
  Chapter 2163 Success

The three people looked at Xiao Guoguo who appeared suddenly, and they were very surprised. . They simply didn't think much, they didn't expect that Mawson betrayed them.

They really thought they were taking advantage, and this time they finally caught the group of scammers and asked for credit. They also thought that not allowing Mawson to take so much credit alone this time was a huge achievement. No matter what I thought, they were about to be killed by Mawson.

"I said you guys are so courageous! This deceiver dare to lie to us, don’t you know who our master is? Don’t you know how our master is Is it powerful?"

The brawny man asked, really didn’t expect such a man to speak so verbosely, Xiao Guoguo looked at a few people, and watched them at this moment

His eyes were murderous aura.

"When did we lie? Didn't Di Xing Venerable want Xiyuezhong? It was not Xiyuezhong that I gave him? Is it right to take other people's things and not give money?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, the four people on the opposite side looked speechless. Their cheeks are very thick, their cultivation base is also very high, they have no difficulty in killing each other. But the face is still needed, and they also sorry to say some rebuttals and excuses.

"Did you mix in the cultivation world on the first day? Don't you know what powerhouse is respected? Our master wants your Xiyuezhong to be your glory. It would be nice if you didn't want your life. , You still want Spirit Stone! Do you dare to use such despicable means to want Spirit Stone, do you think you can escape?"

Another man asked. He is older than brawny man and he is naturally a human being. More sleek. Xiao Guoguo didn't care about their problems. He felt that the cultivation world was talking with his fists. Without this ability, he would have to grow his mind. He would dare to talk about the price with the owner if he was cheated. Who could he blame for this?

This group of people not only cause trouble for themselves, but also trouble for them. They could have been out there for a while, but now those who were trapped by them will not only come back, but also chase them down. .

"If we are willing to return the Spirit Stone, can you let us go?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the opposite brawny man sneered and replied: "I think it's good, you guys How can I let go if I have made a mistake without receiving a lesson!"

"If you don't kill you, how can we explain to the master?" Another man added the same, while Mawson watched quietly. Make them die.

"So, we are now giving you Spirit Stone, it's useless to apologize to you, right?" Xiao Guoguo asked so seriously, the four people on the opposite side stopped talking, but that's what it meant .

Xiao Guoguo took out the magic weapon, she felt that sometimes she had to give others a chance, if they had such a trace of kindness in their hearts, they might show mercy.

But now, the other party wants their lives, do they still need show mercy? So Xiao Guoguo doesn't need to talk, Chi Xuan and Yuemu will know what to do.

"Hehe, it looks like they really want to fight us! In that case, let them see how big the gap is between us!"

brawny man said, he took out a huge hammer in his hand. I don't know what material the hammer is, but it can be seen that it takes a lot of effort to control it.

"I'll deal with this." Xiao Guoguo said so, naturally no one would rob him.

"I will deal with the bearded man. I am an old man. He is just my opponent." Said the Wuyou old man. The five clans have decided that he wants to be with the Wuyou old man. Don't bother Babe.

"Let's do the rest." Yuemu and Beibei looked at each other and smiled, looking for the target, not ready to change.

The three people on the opposite side were all stunned. They didn't expect them. These guys are so arrogant, one by one, they don't seem to put them in their eyes at all. That's right, this group of people dare to cheat their masters, how can they be afraid of them.

So these people just owe a lesson, they must let the other party know what it means to pay a painful price.

Especially the brawny man, who had a grumpy temper, was now embarrassed by a woman, naturally, he felt very uncomfortable.

He took a pair of hammers in his hand, and when the two hammers fiercely fell, he felt a tremor on the ground. Everyone could not stand firmly, their bodies shook, and a one after another crack appeared underneath. It is a huge stone sword.

Xiao Guoguo is quite sure that this man is a cultivator of Earth Spirit Root, his ability is very strong, especially with the strength of this life.

There are not many cultivators who do Body and Magic Dual Cultivation. Their sword cultivator is one of the branches, and this man did it with his own efforts. He is also a great guy.

Cooperating with this man's soil spiritual power attack, one after another thunder and lightning fell from the air, it was the attack of the very arrogant old man before.

Among them, there is the Lightning Spirit Root. The Lightning Spirit Root cultivator is very rare and has strong attack power. No wonder Mawson is regarded as the number one enemy.

But how did they think that Xiao Guoguo had hidden their strength, Yuemu was not afraid of Lightning Spirit Root, he and Beibei wandered through the thunder and lightning, and they didn't even suffer any harm.

And the brawny man saw that there were two long swords in front of him. The two golden light shining long swords cooperated with each other and shattered all the stone swords. Simply fearless.

The brawny man still wanted to attack, he saw the sword qi composed of one after another spiritual power directly at him and shot it over. Although he has a strong body and great strength, he still feels terrified in the face of such an attack.

The man didn't dare to think too much, and immediately set up barriers after another around him. These barriers are the hardest stones, so that the sword qi cannot be pierced.

Xiao Guoguo’s spiritual power is abundant, so she can naturally use more sword qi to attack, but she didn’t do that. Instead, she took out the long spear directly and took a shot against the stone. .

The other party is very strong, isn't she weak? This silver frost is extremely hard and sharp, and it is suitable to break the protection of this stone. If she is happy, she can just hit it with her fist.

The brawny man hidden inside, Divine Consciousness had already seen everything clearly, he never thought that the other party was like this.

A weak and weak woman, she did not seem to have any offensive power. It was incredible that a few fists smashed his most proud defense.

Of course, he has no time to sigh now. Now that Xiaoming is in the hands of others, how dare he take it lightly, he can only find a way to escape first, and then avenge them.

The man can see clearly that these people are not ordinary people, and they can't deal with them at all. There must be some magic weapon to hide the cultivation base in them, so everyone is so easily fooled.

These people are not only strong, but also very cunning. This is the most troublesome. Therefore, in the face of such opponents, he generally chooses to avoid their edge. That is to say, run away first, save your life, and then talk about revenge in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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