
  Chapter 2147 Selection

The Lady of the Spirit Transcending Tribulation entered the demonic cultivator, and finally the Old Ancestor of the Spirit It took half my life to save it. The Old Ancestor of the spirit family hasn't recovered the cultivation base until now, and he has been recuperating for a long time.

And if Xiao Guoguo had an impact on Heart Demon, then... everyone looked at Chi Xuan, he was the unlucky one, right?

Chi Xuan is very calm. He and Xiao Guoguo are connected and can naturally feel Xiao Guoguo's emotional changes. So far, everything is fine.

And Xiao Guoguo at this moment is indeed in Transcending Tribulation, Heart Demon. The strength of this dao fruit makes her temperament stronger, and the influence of Heart Demon's robbery is weakened.

But Xiao Guoguo knows that the higher the level, the more difficult the Transcending Tribulation, and the greater the influence of the Heart Demon robbery.

The scene she sees now is very familiar, it seems to be in Sword Sect, it seems to be in Lingjia, and it seems to be in Xiao Family. It's a bit familiar here, but I just can't remember where it is.

And at this time, she saw a black clothed person, this black clothed person was still in a cloud of smoke and could not see his face, but the moment he turned his head, Xiao Guoguo seemed to see him Xiao Guoguo's eyes and the chill in those eyes made Xiao Guoguo feel stiff all over.

Heart Demon, although I have gone through many times, this time especially terrifying, it feels like I have been seen all the secrets and there is nowhere to hide.

But Xiao Guoguo still controlled herself to catch up. She knew that she was in Transcending Tribulation, so she wouldn't get lost here. She knows that she will not get lost, this is the most important thing.

But when Xiao Guoguo chased over, what she saw was a scene that made her feel broken. Chi Xuan knelt and turned to look at her, with dismay and nostalgia in his eyes, but that black clothed man has killed him.

Chi Xuan fell slowly, falling into a pool of blood, blood on his handsome face, which made Xiao Guoguo's body tremble. But she controlled herself, knowing that it was Heart Demon's robbery, no matter what she saw, she couldn't lose her mind, she couldn't rush, otherwise she would be even more sorry to the people outside.

"When you see him like this, don't you want to save him?" the black clothed man asked while standing there. Xiao Guoguo looked up at him, but still couldn't see clearly.

But Xiao Guoguo knew that she had a way, and the way was Xi Yuezhong. She looked at Xi Yuezhong in her hand, she finally knew the content of the Heart Demon robbery.

Yes, Xi Yuezhong, this magic weapon that has always troubled her. This is a magic weapon that can go back to the past, but it is likely to change a little and make the world fall into chaos.

"When the person you love is compared with the entire world, who do you choose?" The man continued to ask, Xiao Guoguo standing still, she didn't know how to answer this question.

Xiao Guoguo knows, maybe if you don't answer this question, you probably won't be able to get out. This is like a password for customs clearance. Now that she can't find the answer, then she can't wake up.

Xiao Guoguo’s expression has always been calm, and there is no black demonic energy around him, but everyone knows that this Heart Demon robbery must be very difficult, otherwise Xiao Guoguo will not wake up for so long ,

And Chi Xuan has been sitting next to Xiao Guoguo, as if he were company. If Xiao Guoguo doesn't wake up, he won't stand up. When everyone looked at Chi Xuan like this, they were a little envious.

Someone loves her so much and always keeps her in mind. Such Xiao Guoguo is worthy of their envy. I just don't know when the two of them will be able to cultivate Zhengguo.

Xiao Guoguo, who was in the Heart Demon robbery, was not feeling well, Chi Xuan was lying there, as if watching her all the time. Xiao Guoguo's heart is struggling, she doesn't know how to choose.

"Do you really don't know how to choose? Don't you think you are too selfish to give up the entire world for one person?" The man asked, Xiao Guoguo looked up at him, if she was I don’t think, why would I be so entangled, just choose it directly.

"I can't do this, I can't save other people's lives, but I can't ignore other people's lives either."

Xiao Guoguo said, gently I approached Chi Xuan and looked at Chi Xuan’s face said with a smile: “We said that life and death follow. I can’t change the past, but I can decide my own life.”

Xiao Guoguo said so When it was over, Chi Xuan on the ground suddenly disappeared, and the man in front of her also slowly walked over, showing his true appearance.

"Your choice did not disappoint me." The man said so, Xiao Guoguo asked slightly, "Who are you?"

Never knew that there are still people crossing Heart Demon. Who is it that is controlled inside?

"I am the soul of Xiyue Clock. I sealed myself in Xiyue Clock, just waiting for a qualified master to appear. Congratulations, I passed my test."

"So, my Heart Demon robbery is so powerful this time, you are making trouble?" Xiao Guoguo asked, very angry.

"At the beginning, I was refined for my own benefit. I never regained consciousness, but after seeing it later, I am also reflecting on it. The greater the ability, the more cautious, especially this It’s a matter of returning time.

So I don’t have a recognizing Master Linghao. I’ve been waiting for a master who can grasp this, instead of starting everything from my own needs. Obviously you don’t, you have The qualification to become my master."

After saying this, Xi Yuezhong’s soul gradually disappeared, and Xiao Guoguo felt that Xi Yuezhong’s ability seemed to be enhanced again.

Because of the complete awakening of the instrument soul, because Xi Yuezhong will completely obey her instructions from now on. So Xi Yuezhong also became stronger.

Xiao Guoguo opened his eyes abruptly, and when he saw his side Chi Xuan, he wanted to cry instantly. Who knows how she felt when she saw Chi Xuan die just now, it was as if someone gave her a knife.

"Fortunately, you are fine." Xiao Guoguo said so, and Chi Xuan stared at her: "I promise, as long as you are there, there will be my silhouette. I will never Leaving you alone, I will be where you can see for the rest of my life."

Chi Xuan doesn’t care that there are many people watching them, he knows Xiao Guoguo’s Heart Demon robbery this time. It's about yourself. So he must first appease Xiao Guoguo, he must stabilize her mind and not be affected.

"Okay, you must do it, if you can't do it, I will definitely ask you to settle the account!" Xiao Guoguo said, and lightly punched Chi Xuan on the shoulder with his fist.

"Okay, I won't let you settle the account with me." Chi Xuan wrapped Xiao Guoguo's fist in his own, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

They all know each other's thoughts and can feel their inner thoughts, so they feel sweet and warm. But this is not the case for the people around who are still watching them.

They were caught off guard by eating this bowl of dog food. To be honest, they were worried about Xiao Guoguo, but seeing Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan so crooked, I was moved, envy, and jealous.

It is embarrassing at most, people are sweet, they eat dog food, which is unfair.

(End of this chapter)

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