
  Chapter 2151 Confidant

Whether Xi Yuezhong is really there, he doesn’t know. The owner has been thinking about it for so many years, but have you really seen it? In fact, he was also very skeptical.

"City Lord, do you want to see me!" The people underneath are still waiting for instructions, but seeing the City Lord for a while, there will be no response. Is this seeing or not?

"Let them come in, I really want to see what will be given this time." City Lord said, and his subordinates naturally took care of it.

They didn't understand why the City Lord wanted to see this man, and after seeing so many liars, he still didn't give up. Of course, they don't understand why the City Lord is so curious about these strange things, which makes their city different from others. People's subordinates can receive some benefits to support themselves. They have never had this benefit.

Of course, some people give them benefits, such as some very rare materials, but they really don’t know how to use these things in this way, okay?

Therefore, although they dare not act badly as errands, they never show good looks to those who perform arts or treasures. It is because they have brought the City Lord to bad.

So when Xiao Guoguo and the others came in, the person didn't show them a good face, and Xiao Guoguo didn't care about this person's attitude. They are also pretending now, who is afraid of whom!

"Go in, City Lord is waiting for you!" The man said so, and Xiao Guoguo entire group walked in.

Then the City Lord was taken aback when seeing so many people. He didn't say that there are so many people, offering treasures or something, can they come alone?

"Do you have Xiyue Bell in your hands?" The City Lord asked, and he saw Luo Zhen looking at him and said: "It is said that Sir City Lord wants Xiyue Bell, and it uses Chengshan's baby to come. Change it."

Luo Zhen finished asking, and the City Lord was stunned. This was the most courageous of the people he had ever met. After they came here, they couldn’t wait to let him see treasure. Why? How many are not this routine?

"Those treasures have been collected by me for so many years, and each one is priceless. You will definitely not suffer." The City Lord said so, Luo Zhen glanced at Xiao Guoguo, then Mean do you believe it?

"Since this is the case, can you let us take a look? Open your eyes?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the City Lord hesitated.

Actually, he wanted to show everyone his collection a long time ago, but no one made this request until now, and he also lowered his worth and went to Zhang Luo. Now someone comes to take the initiative to watch it, and the feeling of wanting to show off can no longer be controlled.

"Since you made such a sincere request, and I am not such a stingy person, just take a look!" Then the City Lord said, Xiao Guoguo was speechless.

Whoever pleads so sincerely, they are nothing serious. But the City Lord's movements were too fast. In the blink of an eye, they saw a teleportation array hidden in the great hall.

"Come on, I'll take you to see treasure!" The City Lord was so excited that people who didn't know thought it was a trap.

"Okay, many thanks City Lord." Luo Zhen was the first to react, and didn't expect it to be that simple.

Luo Zhen followed along, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were not afraid, there were Yuemu and Beibei behind them. A few of them are above the bright face, while Lingyue and Lei Hao, including the worry-free old man and the five elders, all lie in ambush in secret and stay in the artificial space.

"Don't you keep these treasures by your side?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously. The City Lord looked at her as if he was contemptuous.

"How can I let it go by my side with so many treasures?"

What the City Lord said, Xiao Guoguo doesn't know what to say, is it the so-called Can treasure be piled up like a mountain?

Xiao Guoguo thinks so, but the scene in front of her still makes her feel incredible. This is a city. There is a city in front of them, but there is no one inside.

"Look, how can so many treasures be kept by your side? I built this place specially to store them! You just walk into a room, and it’s filled with valuable things "

The City Lord said so, everyone looked at each other, this empty city is indeed full of houses, and there are so-called treasures in each house, but in their opinion, these treasures seem to be nothing. value.

Xiao Guoguo and I have seen a lot of good things before. Naturally, I also know the importance of medicine pill and magic weapon to cultivator, but the grade of medicine pill is there. Is it a good medicine pill? It can be seen.

And the magic weapon is similar. If you encounter a real good magic weapon, the shining rays of light are also very dazzling.

But the two of Divine Consciousness casually scanned the empty city, and the treasure here is not too high in grade. And the remaining 10% are fine products, but I don’t know how much Spirit Stone bought it.

Think about the atmosphere of this city, and the legends of these years, I am afraid that most of the family property of this person is pressed on it, that is not a small sum.

"Sir City Lord, we think it's like trading with Spirit Stone. After all, ordinary people like us can't appreciate such good things. They don't deserve to treasure these treasures!"

Xiao Guoguo That said, she is not someone who is willing to suffer, and don't give these things for nothing, let alone change Xiyue clock. If she didn't agree to this, it would be strange that the other party wouldn't doubt it.

"Of course you don't know how to appreciate these good things, but Spirit Stone? I don't have many Spirit Stones." Sir City Lord said so, Xiao Guoguo laughed.

"You are Lord of the entire City, am I afraid that you will be renege on a debt? I will give the missing Spirit Stone later." Xiao Guoguo said, and the City Lord felt that things were a little bit different. strangeness.

It was originally that they were looking for Xiyuezhong and they were rewarded generously, but in fact, they were ready to grab it. Half of the treasures here were robbed, and the remaining half were bought with Spirit Stone.

But I don’t know how to talk, and they’re bargaining. In the end, does he have to owe a debt? This is not a good thing.

"Does your Xiyue clock also show me it? See if it's true or false?" Then the City Lord said, Xiao Guoguo looked at everyone and saw that everyone was nodded. Only then took out the treasure.

The City Lord was stunned when he saw this Xiyuezhong, this...this seems to be true!

It's impossible! It makes no sense! After searching for something that I haven't found for so many years, how come it suddenly appears? Although he has been looking for it, but he didn't care about it, okay? He felt that he must be unable to find it. This was to give an explanation to the owner.

Who could have imagined that Xi Yuezhong actually appeared in front of her, but whether it was true or not, he had to personally verify it.

"You said this is Xiyuezhong, what is the evidence?" Then the City Lord asked like that, just as Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled said: "Naturally, it can turn time back! Otherwise, what? Xiyuezhong!"

(End of this chapter)

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