
  Chapter 2142 Seclusion

Because of the presence of Xiyuezhong , it seems like thousands of years of time flow In fact, it was very fast, but important things have been seen, such as Third Young Master getting married and marrying a woman he likes.

In the next few hundred years, the old Ancestor of the spirit family was still crazy, but the clansman of the spirit family seemed to have forgotten this Old Ancestor, and they lived their lives.

The Eldest Young Master cultivation base of the spirit family is the highest, but it has only reached the Great Immortal Master, making the spirit family the Great Family on this plane. No one dares to bully the spirit family easily, and the spirit family dísciple can also marry the famous family in order to guarantee their status.

With more and more descendants, Mrs. Lingjia was naturally happy, but one day, Old Ancestor from the Lingjia suddenly returned, and then seemed to be a lot more sober.

Looking at the father who came back suddenly, the three Young Masters were in a mixed mood, but the old Ancestor of the spirit family seemed to have not stayed for a long time. Instead, they left the two trees in the spirit family and ordered people to take good care of them.

After such an order, he left again and saw that the old Ancestor at that time was already the Saint Realm cultivation base. However, no one knows that there is an Old Ancestor in the Saint Realm cultivation base.

Later, the Eldest Young Master of the spirit family fell. It was not because of injuries but because the cultivation base could not break through the Immortal Zun period. Although this is a pity, as a cultivator, he has a high cultivation base.

And his son did not inherit the position of patriarch, instead Second Young Master took over and became patriarch. However, the Second Young Master's cultivation base is not as high as his big brother, so he let the spiritual family behave in a low-key manner. Coupled with the good reputation accumulated over the years, although it has not achieved any reputation, it has allowed the family to spend a period of time in peace.

Nobody didn't expect. The most cultivation talent among the brothers is the Third Young Master. The Third Young Master has the highest cultivation base. At the later stage, it even breaks through Xianzun. This makes Lingjia feel that the family has support.

Of course, after becoming the Immortal Venerable, naturally there was some trouble. In the process of fighting for magic weapons together, they angered the Elder, a small sect, because of this, the Elder sent someone to retaliate.

Naturally, this so-called revenge cannot be so direct, but to find a name to retaliate. So they planted and framed the spirit family and became a target of public criticism.

After this time, the spirit family was going to be bullied, but at this time, the spirit family Old Ancestor returned again. He was also completely awake, he looked at that sect Elder with contempt.

Such an Old Ancestor surprised the old Ancestor, but this time he supported the old Ancestor and destroyed the Elder directly, and his powerful strength even made the opponent's sect master move. He bowed his head and admitted wrong.

Since then, the status of Lingjia has improved a lot. And the old Ancestor of the spirit family knew that the Third Young Master was his own son, but every time he saw him, he would think of his wife, so he would rather not see him.

But fortunately, he was still worried about the only surviving son, so he allocated a lot of cultivation resources in his hands. At that time, he was busy refining Xiyue Zhong, looking for materials from various places, so he did not personally guide the Third Young Master.

The Third Young Master lived the longest time, because it failed to do it during the breakthrough Saint Realm, and it eventually fell.

Generally speaking, although this Lu Family Old Ancestor is a scumbag, the three Young Masters are not vendettas, but have consumed their life essence. And when the Third Young Master was there, the spirit family was also fiercely beautiful for a while.

After that, because the Third Young Master fell, everyone felt that the spiritual family had the benefits to be divided, so they really took action to suppress. Only save the family.

Xiao Guoguo saw this and felt a little helpless, so he persuaded Mrs. Na Lingjia: "People say that things are impermanent. This is even more so in the cultivation world. After thousands of years of prosperity, it is also possible. Experience difficulties. You have to be more open to it."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Mrs. Lingjia nodded said: "I understand all of these. The three of them can start and end well, so I can rest assured, you Don't worry, I'm not someone who doesn't understand."

Xiao Guoguo saw Mrs. Lingjia say so, she really admired her. After seeing that, it was Lingyue and her elder brother. The two of them were helped by the dao fruit tree and the big tree, and once again stepped into the peak of cultivation.

Of course, before them, Xiao Guoguo was pitted by the Old Ancestor of the Ling Family. This Xiyue Clock also appeared in Central Lake, and the Lady of the Ling Family also understood how this Xiyue Clock came from. .

Later, the Lingjia was killed by the Venerable again, and Mrs. Lingjia had taken this matter very calmly. After all, bloodline has passed many generations. In fact, what she cares most about is the three Young Masters and several grandchildren, who grew up next to her. They ended well, so she was relieved.

"Let's go, I've seen it." Mrs. Lingjia was very happy this time, Xiao Guoguo nodded, a burst of rays of light shone, and they returned to the place.

Yuemu and others were anxious. When he was anxious, Xiao Guoguo suddenly appeared. This was unexpected. Yuemu didn't adjust his expression and forgot what to say.

"Yuemu, how long have we been walking this time?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and Yuemu was stunned for a moment and said: "In three days, you have been away for three days."

Yuemu said so, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan glanced at each other. After such a long delay, it was only three days here. The difference is naturally very amazing.

"Boss, are you okay?" Looking at Xiao Guoguo in silence, Yuemu was a little worried.

"It's okay, we are back." Xiao Guoguo said so, and everyone looked at the extra woman.

This woman looks very young, everyone guessed, is this the legendary lady of the spiritual family?

"Junior Lingyue, I have seen my wife." Lingyue salutes first. She is the spiritual family dísciple. Even if she is dissatisfied with the spiritual family Old Ancestor, she still salutes him according to the rules.

And this lady also has a portrait in the spirit house. Because this lady left early, but the son in the family missed his mother deeply, so he painted a portrait specially and passed it down.

Now that I see Daoist, Lingyue always feels unreal. But at the same time, I feel hopeful. Anyway, someone can manage the Old Ancestor!

"Good child, get up." Mrs. Lingjia said so and helped Lingyue up, and then said with a smile: "It's great that you and your big brother revitalized Lingjia, I should still thank you That’s right."

Mrs. Lingjia’s words are sincere. She has seen everything back then. Without these two children, what the Lingjia looks like now, I really don’t know.

"Madam wants to go back to Ling's house! The disciplines must be very happy to see you!" Lingyue said. In fact, she was very happy to see Old Ancestor before she knew that Old Ancestor is who.

"No, we won't go back. The spiritual family is very good now, and we can't do anything for the spiritual family. The spiritual family does not need us now, and we will naturally appear when we need it." Lingyue said that, Lingyue was a little disappointed, why one or two don't like to go back to the Lingyue house.

"Where is the lady going?" Lingyue asked curiously.

"Cultivation, I want to cultivation properly and protect the spiritual family by myself!" said Mrs. Ling family.

(End of this chapter)

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