
  Chapter 2128 The Past Looking ahead, without moving or talking, I've been thinking about it all the time.

But after this situation lasted for three days, the old man felt disappointed, because Xiao Guoguo didn't change anything, but kept sitting. If you talk about patience, no one is as good as him. After so many years of stone carving, no matter how fiery temper is, he loses his temper.

But he knew in his heart that it was one thing, and wanting to accept reality was another thing. He didn't want to leave and sat down not far from Xiao Guoguo. He has been here for so many years anyway, and if it's not too late, he doesn't believe it anymore. He will go out all his life and he won't give a chance at all.

Xiao Guoguo stood up abruptly after sitting in this way for a month, scaring the old man. I don't know what I discovered, but I am so excited.

"Do you know the way out? Did you find the way?" The old man asked Xiao Guoguo, but Xiao Guoguo remained silent and simply did not respond.

Xiao Guoguo moved forward slowly, and he would watch it carefully every time he passed a stone statue, as if he was judging.

"What's so beautiful about these stones?" The old man didn't understand. Before that, he advised this girl to stay and carve the stones. She was a bit despised. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

"How many stones did you carve here?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The old man was puzzled. How could he answer this question?

"There are not ten thousand and eight thousand stone statues in my hands." The old man felt a little proud after he finished speaking. Although he said he was trapped in this array, he did it. It has become a few things, and it is also a great achievement.

"Which are it, can you find it out?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the old man was completely stupid.

"Find out? So how can I find out for you?" The old man asked, he thought Xiao Guoguo might be stupid.

"You have to find out! Do you want to go out? Do you want to stay here for the rest of your life?" Xiao Guoguo asked the old man, the old man wants to grit his teeth, this guy is so exciting!

"I'm looking for it! I carved it myself, I naturally remember it!" said the old man, and Xiao Guoguo made an even more demanding request.

"You said that you have seen three people enter here, so can you find the stone statues carved by the two people?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The old man felt that he didn't want to talk to this person.

Whether he can find out the stone statues he has carved himself is still unknown. How can other people's be able to tell the difference!

"Didn't you say that you are a stone carving master? Didn't you say that you have an innate talent that others don't? Since you are a stone carving master, don't you have this distinguishing ability?" Xiao Guoguo said Asked, the old man was speechless.

If you say that you don’t, wouldn’t you just slap yourself. But if there is...Forget it, he will take some effort.

"I'm looking for! I can find all of them!"

The old man doesn’t know, he can’t say things easily, he promised very well, but when he was actually looking for it, really It's dying! This is Stonehenge. I don't know why there are so many stones here. After so many years of carving, he hasn't even reached half of it.

And this half-foot has tens of thousands of pieces. Of course, it’s not that there are tens of thousands of stone statues, but to distinguish from them, which ones have been carved by the three of them, then it takes a lot of effort.

From then on, the old man held a huge brush with cinnabar in his hand, found one, and drew a circle on it. When you encounter the unsure, draw a black.

After searching for three full months, I can basically judge whose hand the stone statue came from. But even so, it cannot be concluded that the rest has nothing to do with them.

"I can only do this, and I can't find one again." The old man said so, although I don't know why Xiao Guoguo did this, he tried his best to help, just to get out. hope.

"That's all, thank you for your help during this time." Xiao Guoguo said, walking into the array of stone statues again, she looked carefully, one by one remembered these stone statues In my mind.

Her Divine Consciousness is very powerful, and she has reached the peak in recent years. It is not very difficult to remember these stone statues, although there are more than 30,000 stone statues.

The memory of Xiao Guoguo one by one, when all of them are written down, it is already a year later. Xiao Guoguo feels that even her Divine Consciousness is strong, it is not easy to memorize and understand all these things.

But she must do this if she wants to go out here, so she analyzed the stone statues of spare no effort, one by one, and finally saw what she wanted to see.

The old man was extremely surprised, why is this girl so peculiar in her routine. He was going crazy when he was trapped here for a year, but this one, who is not in a hurry, seems to be on vacation. Isn't she worried about getting out?

At this time, the old man really remembered that since Xiao Guoguo came here, it seems that he has never seen her anxious, and has always been very confident, even a little too confident. Could someone outside save her? Otherwise, where does the confidence come from?

Xiao Guoguo had no idea that the old man was already very entangled in his heart at this moment, all kinds of speculations, she is now looking at the content of the stone statue. Every time the old Ancestor is in a bad mood, he will come here, so the stone statues here represent his thinking. What she has to do now is to find out every change in his mood from the stone statue.

This is a very complicated thing. For a whole year, Xiao Guoguo used his powerful Divine Consciousness to gradually analyze the things experienced by the old Ancestor in his life.

From the young unwillingness, to later resentment, and then to the confusion after the revenge. Of course, these stages have been seen in the previous array, but there are more things she hasn't seen.

The Old Ancestor was born in a poor family. He learned to carve to make money, so at the beginning, I carve some things that the cultivator likes, and the rich and the rich.

It's just that at that time I was still young and my arm strength was a little insufficient, so the carved objects looked a little immature and lacked the strength of character.

Later, because of cultivation, his arm strength was also sufficient and his vision opened up, so the carved mountains and rivers became more majestic. I believe that at that time, the stone carvings had already left an important place in his life.

Then his family was destroyed. In order to express the resentment in his heart, the carvings at that time were all hideous and hateful. Of course, there were a lot of stone statues during this period. It can be seen that he was very vengeful. urgent.

Of course, during this period of time new people also entered his life. Among them, three stone statues are very exquisite, and it can be seen that each stroke is very meticulous.

Among the three people, there are two men and one woman, which shows that these three are not only his friends, but may even be his best friends! Finally Xiao Guoguo discovered that the woman appeared again, and the two of them looked like a husband and wife, as well as two children.

(End of this chapter)

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