
  Chapter 2146 is scared The only thing in the world that cares about is his wife A Yuan, he has one idea now, even if it is to pay the price of his life, he must make A Yuan sober.

"A Yuan, I am sorry for you these years. If I kill me to make you feel better, then I am willing to give you my life."

At this time, the spirit The wife seemed to be awake for a moment, but it was only a moment, and then she slapped the Old Ancestor dantian of the Ling Family. This is a full strength attack. The Old Ancestor of the Ling Family couldn't help but spray blood, which changed the eyes of the Ling Family. .

The Old Ancestor of the Lingjia couldn't hold her sleeve anymore, and she fell to the ground. Mrs. Lingjia looked down, as if she finally understood what she had just done.

First, she couldn't help but looked at her palm, she couldn't believe that she actually killed the old Ancestor of the spiritual family, and killed her Husband!

This thought made her feel broken and she couldn't accept it, so she immediately looked down and found that Old Ancestor was lying on the ground.

"No, you can't die! I haven't asked you clearly yet, you haven't made it clear yet, so you can die! What if you die, what should I do if you die!"

She doesn't know what to say anymore, just feels desperate. And Lingjia Old Ancestor also raised his hand to wipe her tears at this moment, saying: "Don't be sad, you have to be well, so I can rest assured."

Lingjia Old Ancestor's words are simply the last one. Straw made the lady sad and desperate, raised her hand, wishing to end her life soon.

And at this time, Xiao Guoguo and Lingyue finally broke through the barrier, and then successfully ran in. Xiao Guoguo grabbed the Old Ancestor of the spiritual family and fed him a life-saving medicine pill, thinking in his heart, he is so old, what a trouble!

And Lingyue hugged Mrs. Lingjia, and hurriedly said: "Old Ancestor is okay, Guoguo will definitely save his life!"

Lingyue said that, the spiritual family man can be regarded as regaining a little look. She stared at Xiao Guoguo and her side spiritual family Old Ancestor, not knowing whether Lingyue was telling the truth or just to comfort herself.

Time has passed by little by little, and the look of Lingjia Old Ancestor has improved. This made Lingyue and his wife sighed in relief. And Xiao Guoguo feels that there is no need to do this at all, has he forgotten the speciality of the spirit bloodline?

In fact, Xiao Guoguo belongs to Old Ancestor, a spiritualist who convinced himself of the spirit. This bitter trick is true! Although the spirit bloodline can save his life, injuries are still inevitable.

In order to regain the heart of the daughter-in-law, regardless of whether he was hurt or not, he was directly slapped twice. The small life can be saved, but he suffered!

"Will you die?" Madam looked at Xiao Guoguo, and when she saw Xiao Guoguo's nodded very serious, she felt completely relieved.

"That's good, that's good, I will take good care of him in the future." When Mrs. Lingjia said that, Xiao Guoguo knew that Old Ancestor had won.

Since then, the old Ancestor and his wife have lived happily. Although his training base cannot be recovered for the time being because of his severe injuries, everything else is perfect. There is a lady to take care of, Old Ancestor, that is very desirable.

Xiao Guoguo doesn't pay attention to this. They are sweet, and their youngsters don't envy him either. The wife completely untied her heart knot, which is good for them, otherwise I am afraid that they will be uneasy in cultivation here.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan continue to cultivation, they want to break through here without a sense of action.

You must know that the spiritual power here is the most abundant. If it can be cultivated for a long time, it will only benefit them without harm. In that case, they didn't go looking for another good place, and just insisted here. Moreover, a few people also had a hunch that they were not far away from Wuwei.

In such a blink of an eye, ten years have passed in a hurry, and Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan have been here for ten years. For ten years, they have been cultivating, and finally waited until Xiao Guoguo was upgraded and wanted to break through Saint. Realm, to reach Wuwei.

Xiao Guoguo wants Transcending Tribulation. Naturally, the thunder and lightning are more severe, but this time the old ancestor of the old Ancestor is not to be said to be a help. If his wife is not going to come and have a look, he will not take a look.

Of course, that's what he thought in his heart. He really didn't dare to say that. You must know that he has only had a good life for a few years now, and he didn't dare to anger his wife. He is now looking forward to when Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are willing to leave. They will leave and the place will be quiet.

Xiao Guoguo Transcending Tribulation, Chi Xuan didn't dare to be together this time, the infinite tribulation thunder, even one person Transcending Tribulation is very risky, even more how is two people.

And Xiao Guoguo carries the tribulation thunder himself and a long sword in his hand, quite at the same time comprehending the meaning of sword dao in the tribulation thunder. Seeing this laughed at the Old Ancestor of the Ling Family, let alone it is really interesting, this girl is really the most outstanding one in the dísciple of the Ling Family.

With this perception, with this solid foundation, if it takes time, it will inevitably become a superstar in a new cultivation world. It’s just that Old Ancestor laughed. In fact, the real genius is excellent at aptitude, but few people are willing to be mediocre. Those with a high cultivation base and living for a long time are really not the ones who only know retreat all day long.

At this moment, when he was retreating and hoping to increase his life essence, he opened his eyes suddenly, because he felt the energy of Xiyuezhong again, and this time seemed to be stronger.

After thinking about him plotting against for so many years, he finally missed this treasure. Di Xing Venerable felt very heartache, and he felt unwilling. Moreover, the reappearance of Xi Yuezhong had a great impact on him, because he could not be well cultivated.

After so many years of waiting, the first time he saw Xiyuezhong, he became greedy, and he wanted this Xiyuezhong no matter what.

But all the people under him have been sent out, and these people have not brought back any news now, and they don't know where they have all gone! Di Xing Venerable was very angry thinking this way, and his violent anger made him feel dizzy.

He doesn't have much time. If he still can't find Xiyuezhong, would he really fall? Thinking of the fall, Venerable still couldn't sit still, and kept walking around.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo is still in Transcending Tribulation, and Thunder Tribulation is falling one after another. It is very compact and does not give Xiao Guoguo any opportunity to replenish his physical fitness.

Xiao Guoguo knows that Chi Xuan was always by her side when she was Transcending Tribulation, so she felt confident in her heart. This is also Xiao Guoguo's confidence. She carried all the tribulation thunder alone, and when three days passed, spiritual power rain and auspicious clouds appeared in the sky again.

Everyone is very encouraged and delighted about this, because Xiao Guoguo Transcending Tribulation was successful, and for the tree, this is also a good thing!

After two consecutive Transcending Tribulation, the lightning and spiritual power and rain trees can be stored. Xiao Guoguo knows this and thinks it is very good. And these powers will eventually contribute to the growth of the tree.

Everyone stared at Xiao Guoguo, and none of them dared to slacken their efforts. The reason was very simple. The previous lady of the spiritual family almost entered the demonic cultivator, and they were really scared.

(End of this chapter)

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