
  Chapter 2152 Introduction

If Xiao Guoguo answers this way, the City Lord is even more confused. If you don't know how powerful this treasure is, and if you want to exchange it for the Spirit Stone, then you can be forgiven.

But they know it, but they can still make such a move. It really makes people want to doubt it.

"Since you know it's like this treasure, why sell it?" City Lord asked, thinking that if it doesn't work, he would detain the person first, and then send the message to the owner. Please the owner himself Identify true and false.

"This is a long story." Luo Zhen went on to say that he is an expert in this respect.

So Luo Zhen told a lie in detail, just like the story. In short, it means one thing. They got this baby by accident, but because they got it together, then how to distribute it? A problem.

Everyone naturally agrees to divide equally. After all, it is the same dísciple as a small sect. Everyone does not want to hurt their peace. Who is not tempted to face such a treasure!

In order to avoid cannibalism, they thought of a way to sell this Xiyue Clock. They searched for a long time before they found this place, hoping that the price would be right.

"Are you from Refiner Sect? Which Refiner Sect is!" The City Lord asked, very curious.

In the previous words, people simply don't care, but rather curious about Refiner Sect. Luo Zhen really admired and admired Xiao Guoguo's divine strategy and wonderful planning. How did she know that this person would definitely ask Refiner Sect?

"Naturally it is the first under the heavens magic weapon sect Refiner Sect!" When Luo Zhen said this, he saw the City Lord's expression of excitement.

"I'll just say that a few have extraordinary temperament. They turned out to be high-ranking disciples of Refiner Sect, so they should be my guests! Let's go, the price is good to discuss, how about we go back for a drink first?"

Luo Zhen didn't expect. When the name of the sect was mentioned, the other party was so easy to talk, so he hurried down the steps and went down. They didn't look at the treasure, but got closer to the City Lord. A lot of distance.

Of course, Xiao Guoguo was a little disappointed. She wanted to open her eyes, but she didn't see it. But she seemed very excited, because she guessed right, how could a person who likes collecting all kinds of magic weapons so indifferent to Refiner Sect.

That is the favorite sect of all Artifact Refinement Masters in the world, and it is also the ultimate dream, so she dare to be so sure, as long as they mention Refiner Sect, the City Lord may be easier to talk about. But didn't expect the effect to be so good, something unexpected.

Several people returned to the great hall again, and this time it was obvious that the atmosphere between each other was much better, and the people under him didn’t understand what happened to City Lord, with smiles on their faces. Also ordered to prepare wine and food, to entertain friends.

How come the person who offered the treasure became a friend in the blink of an eye? But he didn't dare to ask more, so he could only order people to prepare. At the same time, the City Lord also ordered Mr. Wu to come over.

Mr. Wu, that is another person who can't provoke, because this Mr. Wu is their City Lord's best friend! He once heard that this Mr. Wu borrowed a million Spirit Stones from the City Lord, but he hasn't returned them to this day, and City Lord doesn't seem to care at all.

They are a city, and their annual income is not enough, and they all gave it to an outsider. This is how Mr. Wu's status can be seen. So no one here dared to provoke him, I don't know why he suddenly came to him.

And Xiao Guoguo and Luo Zhen feel bad about it. This Mr. Wu can't possibly be a who thing, or a dísciple of Refiner Sect, because the original words of the City Lord just now were: "Right, If you call Mr. Wu to come over, it means he is here with a friend, let him come and see you."

Xiao Guoguo They just reported their homes after they got here, they said the name of sect, and they could talk about it. I am a friend, so this Mr. Wu must be from Refiner Sect. In that case, what should they do?

In just a few moments, all the food and drink came up, and that Mr. Wu arrived slowly. As soon as I met, I stared at a few people in the room, and then asked, "City Lord Yang said that I have a friend here, but I don't know who it is?"

"Mr. Wu, guess what Who are these people?" The City Lord Yang asked, and Mr. Wu looked at Xiao Guoguo entire group curiously.

When he looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, his eyes moved several times. I don't know why they always feel that these two people are not simple, but they can't tell what's wrong.

"Yang City Lord is kidding, who are they, how can I guess?" Then Mr. Wu said that, City Lord was not angry, but looked very tolerant.

"Then I will say the answer, these are your same sect!" Yang City Lord saw that Mr. Wu treated his friend, even the brother, but how did Mr. Wu treat him, I don't know.

"same sect? Are you from Refiner Sect?" Then Mr. Wu asked, Luo Zhen felt guilty in his entire body. Although he didn't show it at all, he just couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Which senior are you, I have never heard of you?" Xiao Guoguo asked directly. Mr. Wu was silent for a moment and said: "How many years have I left sect? You have never seen me before. It is also common. .

"Really? Then dare to ask senior which Master are you under? "Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, Mr. Wu was silent for a while before saying: "This question seems to have been asked by me first. "

"Senior, since that's what I said, I will answer you. We are the Direct Disciple of Refiner Sect incumbent sect leader Stone Spirit Sect Master." "Xiao Guoguo's words are not random nonsense, she knows Refiner Sect, and naturally also knows Refiner Sect's Sect Master.

Of course, she may be really unfamiliar with Elder, but Refiner Sect Sect Master they Met. Of course, Master often said that Refiner Sect's refinement level is very high, but it is too rigid, not comparable to their master and disciple.

Xiao Guoguo believes this, so I don't worry at all. If it is about concocting and pill concocting, she won't be afraid of whoever comes.

"Under the sect of Shi Spirit Master? "Then Mr. Wu said so, Xiao Guoguo slightly changed his expression, really didn't expect, this one turned out to be a senior.

"You mean my Master is your Junior Brother?" "Xiao Guoguo asked again, then Mr. Wu is nodded after all.

"I haven't been back for so many years, I don’t know that he has accepted a discipline like yours. Since it is under Junior Brother, he should bring a sect. What is the token? "Then Mr. Wu asked again, but Xiao Guoguo shook his head and said: "Refiner Sect dísciple's token is the refining furnace, but we did not bring sect to send this time, but brought our own. "

Xiao Guoguo said that he took out his refining furnace directly. At this moment, Mr. Wu had a very tangled look at her. This is really amazing. This refining furnace is He didn’t have it!

When did sect become so generous, if he knew it was so generous, he wouldn’t have left.

(End of this chapter)

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