
  Chapter 2141 Return

Although the Old Ancestor said so, they just refused to forgive him , You must know that Mrs. Lingjia's heart must be uncomfortable.

They came tens of thousands of years later, and naturally they can see everything, but this wife of the spiritual family is not, she only has a few hundred life essence, and children have only been together for a few hundred years. Suddenly knowing that she was about to die, and after she died, the spiritual family Old Ancestor didn't even help her children.

This is simply unacceptable! How could anyone do this? Even if Heart Demon is ridden, it shouldn't be the case!

Although they knew that the three sons had survived for thousands of years, they were struggling by themselves. This father's job didn't help at all, and they didn't borrow at all.

"I won't go!" said Mrs. Lingjia. Xiao Guoguo is actually a bit embarrassed. If she really doesn't leave, this old Ancestor of Lingjia will do crazy things.

"Madam, please think twice!" Xiao Guoguo advised her, and Mrs. Lingjia glanced at her suddenly.

"Girl, I have one thing to ask you!" Madam Lingjia asked Xiao Guoguo so solemnly. Xiao Guoguo knew it must be difficult.

"Madam, you say, as long as I can do it, I will do my best!" Xiao Guoguo said, and Mrs. Lingjia saluted her and thanked her.

"Girl, I want to live for a few more years. I won't appear in front of people, and I won't do anything. I just want to watch the three sons grow up!" Looking at the Old Ancestor of the spirit family, he had made up his mind at this moment, rather than leave, and grow up guarding the Third Young Master.

"Does Madam want to see the Third Young Master grow up?" Xiao Guoguo asked. She can be with me here, but what does the Old Ancestor think? Can he be willing? ?

"Twenty years, as long as twenty years will do!" Mrs. Lingjia pleaded again, even kneeling down. How could Xiao Guoguo let her do this and directly helped her up.

"Madam, I promise you that, no need to go elsewhere, just here, just set up the array." Xiao Guoguo said, the lady of Lingjia quickly nodded, this is the best Up.

The Old Ancestor of the spirit family definitely wants to oppose it, but the wife of the spirit family simply doesn't look at him, which makes the spirit family Old Ancestor very sad but there is no way.

On the second day, when everything was over, the barrier set up by Mrs. Lingjia finally disappeared. Everyone outside the door walked in and saw only the Old Ancestor of the Lingjia.

"Father! Father!" The old master of the Ling family patted the face of the Old Ancestor of the Ling family like this, and the Old Ancestor of the Ling family woke up.

He thinks he slept well this time! He hasn't slept so peacefully for a long time. Looking at his son on his side, he asked with a look of surprise: "Why are you here? When did I come back?"

The Old Ancestor of Lingjia didn't even know when he came back. I just know that I miss my family and I want to come back and have a look. At this time, a maid ran out, and she searched around, but she didn't see the silhouette of Mrs. Lingjia. She suddenly came to the Old Ancestor and asked: "Master, madam!"

This sentence made the old Ancestor's head crack open. He couldn't remember anything, but she looked at all around and covered the surroundings with Divine Consciousness. He didn't even find the silhouette of the lady!

"Where is the madam! What the hell is going on!" Lingjia Old Ancestor asked, and saw the maid staring at him with a frightened look.

"Okay, don't be afraid, go all." The old master said so, and they moved and ran away quickly.

And the maid told the old Ancestor of the spirit family exactly at this time. She looked at the Old Ancestor of the spirit family and she was heartbroken and didn't know what to do, but she was very happy in her heart.

In her heart, the lady is the most important. If something happens to the lady, it will be the fault of the master!

Because of this thought, the maid desperately said: "It's all your fault. If you hadn't become a demonic cultivator, Mrs. Simply wouldn't be hurt."

Everyone was stunned by this sentence, even the old Ancestor of the spirit family was shocked, these all are his faults

"Where did the madam go?" The spirit family Old Ancestor angry roar , No one can answer, everyone thought the lady was in this room, but now it seems that she is not there.

Fortunately, the Young Master is clever, saying that the wife may have been taken away by the enemy!

In fact, the body of the lady was in the house back then, so everyone thought it was an enemy seeking revenge, not only injuring the Old Ancestor, but also injuring the lady. But now it has become speculative and therefore unpredictable.

Mrs. Lingjia looked at all this but thought it was ridiculous. They didn't know the truth back then, only thinking that these things were done by their enemies. But these are not important at all, now she just wants to watch her son grow up.

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, Mrs. Lingjia really just stayed quietly, even asking for nothing, she was living in her own yard safely.

As for Old Ancestor, no matter what you want to say, I will ignore it, as if there is no such person, when he is transparent. This made Xiao Guoguo feel that the Old Ancestor of Lingjia was a bit pitiful, but at the same time he felt hatred. If I knew this was the result, wouldn't he abandon the spiritual family so resolutely?

In a blink of an eye, five years have passed, and the Third Young Master has gradually grown up and become more cute and sensible. But in the past five years, Old Ancestor of that spirit house has not appeared.

He was so crazy looking for enemies outside. The Third Young Master regarded his big brother and sister-in-law as father and mother and grew up with them all the time.

Although he did not see his biological parents, but fortunately, the Eldest Young Master is kind and kind and treats his younger brother like a son. Therefore, the Third Young Master is very happy.

And as the Third Young Master grows up, the spiritual family is getting stronger and stronger, the status is gradually improved, and the family is also getting bigger. Of course, they are still a family, even the three Young Masters are cultivation at home and have never joined any sect.

Xiao Guoguo saw that twenty years passed, and Mrs. Lingjia became silent every day, she knew that it was Mrs. Lingjia who was making a choice.

Although the Third Young Master has not yet married a wife and had children, she can be regarded as watching the child grow the Great Accomplishment, watching the spiritual family gradually flourish, the breath in her heart finally calms down.

"Girl, I want to ask, can you take me to see the spiritual family afterwards? A hundred years from now, a thousand years from now, I will not be greedy, just take a look, and then I will not follow you back , After ten thousand years."

Xiao Guoguo couldn't refuse the request of Mrs. Lingjia. After all, he agreed.

She didn't have many appeals, and Xiao Guoguo could understand her feelings. It was her own child, who wanted to be with him for a long time, so Xiao Guoguo took Mrs. Lingjia to see it.

As for the spiritual family Old Ancestor, he knows many things, but there are also some things he doesn't know. Therefore, there are many emotions in his heart during this trip, and it can even be said to be ashamed. He seemed to be a sober person at this time, knowing that he had done something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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