner is king and the loser is the bandit. If they lose, they can only listen to others, and they are not qualified to talk back.

The man that the worry-free old man deals with likes machines, so he carries a lot of things on his body, including sneak attacks and battles. And this man is good at manipulating puppets. The so-called puppet is actually a magic weapon. The puppet is two meters high and is entirely made of metal.

Of course, no one would underestimate such a puppet master, because one person is worth two of the general cultivator, so the general cultivator will have a strategic withdrawal when it encounters a puppet master, unless it is particularly powerful, or Spirit Beast is particularly powerful.

And the reason why the puppet masters are so difficult to deal with is because the puppets they control simply have no life and are not afraid of pain, and they also put hidden weapons and poisons from time to time. How can such people provoke them? Woolen cloth? If one accidentally provokes it, then it is likely that the whole family will be implicated.

So although the man in front of him is short in stature and a bit older, he is the strongest among the three. No one will provoke this old man, he is the real boss.

It’s just that it won’t happen in the future. Mawson thought that he would kill all the people he hated this time. He felt very comfortable. He even began to dream about a better life in the future.

And that old man also met a formidable opponent this time, that is, the five tribe old man. Although the research on the mechanical beasts of the five clans is not very good, it is enough to deal with the puppet of this guy right now. Besides, he himself is a mechanical general. Who is he afraid of?

So the worry-free old man has been watching by the side, watching the five-ethnic elders fight with the puppet. Before this puppet, no matter where he went, he rarely encountered a real opponent, but this time, it is really It was quite unexpected.

Because the five tribe elders themselves are mechanical generals, they simply did not fear the puppet, walked directly to his side, and then shot.

The puppet master chose to release the poisonous smoke inside the puppet, but the five tribe elders did not react at all. Not only was he not poisoned, he was also very energetic, fist after fist, and finally beat the puppet. Broken.

At this moment, none of the three of them was able to escape. They looked at Mawson standing next to him and shouted frantically: "Mawson, why don't you take action? Do you have to wait until the master's punishment? Is it?!"

"Hehe, you still don’t understand now? I brought you here deliberately! Whoever thinks of profit, you really want to take my credit. This way is yours. Don’t regret the one you choose, and you don’t need to resent me. If you don’t want to take advantage of me, you won’t fall into the trap, don’t you?"

When Mawson said that, everyone It was very uncomfortable in their hearts, because they had realized that they had fallen into Mawson's trap. It's just that they didn't understand why Mawson did so many things for each other.

"Mawson, if you do this, there will never be any good results!" Brawny man shouted, very angry in his heart.

"Then I'll wait and see, but before that I have to remind you that I am afraid that you will have no life to watch this day." Mawson is not willing to suffer at all, although he is I took refuge in Xiao Guoguo, but he didn't dare to put all his hopes on them. He also had his own selfish calculations.

If it doesn't work, it's a bargain to get rid of those who have a bad relationship with you. Using someone else's hands to help you get rid of dissidents is a bargain.

And Xiao Guoguo doesn't care what the other party thinks, nor does he care what Mosen himself plans. She only needs one result, which is to defeat these people. Or to be precise, they were killed here.

The three people didn't really put Xiao Guoguo in their eyes before, but now the situation is reversed, and these people have fallen into Xiao Guoguo's hands.

"Search what treasures they don't have." Xiao Guoguo said that Chi Xuan hadn't moved yet, but Yuemu moved, and he quickly found several storage bags.

"Aiya, these guys are quite rich, they come out with so many magic weapons for storage." Beibei sighed, and Xiao Guoguo looked at that Mawson.

"If these people are left to you, what will you do?" When Xiao Guoguo asked Mo Sen, Mo Sen was stupid. Can these people really leave it to his mother?

He wanted to ask for it like this, but he was afraid that Xiao Guoguo would not trust him, so he didn't dare to say it. Now that Xiao Guoguo has taken the initiative to ask, he is not welcome.

"If you leave it to me, it will naturally destroy their cultivation base, and then let them bow their heads to me and do whatever they want. Of course, I won't kill them. , I will let them live for me. It’s not bad at all, otherwise I’ll show them good looks!” After Mo Sen finished talking, he suddenly felt that he had said a little too much, but he didn’t know, Xiao Guoguo went instead. Believe him in this brief moment.

"Abolished their cultivation base." Xiao Guoguo gave an order, simply without her doing it, Yuemu and the others directly abolished the cultivation base of these people, without hesitation at all. .

"Ah! You bastards!" At this time, brawny man was still cursing.

"Mawson, how can you do this!" The old man asked Mawson so, and Mawson was just coldly smiled,

Nothing matters anymore, he should do what he did , He will not regret it, and he will not allow himself to change his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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