
  Chapter 2127 Looking for

Xiao Guoguo This is not a random talk, after this period of time By careful observation, Xiao Guoguo was able to determine the identity of the old man.

She originally thought that this person manages the array, but now it seems that this is not the same thing at all. This person is mostly the same as herself, but is actually trapped here.

"What do you mean? You don't believe me?" the old man asked, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"Although you have successfully fooled a few people, a smart person like me will never be fooled. You let them stay here with you because of loneliness.

You said that you can control the array, but you are only the cultivation base, and more importantly, the life essence of only three thousand years. Do you know how many years the main array has been?"

"How many years? How many years is it?" The old man was very excited, as if he wanted to know the answer very much.

"I don't know exactly how many years, but at least tens of thousands of years. Have you been trapped here for so long and still don't know anything about it?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, the old man seemed to be out of strength and lost all his motivation. He put down the hammer directly, without hesitation, what kind of love he said.

"I have been here for more than a thousand years, and I have carved stones every day. But even so I still didn’t go out. Maybe it’s because there are too many stones here. No matter how we carve, there will always be new ones. , I am the one trapped by the array!"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." It turned out to be a fake NPC.

Xiao Guoguo just feels that, according to the character of Old Ancestor, It shouldn't be a person who masters the array here. Coupled with the temptation some time ago, she feels that even if she is looking for someone who manages the array, she will not find someone with such a bad mentality.

didn't expect, she really guessed it right, Xiao Guoguo asked very excitedly: "How many people behind you have passed the array?"

Xiao Guoguo finished asking this question, and saw that the old man shook his head dejectedly and said: "Counting you, three people came in, but none of them went out, so did I."

Xiao Guoguo thinks about this. It's interesting. She is sure that no one has been to this ancestral land, so how did the people who passed the array get in? Did that Old Ancestor set up different entrances, as long as it is a destined person can enter?

It’s bold enough to think about it, but there is hope of breaking the array again in my heart, so this time Xiao Guoguo took the initiative to walk into this array of stones. She never moved these stones. Looking at the old man, the old man also Put down the hammer.

What he comprehend back then was that it was possible to go out only when the stones were carved. Later, because it was never realized, he thought that maybe he could not go out in this life.

If you can’t get out, then it’s good to sculpt the stone and cultivation at the same time. It is precisely because of this idea that he can stay here for so long.

It’s just that she didn’t expect this girl to be so powerful. After she has seen through this matter, she will continue to break through the barriers. It seems that her chances of success are still great.

Xiao Guoguo walked inside, the old man thought for a while, he didn’t follow. It’s not that he wanted face and life, but that he walked so many times, closed his eyes and will not go to the wrong place, just follow Xiao Guoguo can't get out of flowers either. If someone can comprehend, he may not be able to comprehend. Now that he has made a choice, he must stick to it.

The old man continued to carve the stone. As for Xiao Guoguo, she seemed to see a dark figure. It was a little boy in black clothes. He was practicing sword at the moment.

Although the child is not big, the cultivation is similar. The sword looks very big in his hand, but he still holds it tightly.

The little boy is so hard but no one sees it, because he is not the child of this family, but the child of a low-status servant.

So even if he wants cultivation, even if he wants to practice sword, he can only come secretly, and there is no good weapon, the wooden sword in his hand is still given to him by his father. But it still attracted people's attention, and even caused some people's jealousy.

It’s just that the child at that time didn’t understand will of the people is vicious. The wooden sword didn’t seem to be mysterious, but in fact it was his father who spent a lot of Spirit Stone and asked for help. .

Because of this, their family was bitterly condemned by Fiercely, and his father was even punished. Later, he fell because of his injuries. From that time on, he made up his mind to be a Master, not to let anyone reprimand him or bully him any more, he wanted to create a family of his own.

In order to achieve this goal, he worked very hard on the cultivation. Fortunately, he has an innate talent. Although he is not from a well-known family, such an innate talent allows him to climb higher than the well-known disciplines.

Because of this, he has become very powerful after hundreds of years of rubbing and fighting, and after he succeeds, the first thing to do when he goes down the mountain is to seek revenge.

Someone killed them back then. If this person has always existed, then his Heart Demon will always exist.

So, after going down the mountain, he moved the murderous intention and did so, personally avenging his father. But his Heart Demon has not been eradicated together, but has always been there.

This was embarrassing, he finally didn't know what his biggest Heart Demon was.

Xiao Guoguo saw it. Later, the man went farther and farther and became stronger and stronger, but his mood became more and more irritable. Fortunately, there is such a place like a stone forest that he can breathe a sigh of relief and immerse himself in it.

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, this place turned out to be a person from the Old Ancestor, a place to relax his emotions.

Later, that one comprehend a lot here. Although Heart Demon was always there, he suppressed it very well. He brought the spiritual dísciple and it became more and more brilliant. He even made another array to protect the stone forest, which later became part of the larger array.

So, Xiao Guoguo really didn't guess at the end, what exactly did this mean!

The picture came to an abrupt end here, she hadn't seen the end yet. But I don't know why, Xiao Guoguo can guess it, that person should be the Old Ancestor of the spiritual family.

Although she has seen Old Ancestor in the past life, because of this change, she is still not sure whether this Old Ancestor is a man or a woman, and how old is it?

So Xiao Guoguo looked at the old man who started to carve the stone again, and in fact, was still paying attention to his own situation, and then sighed and asked: "Have you seen this clip?"

Xiao Guoguo's face turned red when he asked, and he didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to find him so soon. Thinking of the contradiction between him and Xiao Guoguo, thinking that the two were still fighting just now, they answered sorry.

"If you don't tell me, then I will find a way to pass the level and I won't tell you." Xiao Guoguo was so threatening, he saw the old man's face tangled, and then said: "Maybe everyone sees What I see is different from what you see."

"What do you see tell me!" Xiao Guoguo asked, the old man a little nervous.

"I saw a man standing at the top, he took a family to prosperity, but he was not happy, as if there was something on his mind, anyway he was unhappy." The old man is so. Said, Xiao Guoguo is basically certain, that person is the Old Ancestor of the soul, no doubt.

Now there is a problem that needs to be figured out, why he did this. Definitely set up an array for fun!

(End of this chapter)

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